You have a pool of healing power equal to 5 x your Paladin level. As a bonus action, you can touch a creature and restore a number of hit points up to the total remaining in your pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison. Your pool of healing power replenishes when you take a long rest.
When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 (+ 1d8 for each spell slot level beyond 1st), maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or fiend.
As a bonus action, you can open your awareness to detect Celestials, Fiends, and Undead. For the next 10 minutes, you know the location of any creature of those types within 60 feet of yourself. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated.
As an action, you can use Channel Divinity to present your holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation. Choose one creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and undead have Disadvantage on this saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed.
On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of emnity against a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain Advantage on attack rolls made against the creature for 1 minute, or until it drops to 0 hitpoints or falls unconscious.