Target One creature you can see within short range
Target One creature that is not fatigued
Target One creature you can see
Once per round for the duration, when you roll a die, you can discard the number and roll the die again. You must use the second number rolled.
Target Up to five creatures within medium range
For the duration, attack rolls against you are made with 1 bane. As well, you make challenge rolls to resist attacks with 1 boon.
You jump forward in time, disappearing from your space. At any time during the duration, you can reappear in the space you left or in the nearest open space to it if it is occupied. Otherwise, you reappear at the end of the round when the effect ends.
Target One creature
Area A sphere with a 3-yard radius centered on a point
Area A cube, large enough to hold a creature of your Size, originating from a point within a number of yards equal to your Speed
Choose a moment in time up to 100 years in the future. You disappear from existence. When time in the game catches up to the time you chose, you immediately reappear in the space you left or in the nearest open space to it if it is occupied.
Triggered When you would make an attack roll or a challenge roll, you can use a triggered action to look ahead and see the consequence of your effort. You then make the triggering roll with 1d3 boons. If the roll results in a failure, you become dazed for 1 round
Triggered When the result of an attack roll or a challenge roll made by a creature within short range is a success or a failure, you can use a triggered action to cast this spell. You create a ripple in time, which causes the creature to discard the result of the triggering roll and roll again.
Triggered When you take a turn, you can use a triggered action to cast this spell. For 1 minute, you increase the number of actions you can use on your turn by one, and you gain a bonus to Speed equal to your Speed score. At the end of each round until the effect ends, you must get a success on a Will challenge roll or you become stunned for 1 round. You cannot voluntarily end this effect once you have cast the spell
Target One creature you can see
You destabilize your timeline and rapidly jump from the present into the future and back again for the duration. You appear to flicker in and out of existence, with echoes of your past selves appearing around you and then vanishing. Until the spell ends, you impose 2 banes on attack rolls made against you, and you make attack rolls with 2 boons.
Triggered When a creature within medium range that you can see would take damage or gain an affliction, you can use a triggered action to cast this spell. You mark in your mind the exact moment when this event occurred, and then your future self from a few moments ahead in time travels back to just before the event to deliver a warning to the triggering creature. The creature reduces the damage it would have taken to 0 or removes the affliction it would have gained.
Area A 4-yard-radius sphere centered on a point
Target Up to five creatures you can see
Describe a simple activity you could have reasonably performed in the space within 10 yards of you at some point within the last hour. The activity could be hiding a key under a rock, placing poison in a cup, sticking a disguise in a nearby closet, or something similar, provided the activity does not involve directly harming a creature or an object. The result of the activity then becomes real, just as if you had in fact performed it: the key is under the stone, or the cup now contains poison.
Target Up to two creatures you can see
Triggered At the end of the round, you can use a triggered action to cast this spell. You disappear, removed from time. During the next round, whenever a creature within a number of yards from the space you left equal to half your Speed would make an attack roll or a challenge roll, you can turn the result of the roll into a success or a failure, by moving between the moments to meddle with what happens. You can use this effect up to three times during the round. At the end of the round, you reappear in an open space within a number of yards from the space you left equal to your Speed.
Area A 10-yard-radius sphere centered on a point