Str (4): If the user has a higher strength than the target. The target will be grappled and unable to move or attack for a turn also making them unable to defend themselves during that time.
Str (4): on a successful attack, makes the enemy bleed for 3 turns dealing 1 damage each turn.
Str (8): on a successful attack, makes the enemy bleed for 3 turns dealing 3 damage each turn.
Str (6): The enemy’s defense has disadvantage and the user's Attack has advantage.
Str (9): The enemy’s defense has double disadvantage and the user's Attack has double advantage.
Str (5): Can use the movement to sprint towards an enemy in a straight line dealing the weapons damage +1 for every 2 tiles traversed.
Str (10): Can use the movement to sprint towards an enemy in a straight line dealing the weapons damage +1 for every tile traversed.
Str (5): Attacking uses the total strength stat as a bonus damage (excepting the modifier). (attacking with a strength of 5 gives +5 to the attack)
Str (10): Attacking uses the total strength stat as a bonus damage times 2 (excepting the modifier). (attacking with a strength of 10 gives +20 to the attack)
str (4): Strike an enemy 2 times in a row.
str (6): Strike an enemy 3 times in a row.
str (8): Strike an enemy 4 times in a row.
str (10): Strike an enemy 5 times in a row.
str (3): User lets his rage take over and shouts loudly, attracting all enemies in a 6 tiles radius. This also gives +3 to all attack rolls, but reduces defense rolls of -3 for 3 turns.
str (5): User stomps the ground with immense strength dealing 1d6+str mod as an attack roll. Each enemy that failed the defense in a 2 tile radius falls prone and receives the difference in damage.
str (10): User stomps the ground with immense strength dealing 1d10+str mod as an attack roll. Each enemy that failed the defense in a 2 tile radius falls prone and receives the difference in damage.
Str (6): On a successful attack the enemy drops their weapon 1 tiles away to the ground needing an action to pick it up. The attack also deals a regular amount of damage.
Str (3): Users can throw their weapon at 1 tile per strength lvl + str modifier. The attack deals the regular weapons damage as an attack roll.
Str (3): The user is assuming a defensive position giving advantage to their defense roll for the next turn.
(Used in the 2 handed slot) Dex (4): Move at incredible speed behind the target. Giving you Advantage on the next attack if the target still has their back to you.
(Used in the 2 handed slot) Dex (4): Attacking unarmed deals 1d4 + dex modifier.
Dex (6): Attacking unarmed deals 1d6 + dex modifier.
Dex (8): Attacking unarmed deals 1d8 + dex modifier.
Dex (10): Attacking unarmed deals 1d10 + dex modifier.
(Can be used as a reaction) Dex (4): Can steal or place things on/from unaware people with a successful stealth check.
(Can be used as a reaction) Dex (3): After a successful attack. Inflicts a bleeding effect deals 1 dmg for 3 turns.
Dex (6): After a successful attack. Inflicts a bleeding effect deals 2 dmg for 3 turns.
Dex (9): After a successful attack. Inflicts a bleeding effect deals 3 dmg for 3 turns.
(Can be used as a reaction) Dex (3): Succeeding a defense roll will attack the enemy dealing the difference in damage.
(Can be used as a reaction) Dex (5): Jump a tile away from an enemy revoking their right to do an attack of opportunity.
Dex (5): Pierces through the enemy’s armor dealing -2 on they're defense role and adds +2 attack bonus.
Dex (10): Pierces through the enemy’s armor dealing -4 on they're defense role and adds +4 attack bonus.
Dex (4): If the user has a higher dexterity than the target. The target drops to the ground rendering them prone.
Dex (7): Attacking while hidden does not make the user detected.
Dex (9): Attacking while hidden does not make the user detected. Also gives advantage on the attack.
dex (8): Users can hide better and move in the point of view of enemies while remaining undetected for a turn. (+1 to stealth check)
Dex (5): Users can shoot 3 consecutive arrows at different targets.
Dex (8): Users can shoot 5 consecutive arrows at different targets.
Dex (4): Users can jump and climb for their regular speed instead of half.
Dex (8): Users can jump and climb for their regular speed instead of half. Also makes it so that enemies cannot do attacks of opportunity during that time.
Int (6): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap will freeze every entity within a radius of 3 tiles for a turn making their movement speed halved and deals 1d4 + intel modifier of damage per target.
Int (8): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap will freeze every entity within a radius of 3 tiles for a turn making their movement speed halved and deals 1d6 + intel modifier of damage per target.
Int (10): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap will freeze every entity within a radius of 3 tiles for a turn making their movement speed halved and deals 1d8 + intel modifier of damage per target.
Int (5): Create a 4 tile long wall of ice for 6 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). This wall is unclimbable and has 10HP with 1d8 of defense.
Int (7): Create a 4 tile long wall of ice for 6 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). This wall is unclimbable and has 10HP with 1d10 of defense.
Int (9): Create a 4 tile long wall of ice for 6 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). This wall is unclimbable and has 10HP with 1d12 of defense.
Int (4): Throw a shard of ice for 12 tiles on a successful hit, freezes the target making their movement speed halved for a turn. dealing an attack roll of 1d4 + intel modifier.
Int (6): Throw a shard of ice for 12 tiles on a successful hit, freezes the target making their movement speed halved for a turn. dealing an attack roll of 1d6 + intel modifier.
Int (8): Throw a shard of ice for 12 tiles on a successful hit, freezes the target making their movement speed halved for a turn. dealing an attack roll of 1d8 + intel modifier.
Int (6): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap shocks every entity within a radius of 3 tiles and deals 1d4 + intel modifier of damage and skips the turn of all targets hit.
Int (8): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap shocks every entity within a radius of 3 tiles and deals 1d6 + intel modifier of damage and skips the turn of all targets hit.
Int (10): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, if the spell succeeds, the trap shocks every entity within a radius of 3 tiles and deals 1d8 + intel modifier of damage and skips the turn of all targets hit.
Int (4): Create a circular platform on the ground with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy stepping on the ground receives 1d4 of damage and skips the rest of they're turn if the spell hits.
Int (6): Create a circular platform on the ground with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy stepping on the ground receives 1d6 of damage and skips the rest of they're turn if the spell hits.
Int (8): Create a circular platform on the ground with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy stepping on the ground receives 1d8 of damage and skips the rest of they're turn if the spell hits.
(Deals +1 to monstrosities) Int (3): Throw 3 magical projectiles for 12 tiles and deal an attack roll of 1d4 + intel modifier per projectile.
Int (6): Throw 3 magical projectiles for 12 tiles and deal an attack roll of 1d6 + intel modifier per projectile.
Int (9): Throw 3 magical projectiles for 12 tiles and deal an attack roll of 1d8 + intel modifier per projectile.
(Deals +1 to monstrosities) Int (5): Push magical energy towards the ground creating a shockwave that pushes back all enemies in the next tile for a distance of 2 tiles and deals 1d4 + intel modifier of damage.
Int (7): Push magical energy towards the ground creating a shockwave that pushes back all enemies in the next tile for a distance of 2 tiles and deals 1d6 + intel modifier of damage.
Int (9): Push magical energy towards the ground creating a shockwave that pushes back all enemies in the next tile for a distance of 2 tiles and deals 1d8 + intel modifier of damage.
Int (4): Caster morphs their skin into a harder material offering them 1d6 + intel modifier as defense until the end of the combat.
Int (6): Caster morphs their skin into a harder material offering them 1d8 + intel modifier as defense until the end of the combat.
Int (8): Caster morphs their skin into a harder material offering them 1d10 + intel modifier as defense until the end of the combat.
Int (3): Can touch a target to heal them for 1d4 + intel modifier.
Int (6): Can touch a target to heal them for 1d6 + intel modifier.
Int (9): Can touch a target to heal them for 1d10 + intel modifier.
Int (5): Create a ward around the caster for a radius of 2 tiles that heals all targets in the ward for 3 turns for 1d4 + intel modifier.
Int (10): Create a ward around the caster for a radius of 2 tiles that heals all targets in the ward for 3 turns for 1d8 + intel modifier.
Int (9): Can resurrect any target that died less than 3 turns ago.
Int (7): Can raise 3 undead creatures under your command until they die. (raising newer undeads will kill the previously raised ones.)
Int (10): Can raise 5 undead creatures under your command until they die. (raising newer undeads will kill the previously raised ones.)
Int (5): Can summon any weapon of choice dealing its regular damage type and lasts for 3 turns.
Int (6): Can steal an enemy's health within 12 tiles dealing 1d6 + intel Modifier of damage and healing.
Int (9): Can steal an enemy's health within 12 tiles dealing 1d8 + intel Modifier of damage and healing.
Int (4): Can speak to 2 targets telepathically within 12 tiles. Both the caster and the targets can communicate back and forth until the spell is canceled. (None consenting targets will do an intel check to resist)
Int (5): Shoot a bolt of electricity for 12 tiles that on a successful hit pierces through the target to reach a second target within 2 tiles of the previous target hit and deal 1d4 + intel modifier per target.
Int (7): Shoot a bolt of electricity for 12 tiles that on a successful hit pierces through the target to reach up to 2 other targets in chains within 2 tiles of the previous target hit and deal 1d6 + intel modifier per target.
Int (9): Shoot a bolt of electricity for 12 tiles that on a successful hit pierces through the target to reach up to 3 other targets in chains within 2 tiles of the previous target hit and deal 1d8 + intel modifier per target.
Int (5): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, the trap explodes for 3 tiles of radius dealing 2d6 + intel modifier of damage to all targets in reach.
Int (7): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, the trap explodes for 3 tiles of radius dealing 2d8 + intel modifier of damage to all targets in reach.
Int (9): Can create an invisible trap within 3 tiles on the ground that when stepped on, the trap explodes for 3 tiles of radius dealing 2d10 + intel modifier of damage to all targets in reach.
Int (6): Create a ring of flames with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy passing in the ring receives 1d4 of damage for every tile of flames walked through.
Int (8): Create a ring of flames with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy passing in the ring receives 1d6 of damage for every tile of flames walked through.
Int (8): Create a ring of flames with a radius of 3 tiles around the caster for 3 turns or until the caster cancels the spell (no cost). Every enemy passing in the ring receives 1d8 of damage for every tile of flames walked through.
Int (4): Throw a flaming ball for 12 tiles that explodes on impact with a radius of 2 tiles dealing an attack roll of 1d6 + intel modifier to all targets within reach.
Int (6): Throw a flaming ball for 12 tiles that explodes on impact with a radius of 2 tiles dealing an attack roll of 1d8 + intel modifier to all targets within reach.
Int (8): Throw a flaming ball for 12 tiles that explodes on impact with a radius of 2 tiles dealing an attack roll of 1d10 + intel modifier to all targets within reach.
Int (6): Caster can control an enemy within 12 tiles that has an intelligence lower than the caster for 3 turns.
Int (9): Caster can control 3 enemies within 12 tiles that have an intelligence lower than the caster for 3 turns.