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Volted Veil

  • casting time Action
  • range 5 ft

  • components V, S
  • duration 1 round

You create a shield of electrical energy to both attack and defend you from incoming attacks, making a melee spell attack. The target takes 1d8 lightning damage on a hit.
The next time the target hits you with a melee attack before the duration ends, you gain a +1d4 bonus to your AC against the attack.

The damage increases by one die when you reach 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Harlequin Level 0 abjuration

Spectral Slash

  • casting time Action
  • range 15 ft

  • components V, S
  • duration Instantaneous

You release a spray of chromatic energy towards a target, making a ranged spell attack. The target takes 1d10 cold or fire damage (your choice). If the target is immune or resistant to the chosen damage type, you can switch to the other damage type as a reaction.

The damage increases by two dice when you reach 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Harlequin Level 0 evocation

Fatal Facade (ability)

  • casting time Reaction
  • range 15 ft

  • components -
  • duration Instantaneous

As a reaction when a creature targets you with an attack, you can switch locations with a different creature of your choice within 15 feet of you. You are immediately moved to the creature's location while the chosen creature appears in your original location and becomes the new target of the attack. The creature you choose must have a size category of either Medium or Small.

You can use this feature three times between rests. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.


Conspirator (ability)

  • casting time Bonus Action
  • range 15 ft

  • components -
  • duration Instantaneous

As a bonus action, you can select a creature within 15 feet and force them to make an Insight (Wisdom) check against your Deception (Charisma) check. On a failure, a creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll before the beginning of your next turn.

You cannot target the same creature more
than once within 24 hours with this ability.


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