A creature you touch makes a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 Necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Using a Higher Level Spell Slot. The damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1.
A creature you touch regains a number of Hit Points equal to 2d8 plus your spell casting ability modifier.
Using Higher-Level Spell Slot. The healing is increased by 2d8 for each spell slot level above 1.
Choice a creature within range that has 0 Hit Points and isn't dead. The creature becomes stable.
Cantrip Upgrade. The range doubles when you reach level 5 (30 feet), 11 (60 feet) and 17 (120 feet).
You touch a willing creature and choose a damage type: Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Piercing, Poison, Radiant, Slashing, or Thunder. Then the creature takes damage of the chosen type before the spell ends, the creature reduces the total damage taken by 1d4. A creature can benefit from this spell only once per turn.