You play a complex and quick up-tempo piece that gradually gets faster and more complex; instilling the targets with its speed. You cannot cast another spell through your spellcasting focus while concentrating on this spell.Until the spell ends; targets gain cumulative benefits the longer you maintain concentration on this spell (including the turn you cast it).1 Round: Double Speed.2 Rounds: +2 bonus to AC.3 Rounds: Advantage on Dexterity saving throws.4 Rounds: An additional action each turn. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only); Dash; Disengage; Hide; or Use an Object action.When the spell ends; a target can't move or take actions until after its next turn as the impact of their frenetic speed catches up to it.Duration: Concentration (6 rounds) Cast at Higher LevelsYou may maintain concentration on this spell for an additional 2 rounds for each slot level above 4th.Rare VersionsKoren's Agile Accelerando. A target's additional action can be used to escape a grapple; and targets have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or escape a grapple.
A jet of acid streaks towards the target like a hissing; green arrow. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit the target takes 4d4 acid damage and 2d4 ongoing acid damage for 1 round. On a miss the target takes half damage. Cast at Higher Levels Increase this spell's initial and ongoing damage by 1d4 per slot level above 3rd. Rare Versions Kreven's Insidious Acid Arrow. The acid stinks and disorients as it burns. A creature damaged by this spell makes a Constitution saving throw with advantage or it is poisoned until the end of its next turn. Gabal's Blinding Acid Arrow. The arrow flies to the target's sensory organs seeking to damage its sight. A creature damaged by this spell makes a Dexterity saving throw or it is blinded until the end of its next turn.
A stinking bubble of acid is conjured out of thin air to fly at the targets; dealing 1d6 acid damage. This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6); 11th level (3d6); and 17th level (4d6).
You draw upon divine power; imbuing the targets with fortitude. Until the spell ends; each target increases its hit point maximum and current hit points by 5. Cast at Higher Levels The granted hit points increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd. Rare Versions Stekart's Fortifying Aid. Once per round each target gains an expertise die on its first saving throw made to resist or end a condition.
Your deft weapon swing sends a wave of cutting air to assault a creature within range. Make a melee weapon attack against the target. If you are wielding one weapon in each hand; your attack deals an additional 1d6 damage. Regardless of the weapon you are wielding; your attack deals slashing damage. Cast at Higher Levels The spell's range increases by 30 feet for each slot level above 1st. Rare Versions Aurana's Rapid Air Wave. If you have the Extra Attack feature; you may make two melee weapon attacks against the target.
You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion that alerts you whenever a creature of size Tiny or larger touches or enters the warded area. When you cast the spell; choose any number of creatures. These creatures don't set off the alarm. Choose whether the alarm is silent or audible. The silent alarm is heard in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the warded area and it awakens you if you are sleeping. An audible alarm produces a loud noise of your choosing for 10 seconds within 60 feet. Area: Object or area up to 20-foot cube Cast at Higher Levels You may create an additional alarm for each slot level above 1st. The spell's range increases to 600 feet; but you must be familiar with the locations you ward; and all alarms must be set within the same physical structure. Setting off one alarm does not activate the other alarms. You may choose one of the following effects in place of creating an additional alarm. The effects apply to all alarms created during the spell's casting. Increased Duration. The spell's duration increases to 24 hours. Improved Audible Alarm. The audible alarm produces any sound you choose and can be heard up to 300 feet away. Improved Mental Alarm. The mental alarm alerts you
regardless of your location; even if you and the alarm are on different planes of existence.
You use magic to mold yourself into a new form. Choose one of the options below. Until the spell ends; you can use an action to choose a different option. Amphibian: Your body takes on aquatic adaptations. You can breathe underwater normally and gain a swimming speed equal to your base Speed. Altered State: You decide what you look like. None of your gameplay statistics change but you can alter anything about your body's appearance; including but not limited to: your heritage; 1 foot of height; weight; clothing; tattoos; piercings; facial features; sound of your voice; hair style and length; skin and eye coloration; sex and any other distinguishing features. You cannot become a creature of a different size category; and your limb structure remains the same; for example if you`re bipedal; you can't use this spell to become a quadruped. Until the spell ends; you can use an action to change your appearance. Red in Tooth and Claw: You grow magical natural weapons of your choice with a +1 bonus to attack and damage. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning; piercing; or slashing damage of a type determined by the natural weapon you chose; for example a tentacle deals bludgeoning; a horn deals piercing; and claws
deal slashing. Cast at Higher Levels When using a spell slot of 5th-level; add the following to the list of forms you can adopt. Greater Natural Weapons. The damage dealt by your natural weapon increases to 2d6; and you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with your natural weapons. Mask of the Grave. You adopt the appearance of a skeleton or zombie (your choice). Your type changes to undead; and mindless undead creatures ignore your presence; treating you as one of their own. You don't need to breathe and you become immune to poison. Wings. A pair of wings sprouts from your back. The wings can appear bird-like; leathery like a bat or dragon's wings; or like the wings of an insect. You gain a fly speed equal to your base Speed.
You briefly transform your weapon or fist into another material and strike with it; making a melee weapon attack against a target within your reach. You use your spellcasting ability for your attack and damage rolls; and your melee weapon attack counts as if it were made with a different material for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage: either bone; bronze; cold iron; steel; stone; or wood. When you reach 5th level; you can choose silver or mithral as the material. When you reach 11th level; if you have the Extra Attack feature you make two melee weapon attacks as part of the casting of this spell instead of 1. In addition; you can choose adamantine as the material. When you reach 17th level; your attacks with this spell deal an extra 1d6 damage.
The target is bombarded with a fraction of energy stolen from some slumbering; deific source; immediately taking 40 radiant damage. This spell ignores resistances but does not ignore immunities. A creature killed by this spell does not decay and cannot become undead for the spell's duration. Days spent under the influence of this spell don't count against the time limit of spells such as raise dead. This effect ends early if the corpse takes necrotic damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage and duration increase to 45 radiant damage and 1 year when using an 8th-level spell slot; or 50 damage and until dispelled when using a 9th-level spell slot.
You allow your inner beauty to shine through in song and dance whether to call a bird from its tree or a badger from its sett. Until the spell ends or one of your companions harms it (whichever is sooner); the target is charmed by you.Cast at Higher LevelsChoose one additional target for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Lasting Animal Friendship. So long as the target has a CR equal to or less than half your proficiency bonus; the spell's duration becomes permanent until it is dispelled or you cast this spell again.
You call a Tiny beast to you; whisper a message to it; and then give it directions to the message's recipient. It is now your messenger.Specify a location you have previously visited and a recipient who matches a general description; such as a person wearing a pointed red hat in Barter Town or a half-orc in a wheelchair at the Striped Lion Inn. Speak a message of up to 25 words. For the duration of the spell; the messenger travels towards the location at a rate of 50 miles per day for a messenger with a flying speed; or else 25 miles without.When the messenger arrives; it delivers your message to the first creature matching your description; replicating the sound of your voice exactly. If the messenger can't find the recipient or reach its destination before the spell ends; the message is lost; and the beast makes its way back to where you cast this spell.Cast at Higher LevelsThe duration of the spell increases by 48 hours for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Indiscriminate Animal Messenger. The spell can target any Tiny creature of Intelligence 3 or less.
You transform the bodies of creatures into beasts without altering their minds. Each target transforms into a Large or smaller beast with a Challenge Rating of 4 or lower. Each target may have the same or a different form than other targets. On subsequent turns; you can use your action to transform targets into new forms; gaining new hit points when they do so. Until the spell ends or it is dropped to 0 hit points; the target's game statistics (including its hit points) are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast excepting its Intelligence; Wisdom; and Charisma scores. The target is limited to actions that it is physically capable of doing; and it can't speak or cast spells. The target's gear melds into the new form. Equipment that merges with a target's form has no effect until it leaves the form.When the target reverts to its normal form; it returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If the spell's effect on the target end early from dropping to 0 hit points; any excess damage carries over to its normal form and knocks it unconscious if the damage reduces it to 0 hit points.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Amorphous Animal Shapes. You may transform the targets into Large or smaller oozes of
Challenge Rating 4 or lower.
You animate a mortal's remains to become your undead servant. If the spell is cast upon bones you create a skeleton; and if cast upon a corpse you choose to create a skeleton or a zombie. The Narrator has the undead's statistics.While it is within 60 feet you can use a bonus action to mentally command the undead. When you command multiple undead using this spell; you must give them all the same command. You may decide the action the undead takes and where it moves during its next turn; or you can issue a general command; such as guarding an area. If not given a command; the undead only defends itself. The undead continues to follow a command until its task is complete. The undead is under your control for 24 hours; after which it stops obeying any commands. You must cast this spell on the undead before the spell ends to maintain control of it for another 24 hours. Casting the spell in this way reasserts control over up to 4 of your previously-animated undead instead of animating a new one.Cast at Higher LevelsYou create or reassert control over 2 additional undead for each slot level above 3rd. When commanding more than 3 undead they make group attack rolls (see page @@ in Chapter 8: Combat).Rare VersionsKomanov's
Chilling Animate Dead. Natural weapon attacks by undead created using this spell deal cold damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
Objects come to life at your command just like you dreamt of when you were an apprentice! Choose up to 6 unattended nonmagical Small or Tiny objects. You may also choose larger objects; treat Medium objects as 2 objects; Large objects as 3 objects; and Huge objects as 6 objects. You can't animate objects larger than Huge. Until the spell ends or it is reduced to 0 hit points; you animate the targets and turn them into constructs under your control. Each construct has Constitution 10; Intelligence 3; Wisdom 3; and Charisma 1; as well as a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover (if securely fastened to something larger; it has a Speed of 0); and blindsight to a range of 30 feet (blind beyond that distance). Otherwise a construct's statistics are determined by its size.If you animate 4 or more Small or Tiny objects; instead of controlling each construct individually they function as a construct swarm. Add together all of the objects hit points to determine the construct swarm's total hit points. Attacks against a construct swarm deal half damage. The construct swarm reverts to individual constructs when it is reduced to 15 hit points or less.You can use a bonus action to mentally command any construct made
with this spell while it is within 500 feet. When you command multiple constructs using this spell; you may simultaneously give them all the same command. You decide the action the construct takes and where it moves during its next turn; or you can issue a general command; such as guarding an area. Without commands the construct only defends itself. The construct continues to follow a command until its task is complete. When you command a construct to attack; it makes a single slam melee attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a hit the construct deals bludgeoning; piercing; or slashing damage appropriate to its shape.When the construct drops to 0 hit points; any excess damage carries over to its normal object form.Cast at Higher Levels. You can animate 2 additional Small or Tiny objects for each slot level above 5th.
A barrier that glimmers with an oily rainbow hue pops into existence around you. The barrier moves with you and prevents creatures other than undead and constructs from passing or reaching through its surface. The barrier does not prevent spells or attacks with ranged or reach weapons from passing through the barrier. The spell ends if you move so that a Tiny or larger living creature is forced to pass through the barrier.Rare VersionsNevard's Repelling Antilife Shell. When the spell would force a living creature to pass through the barrier; that creature is harmlessly pushed back into a space of its choosing outside of the sphere and within 5 feet of its original position.
An invisible sphere of antimagic forms around you; moving with you and suppressing all magical effects within it. At the Narrator's discretion; sufficiently powerful artifacts and deities may be able to ignore the sphere's effects.Area Suppression: When a magical effect protrudes into the sphere; that part of the effect's area is suppressed. For example; the ice created by a wall of ice is suppressed within the sphere; creating a gap in the wall if the overlap is large enough. Creatures and Objects: While within the sphere; any creatures or objects created or conjured by magic temporarily wink out of existence; reappearing immediately once the space they occupied is no longer within the sphere. Dispel Magic: The sphere is immune to dispel magic and similar magical effects; including other antimagic field spells. Magic Items: While within the sphere; magic items function as if they were mundane objects. Magic weapons and ammunition cease to be suppressed when they fully leave the sphere.Magical Travel: Whether the sphere includes a destination or departure point; any planar travel or teleportation within it automatically fails. Until the spell ends or the sphere moves; magical portals and extradimensional spaces
(such as that created by a bag of holding) within the sphere are closed.Spells: Any spell cast within the sphere or at a target within the sphere is suppressed and the spell slot is consumed. Active spells and magical effects are also suppressed within the sphere. If a spell or magical effect has a duration; time spent suppressed counts against it.Rare VersionsLeska's Denying Antimagic Field. This spell's range increases to 30 feet; but your concentration on the spell ends when you move.Stekart's Steadfast Antimagic Field. Creatures that are within the area when the spell is cast gain temporary hit points equal to your level. These temporary hit points last while they are within the spell's area.
You mystically impart great love or hatred for a place; thing; or creature. Designate a kind of intelligent creature; such as dragons; goblins; or vampires. The target now causes either antipathy or sympathy for the specified creatures for the duration of the spell. When a designated creature successfully saves against the effects of this spell; it immediately understands it was under a magical effect and is immune to this spell's effects for 1 minute.Antipathy: When a designated creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it; the creature makes a Wisdom saving throw or becomes frightened. While frightened the creature must use its movement to move away from the target to the nearest safe spot from which it can no longer see the target. If the creature moves more than 60 feet from the target and can no longer see it; the creature is no longer frightened; but the creature becomes frightened again if it regains sight of the target or moves within 60 feet of it. Sympathy: When a designated creature can see the target or comes within 60 feet of it; the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure; the creature uses its movement on each of its turns to enter the area or move within reach of
the target; and is unwilling to move away from the target.If the target damages or otherwise harms an affected creature; the affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw to end the effect. An affected creature can also make a saving throw once every 24 hours while within the area of the spell; and whenever it ends its turn more than 60 feet from the target and is unable to see the target.Rare VersionsRoav's Fiendish Antipathy/Sympathy. A fiend has disadvantage on its first saving throw against an effect caused by this spell.
Until the spell ends; you create an invisible; floating magical eye that hovers in the air and sends you visual information. The eye has normal vision; darkvision to a range of 30 feet; and it can look in every direction. You can use an action to move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction as long as it remains on the same plane of existence. The eye can pass through openings as small as 1 inch across but otherwise its movement is blocked by solid barriers.Rare VersionsSoliogn's Sharpshooting Arcane Eye. Until the spell ends; you have advantage on spell attacks you make against targets you can see with the eye.
You create a Large hand of shimmering; translucent force that mimics the appearance and movements of your own hand. The hand doesn't fill its space and has AC 20; Strength 26 (+8); Dexterity 10 (+0); maneuver DC 18; and hit points equal to your hit point maximum. The spell ends early if it is dropped to 0 hit points. When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on subsequent turns; you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then choose one of the following. Shove: The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it; with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success; the hand pushes the creature in a direction of your choosing for up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to 5 times your spellcasting ability modifier; and remains within 5 feet of it.Smash: Make a melee spell attack against a creature or object within 5 feet of the hand. On a hit; the hand deals 4d8 force damage.Snatch: The hand makes a Strength saving throw against the maneuver DC of a creature within 5 feet of it; with advantage if the creature is Medium or smaller. On a success; the creature is grappled by the hand. You can use a bonus action to crush a creature grappled by the hand;
dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.Stop: Until the hand is given another command it moves to stay between you and a creature of your choice; providing you with three-quarters cover against the chosen creature. A creature with a Strength score of 26 or less cannot move through the hand's space; and stronger creatures treat the hand as difficult terrain.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage from Smash increases by 2d8 and the damage from Snatch increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th.
The target is sealed to all creatures except those you designate (who can open the object normally). Alternatively; you may choose a password that suppresses this spell for 1 minute when it is spoken within 5 feet of the target. The spell can also be suppressed for 10 minutes by casting knock on the target. Otherwise; the target cannot be opened normally and it is more difficult to break or force open; increasing the DC to break it or pick any locks on it by 10 (minimum DC 20).Duration: Until dispelled or the target is brokenCast at Higher LevelsIncrease the DC to force open the object or pick any locks on the object by an additional 2 for each slot level above 2nd. Only a knock spell cast at a slot level equal to or greater than your arcane lock suppresses it.
Your muscles swell with arcane power. They're too clumsy to effectively wield weapons but certainly strong enough for a powerful punch. Until the spell ends; you can choose to use your spellcasting ability score for Athletics checks; and for the attack and damage rolls of unarmed strikes. In addition; your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
You respond to an incoming attack with a magically-infused attack of your own. Make a melee spell attack against the creature that attacked you. If you hit; the creature takes 3d6 acid; cold; fire; lightning; poison; or thunder damage.Casting Time: 1 reaction; which you take when a creature makes a melee attack against youCast at Higher LevelsThe spell deals an extra 1d6 damage for each slot level above 1st. When using a spell slot of 4th-level or higher; you may choose to deal psychic; radiant; or necrotic damage. When using a spell slot of 6th-level or higher; you may choose to deal force damage.Rare VersionsKasvarina's Unsettling Arcane Riposte. When you deal 10 or more damage; the target is rattled until the end of your next turn.
You summon an insubstantial yet deadly sword to do your bidding. Make a melee spell attack against a target of your choice within 5 feet of the sword; dealing 3d10 force damage on a hit. Until the spell ends; you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to move the sword up to 20 feet to a space you can see and make an identical melee spell attack against a target.Rare VersionsKreven's Bloody Arcane Sword. The spell's damage is reduced to 3d6 and when a creature is damaged by the spell it makes a Constitution saving throw or it suffers a level of fatigue.
You craft an illusion to deceive others about the target's true magical properties.Choose one or both of the following effects. When cast upon the same target with the same effect for 30 successive days; it lasts until it is dispelled. False Aura: A magical target appears nonmagical; a nonmagical target appears magical; or you change a target's magical aura so that it appears to belong to a school of magic of your choosing. Additionally; you can choose to make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.Masking Effect: Choose a creature type. Spells and magical effects that detect creature types (such as a herald's Divine Sense or the trigger of a symbol spell) treat the target as if it were a creature of that type. Additionally; you can choose to mask the target's alignment trait (if it has one).Duration: 24 hours (or until dispelled; see below)Cast at Higher LevelsWhen cast using a spell slot of 6th-level or higher the effects last until dispelled with immediate effect.
You throw your head back and howl like a beast; embracing your most basic impulses. Until the spell ends your hair grows; your features become more feral; and sharp claws grow on your fingers. You gain a +1 bonus to AC; your Speed increases by 10 feet; you have advantage on Perception checks; and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing damage. You may use your Strength or Dexterity to attack and damage rolls with this attack; as if your unarmed strike was a weapon with the finesse property. You gain an additional action on your turn; which may only be used to make a melee attack with your unarmed strike. If you are hit by a silvered weapon; you have disadvantage on your Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration.
Until the spell ends; the targets leave their material bodies (unconscious and in a state of suspended animation; not aging or requiring food or air) and project astral forms that resemble their mortal forms in nearly all ways; keeping their game statistics and possessions. While in this astral form you trail a tether; a silvery-white cord that sprouts from between your shoulder blades and fades into immateriality a foot behind you. As long as the tether remains intact you can find your way back to your material body. When it is cutwhich requires an effect specifically stating that it cuts your tetheryour soul and body are separated and you immediately die. Damage against and other effects on your astral form have no effect on your material body either during this spell or after its duration ends. Your astral form travels freely through the Astral Plane and can pass through interplanar portals on the Astral Plane leading to any other plane. When you enter a new plane or return to the plane you were on when casting this spell; your material body and possessions are transported along the tether; allowing you to return fully intact with all your gear as you enter the new plane. The spell ends for all targets when
you use an action to dismiss it; for an individual target when a successful dispel magic is cast upon its astral form or material body; or when either its material body or its astral form drops to 0 hit points. When the spell ends for a target and the tether is intact; the tether pulls the target's astral form back to its material body; ending the suspended animation. If the spell ends for you prematurely; other targets remain in their astral forms and must find their own way back to their bodies (usually by dropping to 0 hit points).Duration: VariesRare VersionsKoren's Swift Astral Projection. While in astral form your Speed is tripled and you can use a bonus action to Dash.
With the aid of a divining tool; you receive an omen from beyond the Material Plane about the results of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the next 30 minutes. The Narrator chooses from the following: Fortunate omen (good results)Calamity omen (bad results)Ambivalence omen (both good and bad results)No omen (results that aren't especially good or bad)This omen does not account for possible circumstances that could change the outcome; such as making additional preparations.When you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest; the chance of getting a random reading from the above options increases. The Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting25%; third casting50%; fourth casting75%; fifth casting100%.
You impart sentience in the target; granting it an Intelligence of 10 and proficiency in a language you know. A plant targeted by this spell gains the ability to move; as well as senses identical to those of a human. The Narrator assigns awakened plant statistics (such as an awakened shrub or awakened tree).The target is charmed by you for 30 days or until you or your companions harm it. Depending on how you treated the target while it was charmed; when the condition ends the awakened creature may choose to remain friendly to you.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget an additional creature for each slot level above 5th. Each target requires its own material component.Rare VersionsAurana's Augmented Awaken. When cast at higher levels; add 30 days to the charm effect of this spell for every 2 slot levels above 5th.Sidoneth's Slippery Awaken. Oozes can be targeted by this spell.
The senses of the targets are filled with phantom energies that make them more vulnerable and less capable. Until the spell ends; a d4 is subtracted from attack rolls and saving throws made by a target.Cast at Higher LevelsYou target an additional creature for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsBeshala's Unnerving Bane. Targets affected by this spell are rattled.Kreven's Tormenting Bane. A target affected by this spell has disadvantage on its next saving throw made against fear.
You employ sheer force of will to make reality question the existence of a nearby creature; causing them to warp visibly in front of you.Until the spell ends; a target native to your current plane is banished to a harmless demiplane and incapacitated. At the end of the duration the target reappears in the space it left (or the nearest unoccupied space). A target native to a different plane is instead banished to its native plane.At the end of each of its turns; a banished creature can repeat the saving throw with a 1 penalty for each round it has spent banished; returning on a success. If the spell ends before its maximum duration; the target reappears in the space it left (or the nearest unoccupied space) but otherwise a target native to a different plane doesn`t return.Duration: Concentration (1d4+2 rounds; the Narrator rolls in secret)Cast at Higher LevelsThe duration of banishment increases by 1 round for each slot level above 4th.Rare VersionsKomanov's Icy Displeasure. Until the spell ends; the target is vulnerable to cold damage and it has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls.
The target's skin takes on the texture and appearance of bark; increasing its AC to 16 (unless its AC is already higher).Cast at Higher LevelsThe target's AC increases by +1 for every two slot levels above 2nd.
You fill your allies with a thirst for glory and battle using your triumphant rallying cry. Expend and roll a Bardic Inspiration die to determine the number of rounds you can maintain concentration on this spell (minimum 1 round). Each target gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the number of rounds you have maintained concentration on this spell (maximum +4). You cannot cast another spell through your spellcasting focus while concentrating on this spell.Cast at Higher LevelsYou can maintain concentration on this spell for an additional round for each slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsKoren's Courageous Battlecry Ballad. Targets gain an expertise die on saving throws against fear.
Hope and vitality fills the targets. Until the spell ends; each target gains advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death saving throws; and when a target receives healing it regains the maximum number of hit points possible.
Choose one of the following: Select one ability score; the target has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws using that ability score.The target makes attack rolls against you with disadvantage.Each turn; the target loses its action unless it succeeds a Wisdom saving throw at the start of its turn.Your attacks and spells deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage against the target.A curse lasts until the spell ends. At the Narrator's discretion you may create a different curse effect with this spell so long as it is weaker than the options above.A remove curse spell ends the effect if the spell slot used to cast it is equal to or greater than the spell slot used to cast bestow curse.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 4th-level spell slot the duration increases to 10 minutes. When using a 5th-level spell slot the duration increases to 8 hours and it no longer requires your concentration. When using a 7th-level spell slot the duration is 24 hours.Rare VersionsBeshela's Enduring Bestow Curse. The spell's duration is permanent; it no longer requires your concentration; and the curse cannot be dispelled. The curse is only removed when a specific condition is met such as absorbing the scale of a red dragon;
ingesting ambrosia; swimming in a mythical waterway; or performing an act of supreme heroism.
Writhing black tentacles fill the ground within the area turning it into difficult terrain. When a creature starts its turn in the area or enters the area for the first time on its turn; it takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and is restrained by the tentacles unless it succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw. A creature that starts its turn restrained by the tentacles takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage.A restrained creature can use its action to make an Acrobatics or Athletics check against the spell save DC; freeing itself on a success.Area: 20-foot squareCast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for every 2 slot levels above 4th.
You create a wall of slashing blades. The wall can be up to 20 feet high and 5 feet thick; and can either be a straight wall up to 100 feet long or a ringed wall of up to 60 feet in diameter. The wall provides three-quarters cover and its area is difficult terrain.When a creature starts its turn within the wall's area or enters the wall's area for the first time on a turn; it makes a Dexterity saving throw; taking 6d10 slashing damage on a failed save; or half as much on a successful save.Area: Wall; variesCast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 6th.
The blessing you bestow upon the targets makes them more durable and competent. Until the spell ends; a d4 is added to attack rolls and saving throws made by a target.Cast at Higher LevelsYou target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
Necrotic energies drain moisture and vitality from the target; dealing 8d8 necrotic damage. Undead and constructs are immune to this spell.A plant creature or magical plant has disadvantage on its saving throw and takes the maximum damage possible from this spell. A nonmagical plant that isn't a creature receives no saving throw and instead withers until dead.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
Until the spell ends; the target is blinded or deafened (your choice). At the end of each of its turns the target can repeat its saving throw; ending the spell on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsYou target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.
Until the spell ends; roll 1d20 at the end of each of your turns. When you roll an 11 or higher you disappear and reappear in the Ethereal Plane (if you are already on the Ethereal Plane; the spell fails and the spell slot is wasted). At the start of your next turn you return to an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of where you disappeared from. If no unoccupied space is available within range; you reappear in the nearest unoccupied space (determined randomly when there are multiple nearest choices). As an action; you can dismiss this spell.While on the Ethereal Plane; you can see and hear into the plane you were originally on out to a range of 60 feet; but everything is obscured by mist and in shades of gray. You can only target and be targeted by other creatures on the Ethereal Plane. Creatures on your original plane cannot perceive or interact with you; unless they are able to interact with the Ethereal Plane.
This spell creates a pact which is enforced by celestial or fiendish forces. You and another willing creature commit to a mutual agreement; clearly declaring your parts of the agreement during the casting.Until the spell ends; if for any reason either participant breaks the agreement or fails to uphold their part of the bargain; beings of celestial or fiendish origin appear within unoccupied spaces as close as possible to the participant who broke the bargain. The beings are hostile to the deal-breaking participant and attempt to kill them; as well as any creatures that defend them. When the deal-breaking participant is killed; or the spell's duration ends; the beings disappear in a flash of smoke.The spellcaster chooses whether the beings are celestial or fiendish while casting the spell; and the Narrator chooses the exact creatures summoned (such as a couatl or 5 imps). There may be any number of beings; but their combined Challenge Rating can't exceed 5.Duration: 13 daysCast at Higher LevelsThe combined Challenge Rating of summoned beings increases by 2 and the duration increases by 13 days for each slot level above 3rd.
Until the spell ends; you are shrouded in distortion and your image is blurred. Creatures make attack rolls against you with disadvantage unless they have senses that allow them to perceive without sight or to see through illusions (like blindsight or truesight).Cast at Higher LevelsYou may target an additional willing creature you can see within range for each slot level above 2nd. Whenever an affected creature other than you is hit by an attack; the spell ends for that creature. When using a higher level spell slot; increase the spell's range to 30 feet.
A thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched hands. Each creature in the area takes 3d6 fire damage. The fire ignites any flammable unattended objects in the area.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsGabal's Inverted Burning Hands. The spell deals cold damage instead of fire damage; creatures in the area make a Constitution saving throw instead of a Dexterity saving throw; and the area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute as it is covered in hoarfrost.
You instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation that you speak aloud. The equation must be a problem that a creature with Intelligence 20 could solve using nonmagical tools with 1 hour of calculation. Additionally; you gain an expertise die on Engineering checks made during the duration of the spell.Note: Using the calculate cantrip allows a player to make use of a calculator at the table in order to rapidly answer mathematical equations.
You surround yourself with a dampening magical field and collect the energy of a foe's attack to use against them. When you take damage from a weapon attack; you can end the spell to halve the attack's damage against you; gaining a retribution charge that lasts until the end of your next turn. By expending the retribution charge when you hit with a melee attack; you deal an additional 2d10 force damage.Cast at Higher LevelsYou may use your reaction to halve the damage of an attack against you up to a number of times equal to the level of the spell slot used; gaining a retribution charge each time that lasts until 1 round after the spell ends. You must still make Constitution saving throws to maintain your concentration on this spell; but you do so with advantage; or if you already have advantage; you automatically succeed.
A 60-foot radius storm cloud that is 10 feet high appears in a space 100 feet above you. If there is not a point in the air above you that the storm cloud could appear; the spell fails (such as if you are in a small cavern or indoors).On the round you cast it; and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends; you can call down a bolt of lightning to a point within 120 feet of the center of the storm. Each creature within 5 feet of the point makes a Dexterity saving throw; taking 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.If you are outdoors in a storm when you cast this spell; you take control of the storm instead of creating a new cloud and the spell's damage is increased by 1d10.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Chill Call Lightning. This spell's silent and purple lightning strikes deal cold damage and don't damage objects or leave marks on bodies. The spell has no vocalized component.
Strong and harmful emotions are suppressed within the area. You can choose which of the following two effects to apply to each target of this spell.Suppress the charmed or frightened conditions; though they resume when the spell ends (time spent suppressed counts against a condition's duration).Suppress hostile feelings towards creatures of your choice until the spell ends. This suppression ends if a target is attacked or sees its allies being attacked. Targets act normally when the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell area increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 2nd.
You perform a religious ceremony during the casting time of this spell. When you cast the spell; you choose one of the following effects; any targets of which must be within range during the entire casting.Funeral: You bless one or more corpses; acknowledging their transition away from this world. For the next week; they cannot become undead by any means short of a wish spell. This benefit lasts indefinitely regarding undead of CR or less. A corpse can only benefit from this effect once.Guide the Passing: You bless one or more creatures within range for their passage into the next life. For the next 7 days; their souls cannot be trapped or captured by any means short of a wish spell. Once a creature benefits from this effect; it can't do so again until it has been restored to life.Offering: The gifts of the faithful are offered to the benefit of the gods and the community. Choose one skill or tool proficiency and target a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus that are within range. When a target makes an ability check using the skill or tool within the next week; it can choose to use this benefit to gain an expertise die on the check. A creature can be targeted by this effect no more than once per
week.Purification: A creature you touch is washed with your spiritual energy. Choose one disease or possession effect on the target. If the save DC for that effect is equal to or lower than your spell save DC; the effect ends.Rite of Passage: You shepherd one or more creatures into the next phase of life; such as in a child dedication; coming of age; marriage; or conversion ceremony. These creatures gain inspiration. A creature can benefit from this effect no more than once per year.
You fire a bolt of electricity at the primary target that deals 10d8 lightning damage. Electricity arcs to up to 3 additional targets you choose that are within 30 feet of the primary target.Cast at Higher LevelsAn extra arc leaps from the primary target to an additional target for each slot level above 6th.
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect) and it has advantage on its saving throw to resist the spell if you or your companions are fighting it. Until the spell ends; the target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. The spell ends if you or your companions do anything harmful towards the target. The target knows it was charmed by you when the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 4th; you affect one additional target that is within 30 feet of other targets.
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect) and it has advantage on its saving throw to resist the spell if you or your companions are fighting it. Until the spell ends; the target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. The spell ends if you or your companions do anything harmful towards the target. The target knows it was charmed by you when the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 1st; you affect one additional target that is within 30 feet of other targets.
You reach out with a spectral hand that carries the chill of death. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit; the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage; and it cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn. The hand remains visibly clutching onto the target for the duration. If the target you hit is undead; it makes attack rolls against you with disadvantage until the end of your next turn.The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8); 11th level (3d8); and 17th level (4d8).
A sphere of negative energy sucks life from the area. Creatures in the area take 9d6 necrotic damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 6th.Rare VersionsRoav's Reanimating Circle of Death. Creatures killed by this spell rise as zombies at the start of your next turn. These zombies have 1 hit point; they are not under your control; and they attack the nearest living creature.
You begin carefully regulating your breath so that you can continue playing longer or keep breathing longer in adverse conditions.Until the spell ends; you can breathe underwater; and you can utilize bardic performances that would normally require breathable air. In addition; you have advantage on saving throws against gases and environments with adverse breathing conditions.The duration of this spell increases by 1 minute when you reach 5th level (10 minutes); 11th level (30 minutes); and 17th level (1 hour)Duration: 5 minutes
An invisible sensor is created within the spell's range. The sensor remains there for the duration; and it cannot be targeted or attacked.Choose seeing or hearing when you cast the spell. You may use that sense through the sensor as if you were there. As an action; you may switch which sense you are using through the sensor.A creature able to see invisible things (from the see invisibility spell or truesight; for instance) sees a 4-inch diameter glowing; ethereal orb.Range: Special (1 mile)
This spell grows a duplicate of the target that remains inert indefinitely as long as its vessel is sealed. The clone grows inside the sealed vessel and matures over the course of 120 days. You can choose to have the clone be a younger version of the target.Once the clone has matured; when the target dies its soul is transferred to the clone so long as it is free and willing. The clone is identical to the target (except perhaps in age) and has the same personality; memories; and abilities; but it is without the target's equipment. The target's original body cannot be brought back to life by magic since its soul now resides within the cloned body.
You create a sphere of poisonous; sickly green fog; which can spread around corners but not change shape. The area is heavily obscured. A strong wind disperses the fog; ending the spell early.Until the spell ends; when a creature enters the area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there; it takes 5d8 poison damage.The fog moves away from you 10 feet at the start of each of your turns; flowing along the ground. The fog is thicker than air; sinks to the lowest level in the land; and can even flow down openings and pits.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
Until the spell ends; you can use an action to spit venom; making a ranged spell attack at a creature or object within 30 feet. On a hit; the venom deals 4d8 poison damage; and if the target is a creature it is poisoned until the end of its next turn.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Vomitous Cobra's Spit. You can use an action to end the spell early; taking 4d8 poison damage and spewing a 15-foot cone that deals 8d8 poison damage. Creatures in the area make a Dexterity saving throw; halving the damage on a success.
A blast of dazzling multicolored light flashes from your hand to blind your targets until the start of your next turn. Starting with the target with the lowest hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures); targets within the area are blinded; in ascending order according to their hit points. When a target is blinded; subtract its hit points from the total before moving on to the next target. A target's hit points must be equal to or less than the total remaining for the spell to have any affect.Cast at Higher LevelsAdd an additional 2d10 hit points for each slot level above 1st.
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect). On its next turn the target follows a one-word command of your choosing. The spell fails if the target is undead; if it does not understand your command; or if the command is immediately harmful to it.Below are example commands; but at the Narrator's discretion you may give any one-word command. Approach | Come | Here: The target uses its action to take the Dash action and move toward you by the shortest route; ending its turn if it reaches within 5 feet of you.Bow | Grovel | Kneel: The target falls prone and ends its turn.Drop: The target drops anything it is holding and ends its turn.Flee | Run: The target uses its action to Dash and moves away from you as far as it can.Halt: The target remains where it is and takes no actions. A flying creature that cannot hover moves the minimum distance needed to remain aloft.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 1st; you affect one additional target that is within 30 feet of other targets.
You contact your deity; a divine proxy; or a personified source of divine power and ask up to 3 questions that could be answered with a yes or a no. You must complete your questions before the spell ends. You receive a correct answer for each question; unless the being does not know. When the being does not know; you receive unclear as an answer. The being does not try to deceive; and the Narrator may offer a short phrase as an answer if necessary.When you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest; the chance of getting a no answer increases. The Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting25%; third casting50%; fourth casting75%; fifth casting100%.
Until the spell ends; your spirit bonds with that of nature and you learn about the surrounding land. When cast outdoors the spell reaches 3 miles around you; and in natural underground settings it reaches only 300 feet. The spell fails if you are in a heavily constructed area; such as a dungeon or town.You learn up to 3 facts of your choice about the surrounding area:Terrain and bodies of waterCommon flora; fauna; minerals; and peoplesAny unnatural creatures in the areaWeaknesses in planar boundariesBuilt structures
You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken language that you hear; or any written language that you can touch. Typically interpreting an unknown language is a DC 20 check; but the Narrator may use DC 15 for a language closely related to one you know; DC 25 for a language that is particularly unfamiliar or ancient; or DC 30 for a lost or dead language. This spell doesn't uncover secret messages or decode cyphers; and it does not assist in uncovering lies.Cast at Higher LevelsThe bonus increases by +5 for each slot level above 1st.
Frigid cold blasts from your hands. Each creature in the area takes 8d8 cold damage. Creatures killed by this spell become frozen statues until they thaw.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.Rare VersionsSoliogn's Cubed Cone of Cold. The spell's area becomes a 30-foot cube. Any buildings or structures entirely in the area take double damage.
You assault the minds of your targets; filling them with delusions and making them confused until the spell ends. On a successful saving throw; a target is rattled for 1 round. At the end of each of its turns; a confused target makes a Wisdom saving throw to end the spell's effects on it.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's area increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 4th.
You summon forth the spirit of a beast that takes physical form in unoccupied spaces you can see. Choose one of the following:One beast of CR 2 or lessTwo beasts of CR 1 or lessThree beasts of CR or lessBeasts summoned this way are allied to you and your companions. While it is within 60 feet you can use a bonus action to mentally command a summoned beast. When you command multiple beasts using this spell; you must give them all the same command. You may decide the action the beast takes and where it moves during its next turn; or you can issue a general command; such as guarding an area. If not given a command; a conjured beast only defends itself.Cast at Higher LevelsThe challenge rating of beasts you can summon increases by one step for each slot level above 3rd. For example; when using a 4th-level spell slot you can summon one beast of CR 3 or less; two beasts of CR 2 or less; or three beasts of CR 1 or less.Rare VersionsNevard's Naturalized Conjure Animals. This spell does not require your concentration.
You summon a creature from the realms celestial. This creature uses the statistics of a celestial creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: an angel of battle; angel of protection; or angel of vengeance. The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands; the creature only defends itself.The creature disappears when reduced to 0 hit points. If your concentration is broken before the spell ends; you lose control of the celestial creature; which becomes hostile and might attack you and your companions. An uncontrolled creature disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 7th the celestial creature's AC increases by 1; its hit points increase by 10; and when it deals damage with an attack it deals 1d4 extra damage.Rare VersionsLeska's Rapid Conjure Celestial. When you use rapid summoning to cast this spell; after the casting is complete it does not require your concentration.
You summon a creature from the Elemental Planes. This creature uses the statistics of a conjured elemental creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air; earth; fire; or water.The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands; the creature only defends itself.The creature disappears when reduced to 0 hit points. If your concentration is broken before the spell ends; you lose control of the celestial creature; which becomes hostile and might attack you and your companions. An uncontrolled creature disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 5th the elemental creature's AC increases by 1; its hit points increase by 10; and when it deals damage with an attack it deals 1d4 extra damage.Rare VersionsNevard's Rapid Conjure Elemental. When you use rapid summoning to cast this spell; after the casting is complete it does not require your concentration.
You summon a creature from the Dreaming. This creature uses the statistics of a fey creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: hag; hound; or redcap. The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands; the creature only defends itself.The summoned creature disappears when reduced to 0 hit points. If your concentration is broken before the spell ends; you lose control of the summoned creature; which becomes hostile and might attack you and your companions. An uncontrolled creature disappears at the end of the spell's maximum duration.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 6th the fey creature's AC increases by 1; its hit points increase by 10; and when it deals damage with an attack it deals 1d4 extra damage.Rare VersionsNevard's Rapid Conjure Fey. When you use rapid summoning to cast this spell; after the casting is complete it does not require your concentration.
You summon up to 3 creatures from the Elemental Planes. These creatures use the statistics of a minor elemental (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air; earth; fire; or water. If you summon only 2 creatures with this spell; increase its effective slot level by 1 when determining the minor elemental's statistics; and if you summon a single creature with this spell its effective slot level is increased by 2 instead.The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions and take their turns immediately after yours. They obey your verbal commands. When you command multiple minor elementals using this spell; you must give them all the same command. Without such commands; a minor elemental only defends itself.The summoned creature disappears when reduced to 0 hit points. If your concentration is broken before the spell ends; you lose control of any summoned creatures; which becomes hostile and might attack you and your companions. An uncontrolled creature disappears at the end of the spell's maximum duration.Cast at Higher LevelsUse the higher spell slot level wherever the spell's level appears in the stat block.Rare VersionsNevard's Rapid Conjure Minor Elementals. When
you use rapid summoning to cast this spell; after the casting is complete it does not require your concentration.
You summon up to 3 creatures from the Dreaming. These creatures use the statistics of a woodland being (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: blink dog; satyr; or sprite. If you summon only 2 creatures with this spell; increase its effective slot level by 1 when determining the minor woodland being's statistics; and if you summon a single creature with this spell its effective slot level is increased by 2 instead.The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions and take their turns immediately after yours. They obey your verbal commands. When you command multiple woodland beings using this spell; you must give them all the same command. Without such commands; a summoned creature only defends itself.The summoned creature disappears when reduced to 0 hit points. If your concentration is broken before the spell ends; you lose control of any summoned creatures; which becomes hostile and might attack you and your companions. An uncontrolled creature disappears at the end of the spell's maximum duration.Cast at Higher LevelsUse the higher spell slot level wherever the spell's level appears in the stat block.Rare VersionsNevard's Naturalized Conjure Woodland Beings. This
spell does not require your concentration.
You consult an otherworldly entity; risking your very mind in the process. Make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure; you take 6d6 psychic damage and suffer four levels of strife until you finish a long rest. A greater restoration spell ends this effect.On a successful save; you can ask the entity up to 5 questions before the spell ends. When possible the entity responds with one-word answers: yes; no; maybe; never; irrelevant; or unclear. At the Narrator's discretion; it may instead provide a brief but truthful answer when necessary.
Your touch inflicts a hideous disease. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit; you afflict the target with a disease chosen from the list below.The target must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. After three failed saves; the disease lasts for the duration and the creature stops making saves; or after three successful saves; the creature recovers and the spell ends. A greater restoration spell or similar effect also ends the disease.Blinding Sickness: The target's eyes turn milky white. It is blinded and has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws.Filth Fever: The target is wracked by fever. It has disadvantage when using Strength for an ability check; attack roll; or saving throw.Flesh Rot: The target's flesh rots. It has disadvantage on Charisma ability checks and becomes vulnerable to all damage.Mindfire: The target hallucinates. During combat it is confused; and it has disadvantage when using Intelligence for an ability check or saving throw.Rattling Cough: The target becomes discombobulated as it hacks with body-wracking coughs. It is rattled and has disadvantage when using Dexterity for an ability check; attack roll; or saving throw.Slimy Doom: The target bleeds
uncontrollably. It has disadvantage when using Constitution for an ability check or saving throw. Whenever it takes damage; the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
As part of this spell; cast a spell of 5th-level or lower that has a casting time of 1 action; expending spell slots for both. The second spell must target you; and doesn't target others even if it normally would.Describe the circumstances under which the second spell should be cast. It is automatically triggered the first time these circumstances are met. This spell ends when the second spell is triggered; when you cast contingency again; or if the material component for it is not on your person. For example; when you cast contingency with blur as a second spell you might make the trigger be when you see a creature target you with a weapon attack; or you might make it be when you make a weapon attack against a creature; or you could choose for it to be when you see an ally make a weapon attack against a creature.
A magical torch-like flame springs forth from the target. The flame creates no heat; doesn't consume oxygen; and can't be extinguished; but it can be covered.
Water inside the area is yours to command. On the round you cast it; and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends; you can choose one of the following effects. When you choose a different effect; the current one ends.Flood: The standing water level rises by up to 20 feet. The flood water spills onto land if the area includes a shore; but when the area is in a large body of water you instead create a 20-foot-tall wave. The wave travels across the area and crashes down; carrying Huge or smaller vehicles to the other side; each of which has a 25% chance of capsizing. The wave repeats on the start of your next turn while this effect continues.Part Water: You create a 20-foot wide trench spanning the area with walls of water to either side. When this effect ends; the trench slowly refills over the course of the next round.Redirect Flow: Flowing water in the area moves in a direction you choose; including up. Once the water moves beyond the spell's area; it resumes its regular flow based on the terrain.Whirlpool: If the affected body of water is at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep; a whirlpool forms within the area in a 50-foot wide cone that is 25 feet long. Creatures and objects that are in the area
and within 25 feet of the whirlpool make an Athletics check against your spell save DC or are pulled 10 feet toward it. Once within the whirlpool; checks made to swim out of it have disadvantage. When a creature first enters the whirlpool on a turn or starts its turn there; it makes a Strength saving throw or takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is pulled into the center of the whirlpool. On a successful save; the creature takes half damage and isn't pulled.
You must be outdoors to cast this spell; and it ends early if you don't have a clear path to the sky. Until the spell ends; you change the weather conditions in the area from what is normal for the current climate and season. Choose to increase or decrease each weather condition (precipitation; temperature; and wind) up or down by one stage on the following tables. Whenever you change the wind; you can also change its direction. The new conditions take effect after 1d4 10 minutes; at which point you can change the conditions again. The weather gradually returns to normal when the spell ends. Area: 5-mile radius
A corpse explodes in a poisonous cloud. Each creature in a 10-foot radius of the corpse must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 thunder damage and is poisoned for 1 minute on a failed save; or it takes half as much damage and is not poisoned on a successful one. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; ending the effect for itself on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher; you may target an additional corpse.
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 2nd-level or lower; its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 3rd-level or higher; make an ability check using your spellcasting ability (DC 10 + the spell's level). On a success; the creature's spell fails and has no effect. The creature can use its reaction to try to reshape the fraying magic and cast another spell with the same casting time so long as it uses a spell slot level equal to or less than half the original spell slot.Casting Time: 1 reaction; which you take when you see a creature within range cast a spellCast at Higher LevelsThe interrupted spell has no effect if its level is less than the level of the spell slot used to cast this spell.
Your magic turns one serving of food or water into 3 Supply. The food is nourishing but bland; and the water is clean. After 24 hours uneaten food spoils and water affected or created by this spell goes bad.Cast at Higher LevelsYou create an additional 2 Supply for each slot level above 3rd.
Choose one of the following.Create Water: You fill the target with up to 10 gallons of nonpotable water or 1 Supply of clean water. Alternatively; the water falls as rain that extinguishes exposed flames in the area.Destroy Water: You destroy up to 10 gallons of water in the target. Alternatively; you destroy fog in the area.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 1st; you either create or destroy 10 additional gallons of water; or the size of the cube increases by 5 feet.
This spell cannot be cast in sunlight. You reanimate the targets as undead and transform them into ghouls under your control.While it is within 120 feet you can use a bonus action to mentally command the undead. When you command multiple undead using this spell; you must give them all the same command. You may decide the action the undead takes and where it moves during its next turn; or you can issue a general command; such as guarding an area. If not given a command; the undead only defends itself. The undead continues to follow a command until its task is complete. The undead is under your control for 24 hours; after which it stops obeying any commands. You must cast this spell on the undead before the spell ends to maintain control of it for another 24 hours. Casting the spell in this way reasserts control over up to 3 undead you have animated with this spell; rather than animating a new one.Cast at Higher LevelsYou create or reassert control over one additional ghoul for each slot level above 6th. Alternatively; when using an 8th-level spell slot you create or reassert control over 2 ghasts or wights; or when using a 9th-level spell slot you create or reassert control over 3 ghasts or wights; or 2 mummies.
When commanding more than 3 undead they make group attack rolls (see page @@ in Chapter 8: Combat).
You weave raw magic into a mundane physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. The object must be of a form and material you have seen before. Using the object as a material component for another spell causes that spell to fail.The spell's duration is determined by the object's material. An object composed of multiple materials uses the shortest duration.Cast at Higher LevelsThe size of the cube increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th.
Your fist reverberates with destructive energy; and woe betide whatever it strikes. As part of casting the spell; make a melee spell attack against a creature or object within 5 feet. If you hit; the target of your attack takes 7d6 thunder damage; and must make a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone and stunned until the end of its next turn. This spell's damage is doubled against objects and structures.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell deals an extra 1d6 of thunder damage for each slot level above 3rd.
The target regains hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
You create up to four hovering lights which appear as torches; lanterns; or glowing orbs that can be combined into a glowing Medium-sized humanoid form. Each sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.You can use a bonus action to move the lights up to 60 feet so long as each remains within 20 feet of another light created by this spell. A dancing light winks out when it exceeds the spell's range.
You create an enchanted flame that surrounds your hand and produces no heat; but sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius around you and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Only you and up to 6 creatures of your choice can see this light.Rare VersionsRavjahani's Darklight. During the spell's duration; you can use an action to kindle this light on a willing creature's hand; sharing the effect with them. When the spell's duration ends; or when any of the flames are dispelled; the spell ends.
Magical darkness that obscures darkvision and blocks nonmagical light spreads around corners as it fills the area. The darkness spreads around corners. If any of the area overlaps with magical light created by a spell of 2nd-level or lower; the spell that created the light is dispelled.When cast on an object that is in your possession or unattended; the darkness emanates from it and moves with it. Completely covering the object with something that is not transparent blocks the darkness.Rare VersionsCyneburg's Blinding Darkness. A creature that moves out of the darkness must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature blinded by this spell can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; ending the effect on itself on a success.
The target gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.Cast at Higher LevelsThe range of the target's darkvision increases to 120 feet. In addition; for each slot level above 3rd you may choose an additional target.
Magical light fills the area. The area is brightly lit and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet. If any of the area overlaps with magical darkness created by a spell of 3rd-level or lower; the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.When cast on an object that is in your possession or unattended; the light shines from it and moves with it. Completely covering the object with something that is not transparent blocks the light.
The target object's weight is greatly increased. Any creature holding the object must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop it. A creature which doesn't drop the object has disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn as it figures out the object's new balance.Creatures that attempt to push; drag; or lift the object must succeed on a Strength check against your spell save DC to do so.
The first time damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points; it instead drops to 1 hit point. If the target is subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously without dealing damage; that effect is negated. The spell ends immediately after either of these conditions occur.
A glowing bead of yellow light flies from your finger and lingers at a point at the center of the area until you end the spelleither because your concentration is broken or because you choose to end itand the bead detonates. Each creature in the area takes 12d6 fire damage. If at the end of your turn the bead has not yet detonated; the damage increases by 1d6.If touched before the spell ends; the creature touching the bead makes a Dexterity saving throw or the bead detonates. On a successful save; the creature can use an action to throw the bead up to 40 feet; moving the area with it. If the bead strikes a creature or solid object; the bead detonates.The fire spreads around corners; and it damages and ignites any flammable unattended objects in the area.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th.
You create a shadowy door on the target. The door is large enough for Medium creatures to pass through. The door leads to a demiplane that appears as an empty; 30-foot-cube chamber made of wood or stone. When the spell ends; the door disappears from both sides; trapping any creatures or objects inside the demiplane.Each time you cast this spell; you can either create a new demiplane; conjure the door to a demiplane you have previously created; or make a door leading to a demiplane whose nature or contents you are familiar with.
You attempt to sense the presence of otherworldly forces. You automatically know if there is a place or object within range that has been magically consecrated or desecrated. In addition; on the round you cast it and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends; you may make a Wisdom (Religion) check against the passive Deception score of any aberration; celestial; elemental; fey; fiend; or undead creature within range. On a success; you sense the creature's presence; as well as where the creature is located.The spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt; 1 foot of stone; 1 inch of common metal; or a thin sheet of lead.Range: Special (30-foot radius)
Until the spell ends; you automatically sense the presence of magic within range; and you can use an action to study the aura of a magic effect to learn its schools of magic (if any).The spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt; 1 foot of stone; 1 inch of common metal; or a thin sheet of lead.Range: Special (30-foot radius)Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher; the spell no longer requires your concentration. When using a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher; the duration increases to 1 hour. When using a spell slot of 4th-level or higher; the duration increases to 8 hours.
On the round you cast it; and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends; you can attempt to sense the presence of poisons; poisonous creatures; and disease by making a Perception check. On a success you identify the type of each poison or disease within range. Typically noticing and identifying a poison or disease is a DC 10 check; but the Narrator may use DC 15 for uncommon afflictions; DC 20 for rare afflictions; or DC 25 for afflictions that are truly unique. On a failed check; this casting of the spell cannot sense that specific poison or disease.The spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt; 1 foot of stone; 1 inch of common metal; or a thin sheet of lead.Range: Special (30-foot radius)
On the round you cast it; and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends; you can probe a creature's mind to read its thoughts by focusing on one creature you can see within range. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or less or that don't speak any languages are unaffected. On a failed save; you learn the creature's surface thoughtswhat is most on its mind in that moment. On a successful save; you fail to read the creature's thoughts and can't attempt to probe its mind for the duration. Conversation naturally shapes the course of a creature's thoughts and what it is thinking about may change based on questions verbally directed at it.Once you have read a creature's surface thoughts; you can use an action to probe deeper into its mind. The creature makes a second Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save; you fail to read the creature's deeper thoughts and the spell ends. On a failure; you gain insight into the creature's motivations; emotional state; and something that looms large in its mind. The creature then becomes aware you are probing its mind and can use an action to make an Intelligence check contested by your Intelligence check; ending the spell
if it succeeds.Additionally; you can use an action to scan for thinking creatures within range that you can't see. Once you detect the presence of a thinking creature; so long as it remains within range you can attempt to read its thoughts as described above (even if you can't see it).The spell penetrates most barriers but is blocked by 2 feet of stone; 2 inches of common metal; or a thin sheet of lead.Range: Special (30-foot radius)Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 5th-level spell slot; increase the spell's range to 1 mile. When using a 7th-level spell slot; increase the range to 10 miles. When using a 9th-level spell slot; increase the range to 1;000 miles.Rare VersionsDiogenes' Specific Detect Thoughts. You can scan the thoughts of all creatures within range and locate one creature currently thinking about a single subject you choose when you cast the spell. You can read its thoughts as described in the spell's description. This spell does not reveal the creature having these thoughts; and until you determine which creature it is you cannot shape the course of its thoughts so the information you receive may be limited.
You teleport to any place you can see; visualize; or describe by stating distance and direction such as 200 feet straight downward or 400 feet upward at a 30-degree angle to the southeast.You can bring along objects if their weight doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller; provided it isn't carrying gear beyond its carrying capacity and is within 5 feet.If you would arrive in an occupied space the spell fails; and you and any creature with you each take 4d6 force damage.Range: Special (500 feet)
Until the spell ends or you use an action to dismiss it; you and your gear are cloaked by an illusory disguise that makes you appear like another creature of your general size and body type; including but not limited to: your heritage; 1 foot of height; weight; clothing; tattoos; piercings; facial features; hair style and length; skin and eye coloration; sex and any other distinguishing features. You cannot disguise yourself as a creature of a different size category; and your limb structure remains the same; for example if you`re bipedal; you can't use this spell to appear as a quadruped. The disguise does not hold up to physical inspection. A creature that tries to grab an illusory hat; for example; finds its hand passes straight through the figment. To see through your disguise without such an inspection; a creature must use its action to make an Investigation check against your spell save DC.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher; this spell functions identically to the seeming spell; except the spell's duration is 10 minutes.
A pale ray emanates from your pointed finger to the target as you attempt to undo it.The target takes 10d6 + 40 force damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points is obliterated; leaving behind nothing but fine dust; along with anything it was wearing or carrying (except magic items). Only true resurrection or a wish spell can restore it to life.This spell automatically disintegrates nonmagical objects and creations of magical force that are Large-sized or smaller. Larger objects and creations of magical force have a 10-foot-cube portion disintegrated instead. Magic items are unaffected.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 3d6 for each slot level above 6th.
A nimbus of power surrounds you; making you more able to resist and destroy beings from beyond the realms material.Until the spell ends; celestials; elementals; fey; fiends; and undead have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.You can end the spell early by using an action to do either of the following.Mental Resistance: Choose up to 3 friendly creatures within 60 feet. Each of those creatures that is charmed; frightened; or possessed by a celestial; elemental; fey; fiend; or undead may make an immediate saving throw with advantage against the condition or possession; ending it on a success.Retribution: Make a melee spell attack against a celestial; elemental; fey; fiend; or undead within reach. On a hit; the creature takes 7d8 radiant or necrotic damage (your choice) and is stunned until the beginning of your next turn.Cast at Higher LevelsMental Resistance targets one additional creature for each slot level above 5th; and Retribution's damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.Rare VersionsLeska's Dismissal. The spell also affects aberrations and dragons.
You scour the magic from your target. Any spell cast on the target ends if it was cast with a spell slot of 3rd-level or lower. For spells using a spell slot of 4th-level or higher; make an ability check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell's level for each one; ending the effect on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsYou automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the level of the spell slot used to cast it is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot used to cast dispel magic.Rare VersionsLeska's Confiscating Dispel Magic. When you dispel a spell that was cast using a spell slot at least 2 levels lower than the one used for this spell; you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot of equal level to the dispelled spell and duplicate it.
Your offering and magic put you in contact with the higher power you serve or its representatives.You ask a single question about something that will (or could) happen in the next 7 days. The Narrator offers a truthful reply; which may be cryptic or even nonverbal as appropriate to the being in question. The reply does not account for possible circumstances that could change the outcome; such as making additional precautions. When you cast this spell again before finishing a long rest; the chance of getting a random reading from the above options increases. The Narrator makes the following roll in secret: second casting25%; third casting50%; fourth casting75%; fifth casting100%.
You imbue divine power into your strikes. Until the spell ends; you deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage with your weapon attacks.Rare VersionsSigismund's Spiteful Divine Favor. You deal extra necrotic damage instead of extra radiant damage; and when rolling extra damage from this spell you reroll any results of 1 (you must use the new result).
You utter a primordial imprecation that brings woe upon your enemies. A target suffers an effect based on its current hit points.Fewer than 50 hit points: deafened for 1 minute.Fewer than 40 hit points: blinded and deafened for 10 minutes.Fewer than 30 hit points: stunned; blinded; and deafened for 1 hour.Fewer than 20 hit points: instantly killed outright.Additionally; when a celestial; elemental; fey; or fiend is affected by this spell it is immediately forced back to its home plane and for 24 hours it is unable to return to your current plane by any means less powerful than a wish spell. Such a creature does not suffer this effect if it is already on its plane of origin.Rare VersionsLeska's Imprecating Divine Word. The spell's additional effect also targets aberrations and dragons; sending them to a harmless demiplane.
You assert control over the target's mind and it is charmed for the duration. If it is engaged in combat with you or creatures friendly to you; it has advantage on its saving throw.Until the charm condition ends; you establish a telepathic link with it while you are on the same plane. You may issue commands through this link and the target does its best to obey. No action is required to issue commands; which can be a simple and general course of action such as Attack that target; Go over there; or Bring me that object. Without commands the target only defends itself. The target continues to follow a command until its task is complete. You can use your action to assume direct control of the target. Until the end of your next turn; you decide all of the target's actions and it does nothing you do not allow it to. While a target is directly controlled in this way; you can also cause it to use a reaction; but this requires you to use your own reaction as well. Each time the target takes damage; it makes a new saving throw against the spell; ending the spell on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration is extended: 5th-levelConcentration (10 minutes); 6th-levelConcentration (1 hour);
7th-levelConcentration (8 hours).
You assert control over the target's mind and it is charmed for the duration. If it is engaged in combat with you or creatures friendly to you; it has advantage on its saving throw.Until the charm condition ends; you establish a telepathic link with it while you are on the same plane. You may issue commands through this link and the target does its best to obey. No action is required to issue commands; which can be a simple and general course of action such as Attack that target; Go over there; or Bring me that object. Without commands the target only defends itself. The target continues to follow a command until its task is complete. You can use your action to assume direct control of the target. Until the end of your next turn; you decide all of the target's actions and it does nothing you do not allow it to. While a target is directly controlled in this way; you can also cause it to use a reaction; but this requires you to use your own reaction as well. Each time the target takes damage; it makes a new saving throw against the spell; ending the spell on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsThe duration is Concentration (8 hours)
You assert control over the target's mind and it is charmed for the duration. If it is engaged in combat with you or creatures friendly to you; it has advantage on its saving throw.Until the charm condition ends; you establish a telepathic link with it while you are on the same plane. You may issue commands through this link and the target does its best to obey. No action is required to issue commands; which can be a simple and general course of action such as Attack that target; Go over there; or Bring me that object. Without commands the target only defends itself. The target continues to follow a command until its task is complete. You can use your action to assume direct control of the target. Until the end of your next turn; you decide all of the target's actions and it does nothing you do not allow it to. While a target is directly controlled in this way; you can also cause it to use a reaction; but this requires you to use your own reaction as well. Each time the target takes damage; it makes a new saving throw against the spell; ending the spell on a success.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration is extended: 6th-levelConcentration (10 minutes); 7th-levelConcentration (1 hour);
8th-levelConcentration (8 hours).
You frighten the target by echoing its movements with ominous music and terrifying sound effects. It takes 1d4 psychic damage and becomes frightened of you until the spell ends. At the end of each of the creature's turns; it can make another Wisdom saving throw; ending the effect on itself on a success. On a failed save; the creature takes 1d4 psychic damage. You cannot cast another spell through your spellcasting focus while concentrating on this spell.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsKoren's Subtle Dramatic Sting. When you cast this spell; make a Performance check opposed by the target's Perception check. On a success; the target is affected by the spell but does not realize it is being targeted by a spell. Each round at the start of its turn; the target gains an expertise die on a Perception check made against the result of your Performance check to realize it has been targeted by a spell.
Until the spell ends; you manipulate the dreams of another creature. You designate a messenger; which may be you or a willing creature you touch; to enter a trance. The messenger remains aware of its surroundings while in the trance but cannot take actions or move.If the target is sleeping the messenger appears in its dreams and can converse with the target as long as it remains asleep and the spell remains active. The messenger can also manipulate the dream; creating objects; landscapes; and various other sensory sensations. The messenger can choose to end the trance at any time; ending the spell. The target remembers the dream in perfect detail when it wakes. The messenger knows if the target is awake when you cast the spell and can either end the trance (and the spell) or wait for the target to fall asleep; at which point the spell works as described. You can choose to let the messenger terrorize the target. The messenger can deliver a message of 10 words or fewer and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you have a portion of the target's body (some hair or a drop of blood) it has disadvantage on its saving throw. On a failed save; echoes of the messenger's fearful aspect create a nightmare that lasts
the duration of the target's sleep and prevents it from gaining any benefit from the rest. In addition; upon waking the target suffers a level of fatigue or strife (your choice); up to a maximum of 3 in either condition.Creatures that don't sleep or don't dream (such as elves) cannot be contacted by this spell.Rare VersionsAurana's Terrible Dream. When you choose to terrorize a target; if it fails its saving throw it suffers both a level of fatigue and strife. You may also convey a message of up to 25 words as part of terrorizing it (rather than 10 words).
You call upon your mastery of nature to produce one of the following effects within range:You create a minor; harmless sensory effect that lasts for 1 round and predicts the next 24 hours of weather in your current location. For example; the effect might create a miniature thunderhead if storms are predicted. You instantly make a plant feature develop. For example; you can cause a flower to bloom or a seed pod to open.You create an instantaneous; harmless sensory effect such as the sound of running water; birdsong; or the smell of mulch. The effect must fit in a 5-foot cube.You instantly ignite or extinguish a candle; torch; smoking pipe; or small campfire.
Choose an unoccupied space between you and the source of the attack which triggers the spell. You call forth a pillar of earth or stone (3 feet diameter; 20 feet tall; AC 10; 20 hit points) in that space that provides you with three-quarters cover (+5 to AC and Dexterity saving throws).Casting Time: 1 reaction; which you take when you are targeted with a ranged attackRare VersionsSidoneth's Crystal Pillar. The pillar summoned by this spell is made of translucent crystal. If this spell causes an attack to miss; the attack hits the pillar instead. If this pillar is destroyed; every creature within 5 feet of it takes 2d6 piercing damage.
You create a seismic disturbance in the spell's area. Until the spell ends; an intense tremor rips through the ground and shakes anything in contact with it.The ground in the spell's area becomes difficult terrain as it warps and cracks. When you cast this spell and at the end of each turn you spend concentrating on it; each creature in contact with the ground in the spell's area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.Additionally; any creature that is concentrating on a spell while in contact with the ground in the spell's area must make a Constitution saving throw or lose concentration. At the Narrator's discretion; this spell may have additional effects depending on the terrain in the area.Fissures: Fissures open within the spell's area at the start of your next turn after you cast the spell. A total of 1d6 such fissures open in locations you choose. Each is 1d10 10 feet deep; 10 feet wide; and extends from one edge of the spell's area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens makes a Dexterity saving throw or falls in. On a successful save; a creature moves with the fissure's edge as it opens.A structure automatically collapses if a fissure opens beneath it
(see below).Structures: A structure in contact with the ground in the spell's area takes 50 bludgeoning damage when you cast the spell and again at the start of each of your turns while the spell is active. A structure reduced to 0 hit points this way collapses.Creatures within half the distance of a collapsing structure's height make a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 bludgeoning damage; are knocked prone; and are buried in the rubble; requiring a DC 20 Acrobatics or Athletics check as an action to escape. A creature inside (instead of near) a collapsing structure has disadvantage on its saving throw. The Narrator can adjust the DC higher or lower depending on the composition of the rubble. On a successful save; the creature takes half as much damage and doesn't fall prone or become buried.Range: Special (500 feet)Rare VersionsSoliogn's Tempestuous Earthquake. The spell fills the area with violent winds. A flying creature halves its speed while in the area and makes a Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its turns or falls prone.
A black; nonreflective; incorporeal 10-foot cube appears in an unoccupied space that you can see. Its space can be in midair if you so desire. When a creature starts its turn in the cube or enters the cube for the first time on its turn it must make an Intelligence saving throw; taking 5d6 psychic damage on a failed save; or half damage on a success.As a bonus action; you can move the cube up to 10 feet in any direction to a space you can see. The cube cannot be made to pass through other creatures in this way.Rare VersionsKreven's Stunning Eldritch Cube. A creature that takes 20 or more damage from this spell is stunned until the end of its next turn.
You bestow a magical enhancement on the target. Choose one of the following effects for the target to receive until the spell ends.Bear's Endurance: The target has advantage on Constitution checks and it gains 2d6 temporary hit points (lost when the spell ends).Bull's Strength: The target has advantage on Strength checks and doubles its carrying capacity.Cat's Grace: The target has advantage on Dexterity checks and it reduces any falling damage it takes by 10 unless it is incapacitated.Eagle's Splendor: The target has advantage on Charisma checks and is instantly cleaned (as if it had just bathed and put on fresh clothing).Fox's Cunning: The target has advantage on Intelligence checks and on checks using gaming sets.Owl's Wisdom: The target has advantage on Wisdom checks and it gains darkvision to a range of 30 feet (or extends its existing darkvision by 30 feet).Cast at Higher LevelsYou target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsNevard's Guarded Enhance Ability. When the target makes a saving throw using the chosen ability score; it can use its reaction to end the spell and gain advantage.
You cause the target to grow or shrink. An unwilling target may attempt a saving throw to resist the spell. If the target is a creature; all items worn or carried by it also change size with it; but an item dropped by the target immediately returns to normal size.Enlarge: Until the spell ends; the target's size increases by one size category. Its size doubles in all dimensions and its weight increases eightfold. The target also has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Its weapons also enlarge; dealing an extra 1d4 damage.Reduce: Until the spell ends; the target's size decreases one size category. Its size is halved in all dimensions and its weight decreases to one-eighth of its normal value. The target has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws and its weapons shrink; dealing 1d4 less damage (its attacks deal a minimum of 1 damage).Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a spell slot of 4th-level; you can cause the target and its gear to increase by two size categoriesfrom Medium to Huge; for example. Until the spell ends; the target's size is quadrupled in all dimensions; multiplying its weight twentyfold. The target has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Its
weapons also enlarge; dealing an extra 2d4 damage.
You animate and enrage a target building that lashes out at its inhabitants and surroundings. As a bonus action you may command the target to open; close; lock; or unlock any nonmagical doors or windows; or to thrash about and attempt to crush its inhabitants. While the target is thrashing; any creature inside or within 30 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw; taking 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. When the spell ends; the target returns to its previous state; magically repairing any damage it sustained during the spell's duration.
Constraining plants erupt from the ground in the spell's area; wrapping vines and tendrils around creatures. Until the spell ends; the area is difficult terrain.A creature in the area when you cast the spell makes a Strength saving throw or it becomes restrained as the plants wrap around it. A creature restrained in this way can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC; freeing itself on a success.When the spell ends; the plants wither away.Area: 20-foot square centered on the target
You weave a compelling stream of words that captivates your targets. Any target that can't be charmed automatically succeeds on its saving throw; and targets fighting you or creatures friendly to you have advantage on the saving throw.Until the spell ends or a target can no longer hear you; it has disadvantage on Perception checks made to perceive any creature other than you. The spell ends if you are incapacitated or can no longer speak.
Until the spell ends or you use an action to end it; you step into the border regions of the Ethereal Plane where it overlaps with your current plane. While on the Ethereal Plane; you can move in any direction; but vertical movement is considered difficult terrain. You can see and hear the plane you originated from; but everything looks desaturated and you can see no further than 60 feet. While on the Ethereal Plane; you can only affect and be affected by other creatures on that plane. Creatures not on the Ethereal Plane can't perceive you unless some special ability or magic explicitly allows them to.When the spell ends; you immediately return to the plane you originated from in the spot you currently occupy. If you occupy the same spot as a solid object or creature when this happens; you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and you take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are moved.The spell has no effect if you cast it while you are on the Ethereal Plane or a plane that doesn't border it; such as an Outer Plane.Cast at Higher LevelsYou can target up to 3 willing creatures within 10 feet (including you) for each slot level above 7th.
Until the spell ends; you're able to move with incredible speed. When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on subsequent turns; you can take the Dash action.Cast at Higher LevelsYour speed increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 1st.
Your eyes become an inky void imbued with fell power. One creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that you can see and that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted by one of the following effects for the duration. Until the spell ends; on each of your turns you can use an action to target a creature that has not already succeeded on a saving throw against this casting of eyebite.Asleep: The target falls unconscious; waking if it takes any damage or another creature uses an action to rouse it.Panicked: The target is frightened of you. On each of its turns; the frightened creature uses its action to take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest and shortest available route unless there is nowhere for it to move. If the target moves to a place at least 60 feet away from you where it can no longer see you; this effect ends.Sickened: The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. At the end of each of its turns; it can make another Wisdom saving throw; ending this effect on a successful save.Rare VersionsBeshela's Devious Eyebite. Your eyes glow with a soft purple light. You gain an additional option:Charmed. The target is charmed by you. On each of its turns
while it is charmed; you may beckon it (no action required) to force the target to move closer to you by the shortest; safest route.
You convert raw materials into finished items of the same material. For example; you can fabricate a pitcher from a lump of clay; a bridge from a pile of lumber or group of trees; or rope from a patch of hemp. When you cast the spell; select raw materials you can see within range. From them; the spell fabricates a Large or smaller object (contained within a single 10-foot cube or up to eight connected 5-foot cubes) given a sufficient quantity of raw material. When fabricating with metal; stone; or another mineral substance; the fabricated object can be no larger than Medium (contained within a single 5-foot cube). The quality of any objects made with the spell is equivalent to the quality of the raw materials.Creatures or magic items can't be created or used as materials with this spell. It also may not be used to create items that require highly-specialized craftsmanship such as armor; weapons; clockworks; glass; or jewelry unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan's tools needed to craft such objects.Rare VersionsDiogenes' Skilled Fabricate. Spectral artisan's tools of your choosing appear in your hands as you cast the spell. Until the spell ends; you gain proficiency with these tools. Each time you
cast it; you may choose a different set of tools.
Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in light (your choice of color). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined unless it makes a Dexterity saving throw. Until the spell ends; affected objects and creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.Any attack roll against an affected object or creature has advantage. The spell also negates the benefits of invisibility on affected creatures and objects.Rare VersionsBeshela's Rattling Faerie Fire. When an affected creature is damaged by a weapon attack it takes 1d4 psychic damage and is rattled until the end of its next turn.
You conjure a phantasmal watchdog. Until the spell ends; the hound remains in the area unless you spend an action to dismiss it or you move more than 100 feet away from it.The hound is invisible except to you and can't be harmed. When a Small or larger creature enters the area without speaking a password you specify when casting the spell; the hound starts barking loudly. The hound sees invisible creatures; can see into the Ethereal Plane; and is immune to illusions. At the start of each of your turns; the hound makes a bite attack against a hostile creature of your choice that is within the area; using your spell attack bonus and dealing 4d8 piercing damage on a hit.Rare VersionsStekart's Obedient Faithful Hound. You can use a bonus action to move the area up to 30 feet. You may do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus; after which you cannot move the area any more for this casting of the spell.
You are bolstered with fell energies resembling life; gaining 1d4+4 temporary hit points that last until the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsGain an additional 5 temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsKasvarina's Resolute False Life. While you have temporary hit points from this spell; you gain an expertise die on saving throws made against fear.
You project a phantasmal image into the minds of each creature in the area showing them what they fear most. On a failed save; a creature becomes frightened until the spell ends and must drop whatever it is holding. On each of its turns; a creature frightened by this spell uses its action to take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route. If there is nowhere it can move; it remains stationary. When the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to you; the creature can repeat the saving throw; ending the spell's effects on it on a successful save.Rare VersionsAurana's Feast of Fear. The spell affects every creature within 30 feet of you. When you first cast the spell and again at the start of each of your turns; you gain temporary hit points equal to the number of frightened creatures you can see within 30 feet of you.
Magic slows the descent of each target. Until the spell ends; a target's rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round. If a target lands before the spell ends; it takes no falling damage and can land on its feet; ending the spell for that target.Casting Time: 1 reaction which you take when you or a creature within range fallsCast at Higher LevelsWhen using 2nd-level or higher spell slot; targets can move horizontally 1 foot for every 1 foot they descend; effectively gliding through the air until they land or the spell ends.
You blast the target's mind; attempting to crush its intellect and sense of self. The target takes 4d6 psychic damage. On a failed save; until the spell ends the creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores are both reduced to 1. The creature can't cast spells; activate magic items; understand language; or communicate in any intelligible way; but it is still able to recognize; follow; and even protect its allies.At the end of every 30 days; the creature can repeat its saving throw against this spell; ending it on a success.Greater restoration; heal; or wish can also be used to end the spell.
Your familiar; a spirit that takes the form of any CR 0 beast of Small or Tiny size; appears in an unoccupied space within range. It has the statistics of the chosen form; but is your choice of a celestial; fey; or fiend (instead of a beast).Your familiar is an independent creature that rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn in combat (but cannot take the Attack action). However; it is loyal to you and always obeys your commands.When the familiar drops to 0 hit points; it vanishes without a trace. Casting the spell again causes it to reappear.You are able to communicate telepathically with your familiar when it is within 100 feet. As long as it is within this range; you can use an action to see through your familiar's eyes and hear through its ears until the beginning of your next turn; gaining the benefit of any special senses it has. During this time; you are blind and deaf to your body's surroundings. You can use an action to either permanently dismiss your familiar or temporarily dismiss it to a pocket dimension where it awaits your summons. While it is temporarily dismissed; you can use an action to call it back; causing it to appear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.You can't have more
than one familiar at a time; but if you cast this spell while you already have a familiar; you can cause it to adopt a different form. Finally; when you cast a spell with a range of touch and your familiar is within 100 feet of you; it can deliver the spell as if it was the spellcaster. Your familiar must use its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell requires an attack roll; use your attack bonus for the spell.
You summon a spirit that takes the form of a loyal mount; creating a lasting bond with it. You decide on the steed's appearance; and choose whether it uses the statistics of an elk; giant lizard; panther; warhorse; or wolf (the Narrator may offer additional options.) Its statistics change in the following ways:Its type is your choice of celestial; fey; or fiend.Its size is your choice of Medium or Large.Its Intelligence is 6.You can communicate with it telepathically while it's within 1 mile.It understands one language that you speak.While mounted on your steed; when you cast a spell that targets only yourself; you may also target the steed.When you use an action to dismiss the steed; or when it drops to 0 hit points; it temporarily disappears. Casting this spell again resummons the steed; fully healed and with all conditions removed. You can't summon a different steed unless you spend an action to release your current steed from its bond; permanently dismissing it.Cast at Higher LevelsThe steed has an additional 20 hit points for each slot level above 2nd. When using a spell slot of 4th-level or higher; you may grant the steed either a swim speed or fly speed equal to its base Speed.
Name a specific; immovable location that you have visited before. If no such location is within range; the spell fails. For the duration; you know the location's direction and distance. While you are traveling there; you have advantage on ability checks made to determine the shortest path.Range: Same Plane
This spell reveals whether there is at least one trap within range and within line of sight. You don't learn the number; location; or kind of traps detected. For the purpose of this spell; a trap is a hidden mechanical device or magical effect which is designed to harm you or put you in danger; such as a pit trap; symbol spell; or alarm bell on a door; but not a natural hazard.Rare VersionsDiogenes' Reactive Find Traps. When you cast the spell; choose a point within 10 feet. The spell triggers 1d4 traps in a 5-foot radius around that point.
Negative energy wracks the target and deals 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage. A humanoid killed by this spell turns into a zombie at the start of your next turn. It is permanently under your control and follows your spoken commands.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 7th.Rare VersionsCyneburg's Shadowed Finger of Death. This spell's duration is 1 hour. You can store the spell harmlessly on a willing creature; causing an inky stain to appear on its finger. That creature can touch or make an unarmed melee attack to deliver the spell to a target; triggering the damage on a hit. The spell ends on a hit or miss.
You cast a streak of flame at the target. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit; you deal 1d10 fire damage. An unattended flammable object is ignited. This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10); 11th level (3d10); and 17th level (4d10).Rare VersionsKatrina's Hellish Fire Bolt. This spell's damage ignores fire resistance and treats a creature's immunity to fire damage as resistance to fire damage.
Until the spell ends; flames envelop your body; casting bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can use an action to end the spell early. Choose one of the following options:Chill Shield: You have resistance to fire damage. A creature within 5 feet of you takes 2d8 cold damage when it hits you with a melee attack.Warm Shield: You have resistance to cold damage. A creature within 5 feet of you takes 2d8 fire damage when it hits you with a melee attack.Cast at Higher LevelsThe duration increases to 1 hour when using a 6th-level spell slot; or 8 hours when using an 8th-level spell slot.Rare VersionsKatrina's Enhancing Fire Shield. While this spell is active; any cantrips you cast that deal fire damage deal an extra 1d8 fire damage.
Flames roar; dealing 7d10 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area and igniting unattended flammable objects. If you choose; plant life in the area is unaffected. This spell's area consists of a contiguous group of ten 10-foot cubes in an arrangement you choose; with each cube adjacent to at least one other cube.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.Rare VersionsStekart's Delayed Fire Storm. This spell has a duration of 10 minutes. The flames do not immediately appear when the spell is cast. If a Small or larger creature enters the area of the spell; the flames appear and deal damage; ending the spell.
A fiery mote streaks to a point within range and explodes in a burst of flame. The fire spreads around corners and ignites unattended flammable objects. Each creature in the area takes 6d6 fire damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsKatrina's Improved Fireball. The fireball deals 8d6 fire damage.Ravjahani's Shadow Fireball. This spell's silent black flames deal necrotic damage and don't damage objects or leave marks on bodies. Any nonmagical flames in the area are extinguished. The spell has no vocalized component.
A scimitar-shaped blade of fire appears in your hand; lasting for the duration. It disappears if you drop it; but you can use a bonus action to recall it. The blade casts bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for another 10 feet. You can use an action to make a melee spell attack with the blade that deals 3d6 fire damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for every two slot levels above 2nd.Rare VersionsNevard's Radiant Flame Blade. You transform a freshly plucked blade of grass into a scimitar-shaped blade which glows with emerald radiance. Attacks with this weapon deal radiant damage. The duration of this spell is 1 hour; and it doesn't require concentration.Sidoneth's Storming Flame Blade. This spell produces a crackling white blade which deals lightning damage. Attacks with this weapon have advantage against creatures wearing metal armor.
A column of divine flame deals 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 radiant damage to creatures in the area.Area: 10-foot radius; 40-foot high cylinderCast at Higher LevelsIncrease either the fire damage or the radiant damage by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.Rare VersionsKreven's Discerning Lightning Strike. This spell deals lightning damage instead of fire damage and is a divination spell. A creature which has knowingly lied in the last minute has disadvantage on its saving throw; while a creature which has not lied is immune to the spell's damage.
A 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears within range; lasting for the duration. It casts bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet; and ignites unattended flammable objects it touches. You can use a bonus action to move the sphere up to 30 feet. It can jump over pits 10 feet wide or obstacles 5 feet tall. If you move the sphere into a creature; the sphere ends its movement for that turn and the creature makes a Dexterity saving throw; taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save; or half as much on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the sphere makes a Dexterity saving throw against the sphere's damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsKatrina's Chariot Flaming Sphere. If you are Medium or smaller you can use 5 feet of your movement to enter or exit the sphere. While inside; you can't be harmed by the sphere; you move with it when it moves; and creatures take 1d4 fire damage when they hit you with a melee attack.
The target becomes restrained as it begins to turn to stone. On a successful saving throw; the target is instead slowed until the end of its next turn and the spell ends.A creature restrained by this spell makes a second saving throw at the end of its turn. On a success; the spell ends. On a failure; the target is petrified for the duration. If you maintain concentration for the maximum duration of the spell; this petrification is permanent. Any pieces removed from a petrified creature are missing when the petrification ends.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature when you cast this spell with an 8th-level spell slot.Rare VersionsKasvarina's Punishing Flesh to Stone. When you permanently petrify a target; you can designate a trigger event within 60 feet of the statue which causes the petrification to end. Example trigger events include a creature touching the statue or a specific item; or a word or phrase being spoken.
You bestow a glamor upon a creature that highlights its physique to show a stunning idealized form. For the spell's duration; the target adds both its Strength modifier and Charisma modifier to any Charisma checks it makes.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.
A metallic disc made of force; 3 feet in diameter and hovering 3 feet off the ground; appears within range. It can support up to 500 pounds. If it is overloaded; or if you move more than 100 feet away from it; the spell ends. You can end the spell as an action. While it is not carrying anything; you can use a bonus action to teleport the disk to an unoccupied space within range.While you are within 20 feet of the disk; it is immobile. If you move more than 20 feet away; it tries to follow you; remaining 20 feet away. It can traverse stairs; slopes; and obstacles up to 3 feet high.Additionally; you can ride the disc; spending your movement on your turn to move the disc up to 30 feet (following the movement rules above). Moving the disk in this way is just as tiring as walking for the same amount of time.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen you use a 3rd-level or higher spell slot; either the spell's duration increases to 8 hours or the disk's diameter is 10 feet; it can support up to 2;000 pounds; and it can traverse obstacles up to 10 feet high. When you use a 6th-level or higher spell slot; the disk's diameter is 20 feet; it can support up to 16;000 pounds; and it can traverse obstacles up to 20 feet high.
The target gains a flying speed of 60 feet. When the spell ends; the target falls if it is off the ground.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsSoliogn's Swift Fly. The target gains a flying speed of 90 feet.
You create a heavily obscured area of fog. The fog spreads around corners and can be dispersed by a moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour).Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's radius increases by 20 feet for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsRavjahani's Accompanying Fog Cloud. Until the spell ends; you can use a bonus action to move the area of fog up to 30 feet horizontally and 5 feet vertically.
You protect the target area against magical travel. Creatures can't teleport into the area; use a magical portal to enter it; or travel into it from another plane of existence; such as the Astral or Ethereal Plane. The spell's area can't overlap with another forbiddance spell.The spell damages specific types of trespassing creatures. Choose one or more of celestials; elementals; fey; fiends; and undead. When a chosen creature first enters the area on a turn or starts its turn there; it takes 5d10 radiant or necrotic damage (your choice when you cast the spell). You may designate a password. A creature speaking this password as it enters takes no damage from the spell.After casting this spell on the same area for 30 consecutive days it becomes permanent until dispelled. Consecutive castings after the first on the same area don't require material components.
Your iron resolve allows you to withstand an attack. The damage you take from the triggering attack is reduced by 2d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier.Casting Time: 1 reaction; which you take in response to being damagedCast at Higher LevelsThe damage is reduced by an additional 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd.
Make a melee spell attack. On a hit; the target takes 3d8 force damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsVorax-Hul's Mighty Force Punch. The target is pushed 5 feet away from you for every 10 points of damage dealt.
An opaque cube of banded force surrounds the area; preventing any matter or spells from passing through it; though creatures can breathe inside it. Creatures that make a Dexterity saving throw and creatures that are only partially inside the area are pushed out of the area. Any other creature is trapped and can't leave by nonmagical means. The cage also traps creatures on the Ethereal Plane; and can only be destroyed by being dealt at least 25 force damage at once or by a dispel magic spell cast using an 8th-level or higher spell slot.If a trapped creature tries to teleport or travel to another plane; it makes a Charisma saving throw. On a failure; the attempt fails and the spell or effect is wasted.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's area increases to a 20-foot cube when using a 9th-level spell slot.Rare VersionsKreven's Imprisoning Forcecage. The spell's duration is 1 day. You can pass in and out of the cage freely; and you can dispel it at any time. If you cast this spell on the same area for 3 consecutive days; it is permanent until dispelled. Each time you cast the spell; any imprisoned creature can repeat its Dexterity saving throw to escape.
You impart the ability to see flashes of the immediate future. The target can't be surprised and has advantage on ability checks; attack rolls; and saving throws. Other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target.
While casting and concentrating on this spell; you enter a deep trance and awaken an army of trees and plants within range. These plants rise up under your control as a grove swarm and act on your initiative. Although you are in a trance and deaf and blind with regard to your own senses; you see and hear through your grove swarm's senses. You can command your grove swarm telepathically; ordering it to advance; attack; or retreat. If the grove swarm enters your space; you can order it to carry you.If you take any action other than continuing to concentrate on this spell; the spell ends and the trees and plants set down roots wherever they are currently located.
The target ignores difficult terrain. Spells and magical effects can't reduce its speed or cause it to be paralyzed or restrained. It can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or grapples. The target's movement and attacks aren't penalized from being underwater.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 6th-level spell slot the duration is 8 hours. When using an 8th-level spell slot the duration is 24 hours.
A freezing globe streaks to a point within range and explodes; dealing 10d6 cold damage to creatures in the area. Liquid in the area is frozen to a depth of 6 inches for 1 minute. Any creature caught in the ice can use an action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC to escape.Instead of firing the globe; you can hold it in your hand. If you handle it carefully; it won't explode until a minute after you cast the spell. At any time; you or another creature can strike the globe; throw it up to 60 feet; or use it as a slingstone; causing it to explode on impact.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 6th.
Once before the start of your next turn; when you make a Charisma ability check against the target; you gain an expertise die. If you roll a 1 on the ability or skill check; the target realizes its judgment was influenced by magic and may become hostile.
The target; along with anything it's wearing and carrying; becomes a hovering; wispy cloud. In this form; it can't attack; use or drop objects; talk; or cast spells.As a cloud; the target's base Speed is 0 and it gains a flying speed of 10 feet. It can enter another creature's space; and can pass through small holes and cracks; but not through liquid. It is resistant to nonmagical damage; has advantage on Strength; Dexterity and Constitution saving throws; and can't fall.The spell ends if the creature drops to 0 hit points.Cast at Higher LevelsThe target's fly speed increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 3rd.
You create a magic portal; a door between a space you can see and a specific place on another plane of existence. Each portal is a one-sided circular opening from 5 to 25 feet in diameter. Entering either portal transports you to the portal on the other plane. Deities and other planar rulers can prevent portals from opening in their domains.When you cast this spell; you can speak the true name of a specific creature (not its nickname or title). If that creature is on another plane; the portal opens next to it and draws it through to your side of the portal. This spell gives you no power over the creature; and it might choose to attack you; leave; or listen to you.Rare VersionsRoav's Iron Gate. The spell is permanent until dispelled.
You give a command to a target which can understand you. It becomes charmed by you. While charmed in this way; it takes 5d10 psychic damage the first time each day that it disobeys your command. Your command can be any course of action or inaction that wouldn't result in the target's death. The spell ends if the command is suicidal or you use an action to dismiss the spell. Alternatively; a remove curse; greater restoration; or wish spell cast on the target using a spell slot at least as high as the slot used to cast this spell also ends it.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration is 1 year when using a 7th-level spell slot; or permanent until dispelled when using a 9th-level spell slot.
The target can't become undead and doesn't decay. Days spent under the influence of this spell don't count towards the time limit of spells which raise the dead.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration is 1 year when using a 3rd-level spell slot; or permanent until dispelled when using a 4th-level spell slot.
You transform insects and other vermin into monstrous versions of themselves. Until the spell ends; up to 3 spiders become giant spiders; 2 ants become giant ants; 2 crickets or mantises become ankhegs; a centipede becomes a giant centipede; or a scorpion becomes a giant scorpion. The spell ends for a creature when it dies or when you use an action to end the effect on it.While it is within 60 feet you can use a bonus action to mentally command the insects. When you command multiple insects using this spell; you may simultaneously give them all the same command.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration is 1 hour when using a 5th-level spell slot; or 8 hours when using a 6th-level spell slot.Rare VersionsNevard's Mounted Giant Insect. The spell transforms up to 10 beetles into riding beetles. When using a 5th-level or higher spell slot and transforming beetles into riding beetles; the spell doesn't require concentration.
When you make a Charisma check; you can replace the number you rolled with 15. Also; magic that prevents lying has no effect on you; and magic cannot determine that you are lying.
An immobile; glimmering sphere forms around you. Any spell of 5th-level or lower cast from outside the sphere can't affect anything inside the sphere; even if it's cast with a higher level spell slot. Targeting something inside the sphere or including the globe's space in an area has no effect on anything inside.Cast at Higher LevelsThe barrier blocks spells of one spell slot level higher for each slot level above 6th.
You trace a glyph on the target. If the glyph is moved more than 10 feet from its original position; or if it comes within 20 feet of another glyph that you have cast; the spell ends. Finding the Tiny glyph requires an Investigation check against your spell save DC.Describe the actions a creature must perform to trigger the spell; such as approaching within a certain distance; opening or touching the object the glyph is inscribed on; or seeing or reading the glyph. The creature must have a clear path to the glyph to trigger it. You can specify certain creatures which don't trigger the spell; such as those with a certain appearance or those who speak a certain phrase. Once the glyph is triggered; the spell ends.When you cast the spell; choose Explosive Runes or Spell Glyph.Explosive Runes: When triggered; the glyph explodes. Creatures in a 20-foot radius sphere make a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 acid; cold; fire; lightning; or thunder damage (your choice when you cast the spell); or half damage on a successful save. The explosion spreads around corners.Spell Glyph: You store a spell of 3rd-level or lower as part of creating the glyph; expending its spell slot. The stored spell must target a single creature
or area with a non-beneficial effect and it is cast when the glyph is triggered. A spell that targets a creature targets the triggering creature. A spell with an area is centered on the targeting creature. A creation or conjuration spell affects an area next to that creature; and targets it with any harmful effects. Spells requiring concentration last for their full duration.Cast at Higher LevelsThe cost of the material component increases by 200 gold for each slot level above 3rd. For Explosive Runes; the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd; and for Spell Glyph you can store a spell of up to the same level as the spell slot used to cast glyph of warding.Rare VersionsStekart's Dependable Glyph of Warding. When this spell is triggered; it doesn't end. Instead the spell's effects are suppressed for 24 hours; after which it can be triggered again.
You transform the components into 2d4 berries. For the next 24 hours; any creature that consumes one of these berries regains 1 hit point. Eating or administering a berry is an action. The berries do not provide any nourishment or sate hunger.Cast at Higher LevelsYou create 1d4 additional berries for every 2 slot levels above 1st.Rare VersionsBeshela's Bunched Goodberry. Eating or administering any number of berries is a bonus action; and a creature regains 1 hit point per berry consumed.
You cause a message in Druidic to appear on a tree or plant within range which you have seen before. You can cast the spell again to erase the message.Range: Special (100 miles)
Grease erupts from a point that you can see within range and coats the ground in the target area; turning it into difficult terrain until the spell ends.When the grease appears; each creature within the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature that enters or ends its turn in the area must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.Rare VersionsKatrina's Flammable Grease. Until the spell ends; a creature that has made a saving throw against it gets grease on itself and becomes flammable. When the creature takes fire damage; it takes 1d6 ongoing fire damage until it uses an action to douse the flames.
The target is invisible. Anything the target is carrying or wearing is also invisible as long as it remains in the target's possession.
Healing energy rejuvenates a creature you touch and undoes a debilitating effect. You can remove one of:a level of fatigue.a level of strife.a charm or petrification effect.a curse or cursed item attunement.any reduction to a single ability effect that has reduced the target's hit point maximum.
You create wards that protect the target area. Each warded area has a maximum height of 20 feet and can be shaped. Several stories of a stronghold can be warded by dividing the area among them if you can walk from one to the next while the spell is being cast.When cast; you can create a password that can make a creature immune to these effects when it is spoken aloud. You may also specify individuals that are unaffected by any or all of the effects that you choose.Guards and wards creates the following effects within the area of the spell.Corridors: Corridors are heavily obscured with fog. Additionally; creatures that choose between multiple passages or branches have a 50% chance to unknowingly choose a path other than the one they meant to choose.Doors: Doors are magically locked as if by an arcane lock spell. Additionally; you may conceal up to 10 doors with an illusion as per the illusory object component of the minor illusion spell to make the doors appear as unadorned wall sections.Stairs: Stairs are filled from top to bottom with webs as per the web spell. Until the spell ends; the webbing strands regrow 10 minutes after they are damaged or destroyed.In addition; one of the following spell effects can be
placed within the spell`s area.Dancing lights can be placed in 4 corridors and you can choose for them to repeat a simple sequence.Magic mouth spells can be placed in 2 locations.Stinking clouds can be placed in 2 locations. The clouds return after 10 minutes if dispersed while the spell remains.A gust of wind can be placed in a corridor or room.Pick a 5-foot square. Any creature that passes through it is subjected to a suggestion spell; hearing the suggestion mentally.The entirety of the warded area radiates as magic. Each effect must be targeted by separate dispel magic spells to be removed.The spell can be made permanent by recasting the spell every day for a year.
The target may gain an expertise die to one ability check of its choice; ending the spell. The expertise die can be rolled before or after the ability check is made.
A bolt of light erupts from your hand. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit; you deal 4d6 radiant damage and the next attack roll made against the target before the end of your next turn has advantage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsLeska's Marked Guiding Bolt. On a hit; until the end of your next turn the target glows with bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light an additional 10 feet.
A torrent of wind erupts from your hand in a direction you choose. Each creature that starts its turn in the area or moves into the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet from you in the direction of the line. Any creature in the area must spend 2 feet of movement for every foot moved when trying to approach you.The blast of wind extinguishes small fires and disperses gas or vapor. You can use a bonus action to change the direction of the gust.Area: Line 60 feet long and 10 feet wideRare VersionsSidoneth's Traveling Gust of Wind. The spell targets one vehicle of Huge size or smaller that has sails and its duration increases to concentration (1 hour). Until the spell ends; the vehicle's sails are magically filled and it can travel as if it had a strong wind. Additionally; any checks made to pilot the vehicle have advantage.
You imbue the area with divine power; bolstering some creatures and hindering others. Celestials; elementals; fey; fiends; and undead cannot enter the area. They are also incapable of charming; frightening; or possessing another creature within the area. Any such effects end on a creature that enters the area. When casting; you may exclude one or more creature types from this effect.Additionally; you may anchor additional magical effects to the area. Choose one effect from the list below (the Narrator may also offer specific effects). Some effects apply to creatures. You may choose to affect all creatures; creatures of a specific type; or those that follow a specific leader or deity. Creatures make a Charisma saving throw when the spell is cast; when they enter the area for the first time in a given turn; or if they end their turn within the area. On a successful save; a creature is immune to the effect until it leaves the area.Courage: Creatures in the area cannot be frightened.Darkness: The area is filled by darkness; and normal light sources or sources from a lower level spell slot are smothered within it.Daylight: The area is filled with bright light; dispelling magical darkness created by spells of a lower
level spell slot.Energy Protection: Creatures in the area gain resistance against a damage type of your choice (excepting bludgeoning; piercing; or slashing).Energy Vulnerability: Creatures in the area gain vulnerability against a damage type of your choice (excepting bludgeoning; piercing; or slashing).Everlasting Rest: Dead bodies laid to rest in the area cannot be turned into undead by any means.Extradimensional Interference: Extradimensional movement or travel is blocked to and from the area; including all teleportation effects.Fear: Creatures are frightened while within the area.Silence: No sound can enter or emanate from the area.Tongues: Creatures within the area can freely communicate with one another whether they share a language or not.
You weave a veil over the natural terrain within the area; making it look; sound; or smell like another sort of terrain. A small lake could be made to look like a grassy glade. A path or trail could be made to look like an impassable swamp. A cliff face could even appear as a gentle slope or seem to extend further than it does. This spell does not affect any manufactured structures; equipment; or creatures.Only the visual; auditory; and olfactory components of the terrain are changed. Any creature that enters or attempts to interact with the illusion feels the real terrain below. If given sufficient reason; a creature may make an Investigation check against your spell save DC to disbelieve it. On a successful save; the creature sees the illusion superimposed over the actual terrain.Range: Special (300 feet)Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell targets an additional 50-foot cube for each slot level above 4th.Rare VersionsRavjahani's Hallucinatory Domicile. The spell can affect manufactured structures. A crumbling and empty hut could be made to look as though it were fully furnished and well cared for; or a well-appointed room could be made to look empty.
You assail a target with entropic energy. The target takes 14d6 necrotic damage and its hit point maximum is reduced by the same amount for 1 hour. This spell cannot reduce a target to less than 1 hit point.Any effect that removes a disease restores the target's hit point maximum.Cast at Higher LevelsIncrease the damage by 2d6 for each slot level above 6th.
You harmonize with the rhythm of those around you until you're perfectly in sync. You may take the Help action as a bonus action. Additionally; when a creature within range uses a Bardic Inspiration die; you may choose to reroll the die after it is rolled but before the outcome is determined.You cannot cast another spell through your spellcasting focus while concentrating on this spell.Rare VersionsKoren's Lasting Harmonic Resonance. The spell's effects continue for 1 round after its duration ends.
Until the spell ends; the target's Speed is doubled; it gains a +2 bonus to AC; it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws; and it gains one additional action on each of its turns. This action can be used to make a single weapon attack; or to take the Dash; Disengage; Hide; or Use an Object action.When the spell ends; the target is tired and cannot move or take actions until after its next turn.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 3rd. All targets of this spell must be within 30 feet of each other.
A torrent of healing energy suffuses the target and it regains 70 hit points. The spell also ends blindness; deafness; and any diseases afflicting the target.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 10 for each slot level above 6th.
Healing energy washes over the target and it regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting modifier.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
You magically replace your heart with one forged on the second layer of Hell. While the spell lasts; you are immune to fear and can't be poisoned; and you are immune to fire and poison damage. You gain resistance to cold damage; as well as to bludgeoning; piercing; and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Finally; while you are conscious; any creature hostile to you that starts its turn within 20 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save; the creature is frightened of you until the start of your next turn. On a success; the creature is immune to the effect for 24 hours.Casting this spell magically transports your mortal heart to the lair of one of the lords of Hell. The heart returns to your body when the spell ends. If you die while under the effects of this spell; you can't be brought back to life until your original heart is retrieved.Rare VersionsRoav's True Heart of Dis. Until the spell ends; your type changes to fiend.
The target becomes oven hot. Any creature touching the target takes 2d8 fire damage when the spell is cast. Until the spell ends; on subsequent turns you can use a bonus action to inflict the same damage. If a creature is holding or wearing the target and suffers damage; it makes a Constitution saving throw or it drops the target. If a creature does not or cannot drop the target; it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
The spell summons forth a sumptuous feast with a cuisine of your choosing that provides 1 Supply for a number of creatures equal to twice your proficiency bonus. Consuming the food takes 1 hour and leaves a creature feeling nourishedit immediately makes a saving throw with advantage against any disease or poison it is suffering from; and it is cured of any effect that frightens it.For up to 24 hours afterward the feast's participants have advantage on Wisdom saving throws; advantage on saving throws made against disease and poison; resistance against damage from poison and disease; and each increases its hit point maximum by 2d10.Rare VersionsKomanav's Final Heroes' Feast. Instead of receiving any benefits; 10 minutes after the food is consumed all participants other than you take 8d10 necrotic damage.Sidoneth's Fantabulous Heroes' Feast. For 24 hours afterward; you gain advantage on Charisma checks made against creatures that participate in the feast.
The target's spirit is bolstered. Until the spell ends; the target gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at the start of each of its turns and it cannot be frightened. Any temporary hit points remaining are lost when the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsKoren's Glowing Heroism. The target glows with bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light an additional 5 feet. When a creature within the target's glow regains hit points; it regains 1d4 additional hit points.
The target is overwhelmed by the absurdity of the world and is crippled by paroxysms of laughter. The target falls prone; becomes incapacitated; and cannot stand.Until the spell ends; at the end of each of the target's turns and when it suffers damage; the target may attempt another saving throw (with advantage if triggered by damage). On a successful save; the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget an additional creature within 30 feet of the original for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsBeshala's Infectious Hideous Laughter. Any creature that touches the target must also succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the spell.Kreven's Despairing Hideous Laughter. When the mirth fades the target is affected with crushing grief; sadness; and despair; causing it to sob uncontrollably. The emotional toll of the spell causes the target to have disadvantage on the first ability check; attack roll; or saving throw it makes after the spell ends.
The target is paralyzed. At the end of each of its turns; the target makes another saving throw; ending the spell's effects on it on a successful save.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget an additional creature within 30 feet of the first target for each slot level above 5th.
The target is paralyzed. At the end of each of its turns; the target makes another saving throw; ending the spell's effects on it on a successful save.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget an additional creature within 30 feet of the first target for each slot level above 2nd.
Holy radiance emanates from you and fills the area. Targets shed dim light in a 5-foot radius and have advantage on saving throws. Attacks made against a target have disadvantage. When a fiend or undead hits a target; the aura erupts into blinding light; forcing the attacker to make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the spell ends.
You conjure a swirling pattern of twisting hues that roils through the air; appearing for a moment and then vanishing. Creatures in the area that can perceive the pattern make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed. A creature charmed by this spell becomes incapacitated and its Speed is reduced to 0.The effect ends on a creature when it takes damage or when another creature uses an action to shake it out of its daze.
A bombardment of jagged ice erupts throughout the target area. All creatures in the area take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 cold damage. Large chunks of ice turn the area into difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.Range: Special (300 feet)Area: 20-foot radius cylinder that is 40 feet highCast at Higher LevelsThe bludgeoning damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.Rare VersionsGabal's Shackling Ice Storm. A creature that takes 20 or more damage is ensnared in icy shackles. An ensnared creature is grappled and takes 2d6 ongoing cold damage until it uses an action to make a Strength saving throw to end the effect.
You learn the target item's magical properties along with how to use them. This spell also reveals whether or not a targeted item requires attunement and how many charges it has. You learn what spells are affecting the targeted item (if any) along with what spells were used to create it.Alternatively; you learn any spells that are currently affecting a targeted creature. What this spell can reveal is at the Narrator's discretion; and some powerful and rare magics are immune to identify.
You inscribe a message onto the target and wrap it in illusion until the spell ends. You and any creatures that you designate when the spell is cast perceive the message as normal. You may choose to have other creatures view the message as writing in an unknown or unintelligible magical script or a different message. If you choose to create another message; you can change the handwriting and the language that the message is written in; though you must know the language in question.If the spell is dispelled; both the message and its illusory mask disappear.The true message can be perceived by any creature with truesight.
You utter the target`s name and attempt to bind them for eternity. On a successful save; a target is immune to any future attempts by you to cast this spell on it. On a failed save; choose from one of the forms of bindings below (each lasts until the spell ends).Burial: The target is buried deep below the surface of the earth in a tomb just large enough to contain it. Nothing can enter the tomb. No teleportation or planar travel can be used to enter; leave; or affect the tomb or its contents. A small mithril orb is required for this casting.Chaining: Chains made of unbreakable material erupt from the ground and root the target in place. The target is restrained and cannot be moved by any means. A small adamantine chain is required for this casting.Hedged Prison: The target is imprisoned in a maze-like demiplane of your choosing; such as a labyrinth; a cage; a tower; a hedge maze; or any similar structure you desire. The demiplane is warded against teleportation and planar travel. A small jade representation of the demiplane is required for this casting.Minimus Containment: The target shrinks to just under an inch and is imprisoned inside a gemstone; crystal; jar; or similar object. Nothing but light can pass in
and out of the vessel; and it cannot be broken; cut; or otherwise damaged. The special component for this effect is whatever prison you wish to use.Slumber: The target is plunged into an unbreakable slumber and cannot be awoken. Special soporific draughts are required for this casting.The target does not need sustenance or air; nor does it age. No divination spells of any sort can be used to reveal the target's location.When cast; you must specify a condition that will cause the spell to end and release the target. This condition must be based on some observable action or quality and not related to mechanics like level; hitpoints; or class; and the Narrator must agree to it.A dispel magic only dispels an imprisonment if it is cast using a 9th-level spell slot and targets the prison or the special component used to create the prison.Each casting that uses the same spell effect requires its own special component. Repeated castings with the same component free the prior occupant. Rare VersionsKrevan's Insidious Imprisonment. This terrifying variant of the spell is only different when using Slumber. While asleep; the target is subjected to dreams or nightmares specified by you and created by the target's own
subconscious. These nightmares seem more real than the target's own lives; which become dreamlike and false; allowing you to implant false narratives; experiences; or episodes in the target's mind; changing the target's nature and turning allies into enemies or heroes into villains. Only a wish or similarly powerful effect can restore the target's memories.
A cloud of burning embers; smoke; and roiling flame appears within range. The cloud heavily obscures its area; spreading around corners and through cracks. When the cloud appears and a creature is in it; when a creature enters the cloud for the first time on a turn; or when a creature ends its turn within the cloud it makes a Dexterity saving throw; taking 10d8 fire damage on a failed save; or half as much on a successful one. The cloud can be dispelled by a wind of at least 10 miles per hour. After it is cast; the cloud moves 10 feet away from you in a direction that you choose at the start of each of your turns.Rare VersionsKatrina's Clinging Incendiary Cloud. Until the spell ends; burning embers stick to any creatures caught within the cloud. A creature that fails a saving throw against the spell takes 1d8 ongoing fire damage. A creature outside of the cloud can use an action to brush the embers off.
You infect your target with an arcane disease. At any time after you cast this spell; as long as you are on the same plane of existence as the target; you can use an action to deal 7d10 necrotic damage to the target. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points; you can choose to leave it with 1 hit point. As part of dealing the damage; you may expend a 7th-level spell slot to sustain the disease. Otherwise; the spell ends. The spell ends when you die.Casting remove curse; greater restoration; or heal on the target allows the target to make a Constitution saving throw against the disease. Otherwise the disease can only be cured by a wish spell.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.
A weapon formed from the essence of Hell appears in your hands. You must use two hands to wield the weapon. If you let go of the weapon; it disappears and the spell ends.When you cast the spell; choose one of the following options. While the spell lasts; you can use an action to make a melee spell attack with the weapon against a creature within 10 feet of you. On a hit; you deal 5d8 damage of a type determined by the weapon's form. On a critical hit; you inflict an additional effect.In addition; on a hit with the infernal weapon; you can end the spell early to inflict an automatic critical hit.Flame Fork. The weapon deals fire damage. On a critical hit; the target catches fire; taking 2d6 ongoing fire damage.Ice Spear. The weapon deals cold damage. On a critical hit; for 1 minute the target is slowed. At the end of each of its turns a slowed creature can make a Constitution saving throw; ending the effect on itself on a success.A creature reduced to 0 hit points by an infernal weapon immediately dies in a gruesome fashion. For example; a creature killed by an ice spear might freeze solid; then shatter into a thousand pieces. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of the creature and who can see it when it
dies must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure; a creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.Rare VersionsRoav's Malevolent Infernal Weapon. The spell may take a third form.Malevolent Maul. The weapon deals psychic damage. On a critical hit; the target is confused. At the end of each of its turns; a confused creature can make an Intelligence saving throw; ending the effect on itself on a success.
You impart fell energies that suck away the target's life force; making a melee spell attack that deals 3d10 necrotic damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
A roiling cloud of insects appears; biting and stinging any creatures it touches. The cloud lightly obscures its area; spreads around corners; and is considered difficult terrain. When the cloud appears and a creature is in it; when a creature enters the cloud for the first time on a turn; or when a creature ends its turn within the cloud it makes a Constitution saving throw; taking 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save; or half as much on a successful one.Range: Special (300 feet)Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.Rare VersionsRoav's Infernal Insect Plague. The spell summons hellish insects from the depths of the realms infernal. When a creature fails its saving throw against this spell it becomes frightened of the swarm until the spell ends; even after it leaves the cloud.
Until the spell ends; a mystical bond connects the target and the precious stone used to cast this spell. Any time after; you may crush the stone and speak the name of the item; summoning it instantly into your hand no matter the physical; metaphysical; or planar distances involved; at which point the spell ends. If another creature is holding the item when the stone is crushed; the item is not summoned to you. Instead; the spell grants you the knowledge of who possesses it and a general idea of the creature's location.Each time you cast this spell; you must use a different precious stone.Dispel magic or a similar effect targeting the stone ends the spell.Rare VersionsKoran's Reinforcement Instant Summons. The spell can target a willing creature and uses a precious statue carved to resemble the target. This material component costs 1;000 gold per Hit Die that the creature possesses. Once cast; you may summon the target the same way that you would summon an item. If the target is asleep; it is awakened when summoned. The target may decline the summons; in which case you are granted a general idea of the target's current location.
You allow long-forgotten fighting instincts to boil up to the surface. For the duration of the spell; whenever the target deals damage with an unarmed strike or natural weapon; it deals 1d4 extra damage.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell with a spell slot of 3rd- or 4th-level; the extra damage increases by 1d6. When you cast this spell with a spell slot of 5th- or 6th-level; the extra damage increases by 1d8. When you cast this spell with a spell slot of 7th-level or higher; the extra damage increases by 1d10.
You wreathe a creature in an illusory veil; making it invisible. Anything the target is carrying or wearing is also invisible as long as it remains in the target's possession. The spell's effects end for a target that attacks or casts a spell.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsRavjahani's Imparted Invisibility. Until the spell ends; any object that the target picks up becomes invisible even after it is dropped.
You murmur a tune that takes root in the target's mind until the spell ends; forcing it to caper; dance; and shuffle. At the start of each of its turns; the dancing target must use all of its movement to dance in its space; and it has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws. Attacks made against the target have advantage. On each of its turns; the target can use an action to repeat the saving throw; ending the spell on a successful save.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature within 30 feet for each slot level above 6th.Rare VersionsBeshala's Wild Irresistible Dance. The target is forced to dance with such vigor that it suffers a level of fatigue when the spell ends.
You imbue a target with the ability to make impossible leaps. The target's jump distances increase 15 feet vertically and 30 feet horizontally.Cast at Higher LevelsEach of the target's jump distances increase by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st.
Make a check against the DC of a lock or door using your spell attack bonus. On a success; you unlock or open the target; and any traps on the object are automatically triggered and a loud metallic clang resounds; easily audible at up to 300 feet. An item with multiple locks requires multiple castings of this spell to be opened.When you target an object held shut by an arcane lock; that spell is suppressed for 10 minutes; allowing the object to be opened and shut normally during that time.Cast at Higher LevelsThe level of the arcane lock you can suppress increases by 1 for each slot level above 3rd. In addition; if the level of your knock spell is 2 or more levels higher than that of the arcane lock; you may dispel the arcane lock instead of suppressing it.
You learn significant information about the target. This could range from the most up-to-date research; lore forgotten in old tales; or even previously unknown information. The spell gives you additional; more detailed information if you already have some knowledge of the target. The spell will not return any information for items not of legendary renown. The knowledge you gain is always true; but may be obscured by metaphor; poetic language; or verse. If you use the spell for a cursed tome; for instance; you may gain knowledge of the dire words spoken by its creator as they brought it into the world.Cast at Higher LevelsYour intuition surrounding the target is enhanced and you gain advantage on one Investigation check regarding it for each slot level above 6th.
Your body melts into a humanoid-shaped mass of liquid flesh. Each creature within 5 feet of you that can see the transformation must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure; the creature can't take reactions and is frightened of you until the start of its next turn. Until the end of your turn; your Speed becomes 20 feet; you can't speak; and you can move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. You revert to your normal form at the end of your turn.Duration: 1 turn
Your glowing hand removes one disease or condition affecting the target. Choose from blinded; deafened; paralyzed; or poisoned. At the Narrator's discretion; some diseases might not be curable with this spell.
Until the spell ends; the target rises vertically in the air up to 20 feet and remains floating there; able to move only by pushing or pulling on fixed objects or surfaces within its reach. This allows the target to move as if it was climbing.On subsequent turns; you can use your action to alter the target's altitude by up to 20 feet in either direction so long as it remains within range. If you have targeted yourself you may move up or down as part of your movement. The target floats gently to the ground if it is still in the air when the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 5th-level spell slot the target can levitate or come to the ground at will. When using a 7th-level spell slot its duration increases to 1 hour and it no longer requires concentration.
Until the spell ends; the target emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light an additional 20 feet. Light emanating from the target may be any color. Completely covering the target with something that is not transparent blocks the light. The spell ends when you use an action to dismiss it or if you cast it again.
A bolt of lightning arcs out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the area takes 8d6 lightning damage. The lightning ignites flammable objects in its path that aren't worn or carried by another creature.If the spell is stopped by an object at least as large as its width; it ends there unless it deals enough damage to break through. When it does; it continues to the end of its area.Area: Line 100 feet long and 5 feet wideCast at Higher LevelsDamage increases by 1d6 for every slot level above 3rd.Rare VersionsGabal's Conductive Lightning Bolt. Metallic creatures and creatures wearing metal armor make their saving throw with disadvantage.
Name or describe in detail a specific kind of beast or plant. The natural magics in range reveal the closest example of the target within 5 miles; including its general direction (north; west; southeast; and so on) and how many miles away it currently is.Range: Special (5-mile radius)
Name or describe in detail a creature familiar to you. The spell reveals the general direction the creature is in (south; east; northwest; and so on) if it exists within range. This includes its current trajectory if it's travelling.You may locate specific; known creatures; or the nearest creature of a specific type (like a bat; gnome; or red dragon) provided that you have observed that type within 30 feet at least once. If a specific creature you seek is in a different form (for example a wildshaped druid) the spell is unable to find it.The spell cannot travel across running water 10 feet across or widerit is unable to find the creature and the trail ends.Range: Special (1;000-foot radius)
Name or describe in detail an object familiar to you. The spell reveals the general direction the creature is in (south; east; northwest; and so on) if it exists within range. This includes its current trajectory if it's travelling.You may locate a specific object known to you; provided that you have observed it within 30 feet at least once. You may also find the closest example of a certain type of object (for example an instrument; item of furniture; compass; or vase).When there is any thickness of lead in the direct path between you and the object the spell is unable to find it.Range: Special (1;000-foot radius)
Until the spell ends; the target's Speed increases by 10 feet.Cast at Higher LevelsTarget one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Precarious Longstrider. Targets ignore nonmagical difficult terrain.
Until the spell ends; the target is protected by a shimmering magical force. Its AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor; or if you use an action to dismiss it.Cast at Higher LevelsThe target gains 5 temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st. The temporary hit points last for the spell's duration.Rare VersionsStekart's Enhanced Mage Armor. The target's AC becomes 10 + your proficiency bonus + its Dexterity modifier.
A faintly shimmering phantasmal hand appears at a point you choose within range. It remains until you dismiss it as an action; or until you move more than 30 feet from it.You can use an action to control the hand and direct it to do any of the following: manipulate an an unlocked container or door.stow or retrieve items from unlocked containers.The hand cannot attack; use magic items; or carry more than 10 pounds.
Magical energies surround the area and stop the type of designated creature from willingly entering by nonmagical means. Designated creatures have disadvantage when attacking creatures within the area and are unable to charm; frighten or possess creatures within the area. When a designated creature attempts to teleport or use interplanar travel to enter the area; it makes a Charisma saving throw or its attempt fails.You may also choose to reverse this spell; trapping a creature of your chosen type within the area in order to protect targets outside it.Cast at Higher LevelsThe spell's duration increases by 1 hour for every slot level above 3rd.
Your body becomes catatonic as your soul enters the vessel used as a material component. While within this vessel; you're aware of your surroundings as if you physically occupied the same space. The only action you can take is to project your soul within range; whether to return to your living body (and end the spell) or to possess a humanoid.You may not target creatures protected by protection from good and evil or magic circle spells. A creature you try to possess makes a Charisma saving throw or your soul moves from your vessel and into its body. The creature's soul is now within the container. On a successful save; the creature resists and you may not attempt to possess it again for 24 hours.Once you possess a creature; you have control of it. Replace your game statistics with the creature's; except your Charisma; Intelligence and Wisdom scores. Your own cultural traits and class features also remain; and you may not use the creature's cultural traits or class features (if it has any). During possession; you can use an action to return to the vessel if it is within range; returning the host creature to its body. If the host body dies while you are possessing it; the creature also dies and you must make a
Charisma save. On a success you return to the container if it's within range. Otherwise; you die. If the vessel is destroyed; the spell ends and your soul returns to your body if it's within range. If your body is out of range or dead when you try to return; you die. The possessed creature perceives the world as if it occupied the same space as the vessel; but may not take any actions or movement. If the vessel is destroyed while occupied by a creature other than yourself; it returns to its body if the body is alive and within range. Otherwise; the creature dies.The vessel is destroyed when the spell ends.
A trio of glowing darts of magical force unerringly and simultaneously strike the targets; each dealing 1d4+1 force damage.Cast at Higher LevelsEvoke one additional dart and target up to one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.Rare VersionsKreven's Ruinous Magic Missile. Creatures damaged by this spell make a Strength saving throw or are rattled until the end of your next turn.
The target is imbued with a spoken message of 25 words or fewer which it speaks when a trigger condition you choose is met. The message may take up to 10 minutes to convey. When your trigger condition is met; a magical mouth appears on the object and recites the message in the same voice and volume as you used when instructing it. If the object chosen has a mouth (for example; a painted portrait) this is where the mouth appears.You may choose upon casting whether the message is a single event; or whether it repeats every time the trigger condition is met.The trigger condition must be based upon audio or visual cues within 30 feet of the object; and may be highly detailed or as broad as you choose. For example; the trigger could be when any attack action is made within range; or when the first spring shoot breaks ground within range.Rare VersionsKoren's Mocking Magic Mouth. As long as you also know the vicious mockery cantrip; when you cast this spell with a trigger that is a single event you can choose to cast vicious mockery through the magical mouth.
Until the spell ends; the target becomes +1 magic weapon.Cast at Higher LevelsThe bonus increases by +1 for every 2 slot levels above 2nd (maximum +3).
You conjure an extradimensional residence within range. It has one entrance that is in a place of your choosing; has a faint luster to it; and is 5 feet wide and 10 feet tall. You and any designated creature may enter your mansion while the portal is open. You may open and close the portal while you are within 30 feet of it. Once closed the entrance is invisible.The entrance leads to an opulent entrance hall; with many doors and halls coming from it. The atmosphere is welcoming; warm and the whole place is sparkling clean.The floor plan of the residence is up to you; but it must be made up of fifty or fewer 10-foot cubes.The furniture and decor are chosen by you. The residence contains enough food to provide ample nourishment for a number of people equal to 5 your proficiency bonus. A staff of translucent; lustrous servants dwell within the residence. They may otherwise look how you wish. These servants obey your commands without question; and can perform the same nonhostile actions as a human servantthey might carry objects; prepare and serve food and drinks; clean; make simple repairs; and so on. Servants have access to the entire mansion but may not leave.All objects and furnishings belonging to the mansion
evaporate into shimmering smoke when they leave it. Any creature within the mansion when the spell ends is expelled into an unoccupied space near the entrance.Range: Special (300 feet)
Until the spell ends; you create an image that appears completely real. The illusion includes sounds; smells; and temperature in addition to visual phenomenon. None of the effects of the illusion are able to cause actual harm.While within range you can use an action to move the illusion. As the image moves you may also change its appearance to make the movement seem natural (like a roc moving its wings to fly) and also change the nonvisual elements of the illusion for the same reason (like the sound of beating wings as the roc flies).Any physical interaction immediately reveals the image is an illusion; as objects and creatures alike pass through it. An Investigation check against your spell save DC also reveals the image is an illusion. When a creature realizes the image is an illusion; the effects become fainter for that creature.
Glowing energy rushes through the target area. Up to 6 creatures you choose that are in the area each regain hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting modifier. This spell does not affect undead or constructs.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
Healing energy erupts from your steepled hands and restores up to 700 hit points between the targets. Creatures healed in this way are also cured of any diseases; and any effect causing them to be blinded or deafened. In addition; on subsequent turns within the next minute you can use a bonus action to distribute any unused hit points.
Healing energy flows from you in a wash of restorative power and each target regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 1d4 for each slot level above 3rd.
Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this spell. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The targets are magically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the targets to perform an action that is obviously harmful to them ends the spell. A target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The activity can last for the duration of the spell; and if it requires less time the spell ends after a target has carried out the activity.You may specify trigger conditions that cause a target to perform a specific activity while the spell lasts. For example; you may suggest that the target takes off its clothes and dives the next time it sees a body of water. If the target does not see a body of water before the spell ends; the specific activity isn't performed.Any damage done to a target by you or an ally ends the spell for that creature.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen cast using a 7th-level spell slot; the duration of the spell increases to 10 days. When cast using an 8th-level spell slot; the duration increases to 30 days. When cast using a 9th-level spell slot; the duration increases to a year and a day.
The target is banished to a complex maze on its own demiplane; and remains there for the duration or until the target succeeds in escaping.The target can use an action to attempt to escape; making an Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save it escapes and the spell ends. A creature with Labyrinthine Recall (or a similar trait) automatically succeeds on its save.When the spell ends the target reappears in the space it occupied before the spell was cast; or the closest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Until the spell ends; you meld yourself and your carried equipment into the target stone. Using your movement; you may enter the stone from any point you can touch. No trace of your presence is visible or detectable by nonmagical senses.Within the stone; you can't see outside it and have disadvantage on Perception checks made to hear beyond it. You are aware of time passing; and may cast spells upon yourself. You may use your movement only to step out of the target where you entered it; ending the spell.If the target is damaged such that its shape changes and you no longer fit within it; you are expelled and take 6d6 bludgeoning damage. Complete destruction of the target; or its transmutation into another substance; expels you and you take 50 bludgeoning damage. When expelled you fall prone into the closest unoccupied space near your entrance point.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 5th-level spell slot; you may reach out of the target to make spell attacks or ranged weapon attacks without ending the spell. You make these attacks with disadvantage.Rare VersionsSidoneth's Mobile Meld Into Stone. Until the spell ends; you gain a burrow speed of 10 feet.
You repair a single rip or break in the target object (for example; a cracked goblet; torn page; or ripped robe). The break must be smaller than 1 foot in all dimensions. The spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.Magic items and constructs may be repaired in this way; but their magic is not restored.
You conjure extensions of your own mental fortitude to keep your foes at bay. For the spell's duration; you can use an action to attempt to grapple a creature within range by making a concentration check against its maneuver DC.On its turn; a target grappled in this way can use an action to attempt to escape the grapple; using your spell save DC instead of your maneuver DC. Successful escape attempts do not break your concentration on the spell.
You point and whisper your message at the target. It alone hears the message and may reply in a whisper audible only to you.You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and are certain it is beyond the barrier. The message is blocked by 3 feet of wood; 1 foot of stone; 1 inch of common metals; or a thin sheet of lead.The spell moves freely around corners or through openings.
Scorching spheres of flame strike the ground at 4 different points within range. The effects of a sphere reach around corners. Creatures and objects in the area take 14d6 fire damage and 14d6 bludgeoning damage; and flammable unattended objects catch on fire. If a creature is in the area of more than one sphere; it is affected only once.Range: Special (1 mile)Area: Four 40-foot radius spheresRare VersionsGabal's Decisive Meteor Swarm. A creature that takes 50 or more damage is knocked prone. A creature that takes 100 or more damage is stunned until the end of its next turn and knocked prone.
The target is immune to psychic damage; any effect that would read its emotions or thoughts; divination spells; and the charmed condition.This immunity extends even to the wish spell; and magical effects or spells of similar power that would affect the target's mind or gain information about it.
The target has resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened.
This spell creates a sound or image of an object. The illusion disappears if dismissed or you cast the spell again.You may create any sound you choose; ranging in volume from a whisper to a scream. You may choose one sound for the duration or change them at varying points before the spell ends. Sounds are audible outside the spell's area.Visual illusions may replicate any image and remain within the spell's area; but cannot create sound; light; smell; or other sensory effects. The image is revealed as an illusion with any physical interaction as physical objects and creatures pass through it.
You make terrain within the spell's area appear as another kind of terrain; tricking all senses. The general shape of the terrain remains the same; however. A small town could resemble a woodland; a smooth road could appear rocky and overgrown; a deep pit could resemble a shallow pond; and so on.Structures may be altered in the similar way; or added where there are none. Creatures are not disguised; concealed; or added by the spell.The illusion appears completely real in all aspects; including physical terrain. Clear terrain becomes difficult terrain; and vice versa. Any part of the illusory terrain such as a boulder; or water collected from an illusory stream; disappear immediately upon leaving the spell's area.Creatures with truesight see through the illusion; but are not immune to its effects. They may know that the overgrown path is in fact a well maintained road; but are still impeded by illusory rocks and branches.Range: Special (Sight)Area: Special (1-mile square)
A total of 3 illusory copies of yourself appear in your space. For the duration; these copies move with you and mimic your actions; creating confusion as to which is real. You can use an action to dismiss them.Each time you're targeted by a creature's attack; roll a d20 to see if it targets you or one of your copies.With 3 copies; a roll of 6 or higher means a copy is targeted. With two copies; a roll of 8 or higher targets a copy; and with 1 copy a roll of 11 or higher targets the copy.A copy's AC is 10 + your Dexterity modifier; and when it is hit by an attack a copy is destroyed. It may be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. All other damage and effects have no impact.Attacking creatures that have truesight; cannot see; have blindsight; or rely on other nonvisual senses are unaffected by this spell.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 5th-level spell slot; the duration increases to concentration (1 hour).Rare VersionsBeshela's Blinding Mirror Image. When one of your illusory copies is destroyed; it explodes in a brilliant flash of light. A creature that destroys an illusory copy makes a Constitution saving throw or is blinded until the start of its next turn.
You become invisible. At the same time; an illusory copy of you appears where you're standing. This invisibility ends when you cast a spell but the copy lasts until the spell ends.You can use an action to move your copy up to twice your Speed; have it speak; make gestures; or behave however you'd like.You may see and hear through your copy. Until the spell ends; you can use a bonus action to switch between your copy's senses and your own; or back again. While using your copy's senses you are blind and deaf to your body's surroundings.The copy is revealed as an illusion with any physical interaction; as solid objects and creatures pass through it.
You teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see; disappearing and reappearing in a swirl of shimmering mist.Rare VersionsCyneburg's Elusive Misty Step. Until the start of your next turn; attack rolls against you are made with disadvantage.
The target has advantage on its saving throw if you are in combat with it. The target becomes charmed and incapacitated; though it can still hear you. Until the spell ends; any memories of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less may be altered. You may destroy the memory; have the target recall the event with perfect clarity; change the details; or create a new memory entirely with the same restrictions in time frame and length. You must speak to the target in a language you both know to modify its memories and describe how the memory is changed. The target fills in the gaps in details based on your description. The spell automatically ends if the target takes any damage or if it is targeted by another spell. If the spell ends before you have finished modifying its memories; the alteration fails. Otherwise; the alteration is complete when the spell ends and only greater restoration or remove curse can restore the memory. The Narrator may deem a modified memory too illogical or nonsensical to affect a creature; in which case the modified memory is simply dismissed by the target. In addition; a modified memory doesn't specifically change the behavior of a creature; especially
if the memory conflicts with the creature's personality; beliefs; or innate tendencies. There may also be events that are practically unforgettable and after being modified can be remembered correctly when another creature succeeds on a Persuasion check to stir the target's memories. This check is made with disadvantage if the creature does not have indisputable proof on hand that is relevant to the altered memory.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 6th-level spell slot; the event can be from as far as 7 days ago. When using a 7th-level spell slot; the event can be from as far as 30 days ago. When using an 8th-level spell slot; the event can be from as far as 7 days ago. When using a 9th-level spell slot; any event can be altered.
A beam of moonlight fills the area with dim light. When a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or begins its turn in the area; it is struck by silver flames and makes a Constitution saving throw; taking 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save; or half as much on a success. Shapechangers have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed save; a shapechanger is forced to take its original form while within the spell's light. On your turn; you may use an action to move the beam 60 feet in any direction.Area: 5-foot radius cylinder that is 40 feet highCast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsNevard's Cursed Moonbeam. An ominous moon of darkness appears above the target location. The cursed moon emanates no light and deals necrotic damage as grasping shadows tear into creatures in the spell's area. On a failed saving throw; a creature's speed is halved until the start of its next turn.Celestial creatures have disadvantage on this saving throw.
You reshape the area; changing its elevation or creating and eliminating holes; walls; and pillars. The only limitation is that the elevation change may not exceed half the area's horizontal dimensions. For example; affecting a 40-by-40 area allows you to include 20 foot high pillars; holes 20 feet deep; and changes in terrain elevation of 20 feet or less. Changes that result in unstable terrain are subject to collapse. Changes take 10 minutes to complete; after which you can choose another area to affect. Due to the slow speed of transformation; it is nearly impossible for creatures to be hurt or captured by the spell. This spell has no effect on stone; objects crafted from stone; or plants; though these objects will shift based on changes in the area.Area: Square of clay; dirt; or sand up to 40 feet on a sideDuration: Concentration (2 hours)Rare VersionsVorax-Hul's Holey Move Earth. The spell's duration is instantaneous and it no longer requires your concentration. However; you are only able to make 40-foot cube holes or caverns (determined at the time of casting).
The target is hidden from divination magic and cannot be perceived by magical scrying sensors. When used on a place or object; the spell only works if the target is no larger than 10 feet in any given dimension.
You and allies within the area gain advantage and an expertise die on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as an aura of secrecy enshrouds you. Creatures in the area leave behind no evidence of their passage.
Until the spell ends; you create a passage extending into the target surface. When creating the passage you define its dimensions; as long as they do not exceed 5 feet in width; 8 feet in height; or 20 feet in depth. The appearance of the passage has no effect on the stability of the surrounding environment. Any creatures or objects within the passage when the spell ends are expelled without harm into unoccupied spaces near where the spell was cast.Rare VersionsRavjahani's Trapped Passwall. Within a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus; the passage left by this spell (which can be as minimal as an inch depression) becomes trapped. Choose one of the following.Slippy. One side of the passage is covered in slippery soap. When a creature enters the passage's area or first moves through the area on a turn it must make a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.Sticky. Goo covers one side of the passage; making it difficult terrain. Subtle. An illusion covers the passage making it appear as if nothing has happened to the target surface. The illusion does not hold up to physical inspection. A creature that tries to push against the illusion; for example; instead passes straight through the figment. To see through
your illusion without such an inspection; a creature must use its action to make an Investigation check against your spell save DC.
A swarm of insects fills the area. Creatures that begin their turn within the spell's area or who enter the area for the first time on their turn must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage. The pests also ravage any unattended organic material within their radius; such as plant; wood; or fabric.This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4); 10th level (3d4); and 15th level (4d4).
You create an illusion that invokes the target's deepest fears. Only the target can see this illusion. When the spell is cast and at the end of each of its turns; the target makes a Wisdom saving throw or takes 4d10 psychic damage and becomes frightened. The spell ends early when the target succeeds on its saving throw. A target that succeeds on its initial saving throw takes half damage.Cast at Higher LevelsThe damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above the 4th.Rare VersionsAurana's Creeping Phantasmal Killer. When a target succeeds on its saving throw you may choose a new target for the spell. That target must make its own saving throw; and on a failure the spell continues without the expenditure of an additional spell slot; using the same duration.Aurana's Draining Phantasmal Killer. When a target is damaged by this spell; you regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
You silently clench your hand into a claw and invisible talons of pure will sprout from your fingers. The talons do not interact with physical matter; but rip viciously at the psyche of any creature struck by them. For the duration; your unarmed strikes gain the finesse property and deal psychic damage. In addition; if your unarmed strike normally deals less than 1d4 damage; it instead deals 1d4 damage.
You create an illusory Large creature with an appearance determined by you that comes into being with all the necessary equipment needed to use it as a mount. This equipment vanishes when more than 10 feet away from the creature. You or any creature you allow may ride the steed; which uses the statistics for a riding horse but has a Speed of 100 feet and travels at 10 miles per hour at a steady pace (13 miles per hour at a fast pace). The steed vanishes if it takes damage (disappearing instantly) or you use an action to dismiss it (fading away; giving the rider 1 minute to dismount). Rare VersionsCavel's Carting Phantom Steed. Instead of conjuring a mount; you conjure a Large vehicle such as a boat; wagon; or cart. You decide on its appearance. If the vehicle normally requires horses; quasi-real beasts with an appearance of your choosing are conjured along with it. The vehicle can transport up to 6 Medium creatures.Kasvarina's Stalwart Phantom Steed. If the steed takes damage and disappears; you can use an action to resummon it as long as you are not in combat and the original duration has not passed. The steed follows all other restrictions of the original spell.
An entity from beyond the realm material answers your call for assistance. You must know this entity whether it is holy; unholy; or beyond the bounds of mortal comprehension. The entity sends forth a servant loyal to it to aid you in your endeavors. If you have a specific servant in mind you may speak its name during the casting; but ultimately who is sent to answer your call is the entity's decision. The creature that appears (typically a celestial; elemental; fey; or fiend); is under no compulsion to behave in any particular way other than how its nature and personality directs it. Any request made of the creature; simple or complex; requires an equal amount of payment which you must bargain with the creature to ascertain. The creature can request either items; sacrifices; or services in exchange for its assistance. A creature that you cannot communicate with cannot be bargained with.A task that can be completed in minutes is worth 100 gold per minute; a task that requires hours is worth 1;000 gold per hour; and a task requiring days is worth 10;000 gold per day (the creature can only accept tasks contained within a 10 day timeframe). A creature can often be persuaded to lower or raise prices depending on how a
task aligns with its personality and the goals of its mastersome require no payment at all if the task is deemed worthy. Additionally; a task that poses little or no risk only requires half the usual amount of payment; and an extremely dangerous task might call for double the usual payment. Still; only extreme circumstances will cause a creature summoned this way to accept tasks with a near certain result of death. A creature returns to its place of origin when a task is completed or if you fail to negotiate an agreeable task and payment. Should a creature join your party; it counts as a member of the group and receives a full portion of any experience gained.Rare VersionsLeska's Forbidden Planar Ally. The spell allows the summoning of an aberration. Roav's Cruel Planar Ally. The creature summoned by this spell is always a fiend linked to you. The bargaining costs for all requests made with the fiend are halved; but in exchange the fiend uses the link to gain advantage on saving throws and checks made to avoid being banished or bound; it has resistance to all damage; and each time the fiend takes damage you take an equal amount of damage. Damage inflicted by this spell cannot kill you.
The target must remain within range for the entire casting of the spell (usually by means of a magic circle spell). Until the spell ends; you force the target to serve you. If the target was summoned through some other means; like a spell; the duration of the original spell is extended to match this spell's duration.Once it is bound to you the target serves as best it can and follows your orders; but only to the letter of the instruction. A hostile or malevolent target actively seeks to take any advantage of errant phrasing to suit its nature. When a target completes a task you've assigned to it; if you are on the same plane of existence the target travels back to you to report it has done so. Otherwise; it returns to where it was bound and remains there until the spell ends.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a 6th-level spell slot; its duration increases to 10 days. When using a 7th-level spell slot; its duration increases to 30 days. When using an 8th-level spell slot; its duration increases to 180 days. When using a 9th-level spell slot; its duration increases to a year and a day.Rare VersionsLeska's Star Sign Planar Binding. The spell can also target an aberration.
Willing targets are transported to a plane of existence that you choose. If the destination is generally described; targets arrive near that destination in a location chosen by the Narrator. If you know the correct sequence of an existing teleportation circle; you can choose it as the destination (when the designated circle is too small for all targets to fit; any additional targets are shunted to the closest unoccupied spaces). Alternatively this spell can be used offensively to banish an unwilling target. You make a melee spell attack and on a hit the target makes a Charisma saving throw or is transported to a random location on a plane of existence that you choose. Once transported; you must spend 1 minute concentrating on this spell or the target returns to the last space it occupied (otherwise it must find its own way back).Duration: Instantaneous or Concentration (1 minute)
You channel vitality into vegetation to achieve one of the following effects; chosen when casting the spell.Enlarged: Plants in the area are greatly enriched. Any harvests of the affected plants provide twice as much food as normal.Rapid: All nonmagical plants in the area surge with the power of life. A creature that moves through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for every foot it moves. You can exclude one or more areas of any size from being affected.Area: 100-foot radius (rapid) or half-mile radius (enlarged)Rare VersionsNevard's Overwhelming Plant Growth. This spell doesn't require the presence of pre-existing vegetation to take effect; but must use the Rapid option; and plants that appear only last for a day before fading away.
The target becomes poisonous to the touch. Until the spell ends; whenever a creature within 5 feet of the target damages the target with a melee weapon attack; the creature makes a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save; the creature becomes poisoned and takes 1d6 ongoing poison damage. A poisoned creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns; ending the effect on itself on a success.The target of the spell also becomes bright and multicolored like a poisonous dart frog; giving it disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.Cast at Higher LevelsThe target's skin is also covered in mucus; giving it advantage on saving throws and checks made to resist being grappled or restrained. In addition; the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
The target's body is transformed into a beast with a Challenge Rating equal to or less than its own. If the target doesn't have a Challenge Rating; use its level.Until the spell ends or it is dropped to 0 hit points; the target's game statistics (including its hit points and mental ability scores) are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. The target is limited to actions that it is physically capable of doing; and it can't speak or cast spells. The target's gear melds into the new form. Equipment that merges with a target's form has no effect until it leaves the form.When the target reverts to its normal form; it returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If the spell's effects on the target end early from dropping to 0 hit points; any excess damage carries over to its normal form and knocks it unconscious if the damage reduces it to 0 hit points.
With but a word you snuff out the target's life and it immediately dies. If you cast this on a creature with more than 100 hit points; it takes 50 hit points of damage.Rare VersionsRoav's Sacrificial Power Word Kill. When a target dies from the effects of this spell; you may use its life force to save yourself. For the next 8 hours; the first time you would drop to 0 hit points or be outright killed; you instead drop to 1 hit point. Once this effect is used; the life force is expended and the effect ends.
You utter a powerful word that stuns a target with 150 hit points or less. At the end of the target's turn; it makes a Constitution saving throw to end the effect. If the target has more than 150 hit points; it is instead rattled until the end of its next turn.Rare VersionsKreven's Maiming Power Word Stun. When a target succeeds on its saving throw; its movement is halved and it is either blinded or deafened (your choice) until the end of its next turn.
The targets regain hit points equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.Cast at Higher LevelsThe hit points regained increase by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsKomanov's Fell Prayer of Healing. After casting this spell; the targets gain temporary hit points equal to the amount healed as a tenuous connection to dark entities increases their tolerance to pain.
You wield arcane energies to produce minor effects. Choose one of the following: ? create a single burst of magic that manifests to one of the senses (for example a burst of sound; sparks; or an odd odor).? clean or soil an object of 1 cubic foot or less.? light or snuff a flame.? chill; warm; or flavor nonliving material of 1 cubic foot or less for 1 hour.? color or mark an object or surface for 1 hour.? create an ordinary trinket or illusionary image that fits in your hand and lasts for 1 round.You may cast this spell multiple times; though only three effects may be active at a time. Dismissing each effect requires an action.
You unleash 8 rays of light; each with a different purpose and effect. For each target in the area; roll a d8 to determine the ray that affects it. 1Red: The target takes 10d6 fire damage.2Orange: The target takes 10d6 acid damage. 3Yellow: The target takes 10d6 lightning damage. 4Green: The target takes 10d6 poison damage. 5Blue: The target takes 10d6 cold damage. 6Indigo: The target is restrained and at the end of each of its turns it makes a Constitution saving throw. Once it accumulates two failed saves it permanently turns to stone; or when it accumulates two successful saves the effect ends. 7Violet: The target is blinded. At the start of your next turn; the target makes a Wisdom saving throw; ending the effect on a success. On a failed save; the target is banished to another random plane and is no longer blind. If it originated from another plane it returns there; while other creatures are generally cast into the Astral Plane or Ethereal Plane. 8Special: The target is hit by two rays. Roll a d8 twice to determine which rays; rerolling any 8s.
You create a nontransparent barrier of prismatic energy that sheds bright light in a 100-foot radius and dim light for an additional 100 feet. You and creatures you choose at the time of casting are immune to the barrier's effects and may pass through it at will. The barrier can be created as either a vertical wall or a sphere. If the wall intersects a space occupied by a creature the spell fails; you lose your action; and the spell slot is wasted. When a creature that can see the barrier moves within 20 feet of the area or starts its turn within 20 feet of the area; it makes a Constitution saving throw or it is blinded for 1 minute. The wall has 7 layers; each layer of a different color in order from red to violet. Once a layer is destroyed; it is gone for the duration of the spell. To pass or reach through the barrier a creature does so one layer at a time and must make a Dexterity saving throw for each layer or be subjected to that layer's effects. On a successful save; any damage taken from a layer is reduced by half. A rod of cancellation can destroy a prismatic wall; but an antimagic field has no effect. Red: The creature takes 10d6 fire damage. While active; nonmagical ranged attacks can't penetrate the
barrier. The layer is destroyed by 25 cold damage. Orange: The creature takes 10d6 acid damage. While active; magical ranged attacks can't penetrate the barrier. The layer is destroyed by strong winds. Yellow: The creature takes 10d6 lightning damage. This layer is destroyed by 60 force damage. Green: The creature takes 10d6 poison damage. A passwall spell; or any spell of equal or greater level which can create a portal on a solid surface destroys the layer. Blue: The creature takes 10d6 cold damage. This layer is destroyed by 25 fire damage. Indigo: The creature is restrained and makes a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Once it accumulates three failed saves it permanently turns to stone; or when it accumulates three successful saves the effect ends. This layer can be destroyed by bright light; such as that created by the daylight spell or a spell of equal or greater level. Violet: The creature is blinded. At the start of your next turn; the creature makes a Wisdom saving throw; ending the effect on a success. On a failed save; the creature is banished to another random plane and is no longer blind. If it originated from another plane it returns there; while other creatures are
generally cast into the Astral Plane or Ethereal Plane. This layer can be destroyed by dispel magic or a similar spell of equal or greater level capable of ending spells or magical effects.Area: 15-foot radius sphere; or 90-foot long wall that is 30 feet high and 1 inch thick
You increase the magical security in an area; choosing one or more of the following: sound cannot pass the edge of the cannot pass the edge of the area.sensors created by divination spells can neither enter the area nor appear within it.creatures within the area cannot be targeted by divination spells.nothing can teleport into or out of the area.planar travel is impossible within the area.Casting this spell on the same area every day for a year makes the duration permanent.Area: Cube of at least 5-feet or up to 100-feetCast at Higher LevelsIncrease the size of the sanctum by up to 100 feet for each slot level above 4th
You create a flame in your hand which lasts until the spell ends and does no harm to you or your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends when you dismiss it; cast it again; or attack with the flame. As part of casting the spell or as an action on a following turn; you can fling the flame at a creature within 30 feet; making a ranged spell attack that deals 1d8 fire damage.This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8); 11th level (3d8); and 17th level (4d8).Rare VersionsSidoneth's Charged Produce Flame. You conjure a ball of lightning in your hand instead of flame. The ball of lightning produces bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet; and when flung deals lightning damage instead of fire damage.
You craft an illusory object; creature; or other effect which executes a scripted performance when a specific condition is met within 30 feet of the area. You must describe both the condition and the details of the performance upon casting. The trigger must be based on something that can be seen or heard. Once the illusion triggers; it runs its performance for up to 5 minutes before it disappears and goes dormant for 10 minutes. The illusion is undetectable until then and only reactives when the condition is triggered and after the dormant period has passed. A creature can use an action to attempt an Investigation check against your spell save DC to reveal the spell's illusory nature. Physical interactions reveal the illusion for what it is as things can pass through it with ease. A creature aware of the illusion perceives the image as transparent and the sounds it generates hollow.
You create an illusory duplicate of yourself that looks and sounds like you but is intangible. The duplicate can appear anywhere within range as long as you have seen the space before (it ignores any obstacles in the way).You can use an action to move this duplicate up to twice your Speed and make it speak and behave in whatever way you choose; mimicking your mannerism with perfect accuracy. You can use a bonus action to see through your duplicate's eyes and hear through its ears until the beginning of your next turn. During this time; you are blind and deaf to your body's surroundings. A creature can use an action to attempt an Investigation check against your spell save DC to reveal the spell's illusory nature. Physical interactions reveal the illusion for what it is as things can pass through it with ease. A creature aware of the illusion perceives the image as transparent and the sounds it generates hollow.Range: Special (500 miles)
Until the spell ends; the target has resistance to one of the following damage types: acid; cold; fire; lightning; thunder.Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 2nd; the target gains resistance to one additional type of damage; with a maximum number equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
The target is protected against the following types of creatures: aberrations; celestials; elementals; fey; fiends; and undead. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target and are unable to charm; frighten; or possess the target. If the target is already charmed; frightened; or possessed by such a creature; the target has advantage on any new saving throw against that effect.
The target has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage. Additionally; if the target is poisoned; you negate one poison affecting it. If more than one poison affects the target; you negate one poison you know is present (otherwise you negate one at random).
You remove all poison and disease from a number of Supply equal to your proficiency bonus.Cast at Higher LevelsRemove all poison and disease from an additional Supply for each slot level above 1st.
You unleash the discipline of your magical training and let arcane power burn from your fists; consuming the material components of the spell. Until the spell ends you have resistance to bludgeoning; piercing; and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons; and on each of your turns you can use an action to make a melee spell attack against a target within 5 feet that deals 4d8 force damage on a successful hit.For the duration; you cannot cast other spells or concentrate on other spells. The spell ends early if your turn ends and you haven`t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end this spell early on your turn as a bonus action.Cast at Higher LevelsWhen using a spell slot of 5th- or 6th-level; the damage increases to 5d8. When using a spell slot of 7th- or 8th-level; the damage increases to 6d8. When using a spell slot of 9th-level; the damage increases to 7d8.
You return the target to life; provided its soul is willing and able to return to its body. The creature returns to life with 1 hit point. The spell cannot return an undead creature to life.The spell cures any poisons and nonmagical diseases that affected the creature at the time of death. It does not remove any magical diseases; curses; or other magical effects; these must be removed prior to the spell being cast; otherwise they immediately take effect when the creature returns to life.The spell does not regrow limbs or organs; and it automatically fails if the target is missing any body parts necessary for life (like its heart or head).Being raised from the dead takes a toll on the body; mind; and spirit. The target suffers 3 levels of fatigue and strife. At the conclusion of each long rest; the target removes one level of fatigue and strife until the target completely recovers.
You transform the land around you into a blasted hellscape. When you cast the spell; all nonmagical vegetation in the area immediately dies. In addition; you can create any of the following effects within the area. Fiends are immune to these effects; as are any creatures you specify at the time you cast the spell. A successful dispel magic ends a single effect; not the entire area.Brimstone Rubble. You can fill any number of unoccupied 5-foot squares in the area with smoldering brimstone. These spaces become difficult terrain. A creature that enters an affected square or starts its turn there takes 2d10 fire damage.Field of Fear. Dread pervades the entire area. A creature that starts its turn in the area must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start its next turn. While frightened; a creature must take the Dash action to escape the area by the safest available route on each of its turns. On a successful save; the creature becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours.Spawning Pits. The ground opens to create up to 6 pits filled with poisonous bile. Each pit fills a 10-foot cube that drops beneath the ground. When this spell is cast; any creature whose space is on a pit may make a
Dexterity saving throw; moving to an unoccupied space next to the pit on a success. A creature that enters a pit or starts its turn there takes 15d6 poison damage; or half as much damage on a successful Constitution saving throw. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage immediately dies and rises as a lemure at the start of its next turn. Lemures created this way obey your verbal commands; but they disappear when the spell ends or if they leave the area for any reason.Unhallowed Spires. Up to four spires of black ice rise from the ground in unoccupied 10-foot squares within the area. Each spire can be up to 66 feet tall and is immune to all damage and magical effects. Whenever a creature within 30 feet of a spire would regain hit points; it does not regain hit points and instead takes 3d6 necrotic damage.If you maintain concentration on the spell for the full duration; the effects are permanent until dispelled.Area: Up to a 300-foot sphere
A black ray of necrotic energy shoots from your fingertip. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit; the target is weakened and only deals half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength.At the end of each of the target's turns; it can make a Strength saving throw; ending the spell on a success.
An icy beam shoots from your outstretched fingers. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit; you deal 1d8 cold damage and reduce the target's Speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8); 11th level (3d8); and 17th level (4d8).Rare VersionsGabal's Frigid Ray of Frost. A target that takes 20 or more damage from this spell reduces its Speed to 0 and becomes rattled until the beginning of your next turn as the cold penetrates to its very core.
You touch a creature; causing its body to spontaneously heal itself. The target immediately regains 4d8 + 15 hit points and regains 10 hit points per minute (1 hit point at the start of each of its turns).If the target is missing any body parts; the lost parts are restored after 2 minutes. If a severed part is held against the stump; the limb instantaneously reattaches itself.
You return the target to life; provided the target's soul is willing and able to return to its body. If you only have a piece of the target; the spell reforms a new adult body for the soul to inhabit. Once reincarnated the target remembers everything from its former life; and retains all its proficiencies; cultural traits; and class features. The target's heritage traits change according to its new form. The Narrator chooses the form of the new body; or rolls on Table: Reincarnation.
This spell ends a curse inflicted with a spell slot of 3rd-level or lower. If the curse was instead inflicted by a feature or trait; the spell ends a curse inflicted by a creature of Challenge Rating 6 or lower. If cast on a cursed object of Rare or lesser rarity; this spell breaks the owner's attunement to the item (although it does not end the curse on the object).Cast at Higher LevelsFor each slot level above 3rd; the spell ends a curse inflicted either by a spell one level higher or by a creature with a Challenge Rating two higher. When using a 6th-level spell slot; the spell breaks the owner's attunement to a Very Rare item. When using a 9th-level spell slot; the spell breaks the owner's attunement to a Legendary item.
A transparent sphere of force encloses the target. The sphere is weightless and just large enough for the target to fit inside. The sphere can be destroyed without harming anyone inside by being dealt at least 15 force damage at once or by being targeted with a dispel magic spell cast using a 4th-level or higher spell slot. The sphere is immune to all other damage; and no spell effects; physical objects; or anything else can pass through; though a target can breathe while inside it. The target cannot be damaged by any attacks or effects originating from outside the sphere; and the target cannot damage anything outside of it.The target can use an action to roll the sphere at half its Speed. Similarly; the sphere can be picked up and moved by other creatures.
The target gains an expertise die to one saving throw of its choice; ending the spell. The expertise die can be rolled before or after the saving throw is made.
Provided the target's soul is willing and able to return to its body; so long as it is not undead it returns to life with all of its hit points.The spell cures any poisons and nonmagical diseases that affected the target at the time of death. It does not remove any magical diseases; curses; or other magical effects; these must be removed prior to the spell being cast; otherwise they immediately take effect when the target returns to life. The spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts.Being raised from the dead takes a toll on the body; mind; and spirit. The target takes a 4 penalty to attack rolls; saving throws; and ability checks. At the conclusion of each long rest; the penalty is reduced by 1 until the target completely recovers.Resurrecting a creature that has been dead for one year or longer is exhausting. Until you finish a long rest; you can't cast spells again and you have disadvantage on attack rolls; ability checks; and saving throws.
Gravity reverses in the area. Any creatures or objects not anchored to the ground fall upward until they reach the top of the area. A creature may make a Dexterity saving throw to prevent the fall by grabbing hold of something. If a solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered; the affected creatures and objects impact against it with the same force as a downward fall. When an object or creature reaches the top of the area; it remains suspended there until the spell ends.When the spell ends; all affected objects and creatures fall back down.Area: 50-foot radius cylinder that is 100 feet high
The target returns to life with 1 hit point. The spell does not restore any missing body parts and cannot return to life a creature that died of old age.
One end of the target rope rises into the air until it hangs perpendicular to the ground. At the upper end; a nearly imperceptible entrance opens to an extradimensional space that can fit up to 8 Medium or smaller creatures. The entrance can be reached by climbing the rope. Once inside; the rope can be pulled into the extradimensional space.No spells or attacks can cross into or out of the extradimensional space. Creatures inside the extradimensional space can see out of a 3-foot-by-5-foot window centered on the target. Creatures outside the space can spot the entrance with a Perception check against your spell save DC. If they can reach it; creatures can pass in and out of the space.When the spell ends; anything inside the extradimensional space falls to the ground.
As long as you can see the target (even if it has cover) radiant holy flame envelops it; dealing 1d8 radiant damage.This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8); 11th level (3d8); and 17th level (4d8).Rare VersionsKomanov's Purifying Flame. When a target damaged by this spell is undead; has the Evil trait; or is vulnerable to radiant damage; it is rattled for the next minute. At the end of each of its turns; the target may make a Wisdom saving throw to end the effect on itself.
You ward a creature against intentional harm. Any creature that makes an attack against or casts a harmful spell against the target must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save; the attacking creature must choose a different creature to attack or it loses the attack or spell. This spell doesn't protect the target from area effects; such as an explosion.This spell ends early when the target attacks or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature.
Three rays of fire shoot from your fingertips. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. On a hit; the target takes 2d6 fire damage.Cast at Higher LevelsCreate an additional ray for each slot level above 2nd.Rare VersionsKasvarina's Imbued Ray. The rays are the color of your choice and deal damage of the corresponding type: yellow (poison); green (acid); blue (cold); purple (psychic); black (necrotic); white (lightning).
You can see and hear a specific creature that you choose. The difficulty of the saving throw for this spell is modified by your knowledge of the target and whether you possess a physical item with a connection to the target. The target can choose to fail the save.On a failed save; you can see and hear the target through an invisible sensor that appears within 10 feet of it and moves with the target. Any creature who can see invisibility or rolls a critical success on its saving throw perceives the sensor as a fist-sized glowing orb hovering in the air. Creatures cannot see or hear you through the sensor.If you choose to target a location; the sensor appears at that location and is immobile.
You briefly go into a magical trance and whisper an alien equation which you never fully remember once the spell is complete. Each creature in the area takes 3d4 psychic damage and is deafened for 1 round.Creatures who are unable to hear the equation; immune to psychic damage; or who have an Intelligence score lower than 4 are immune to this spell.Cast at Higher LevelsCreatures are deafened for 1 additional round for each slot level above 1st.