You create up to 4 torch sized lights taking o nthe appearance of torches, lanterns or another similar sized object of your choice that hover in the air. You can optionally combine the 4 lights into one vaguely humanoid form and size. Each light sheds dim light in a 10ft radius.
As a bonus action you can move each of the lights up to 60ft. Each light must remain within 20ft of another lights and moving the lights out of range ends the spell.
Touching up to 3 pebbles or small rocks you imbue them with magic. You or anyone else in possession of them can make a ranged spell attack using 1 of the pebbles by throwing or firing it from another weapon, when thrown the pebble has a range of 60ft.
When used as an attack the pebble uses your spellcasting modifier for the attack roll and deals 1d6 + spell mod. Wether the pebble hits or misses it ends on that pebble after used in an attack.
You can only have one version of this spell active at one time.
A lash of lightnign energy bursts from you toward a creature of your choice that you can see, the target must succeed a STR check or be dragged 10ft toward you and then take 1d8 lightning damage if it is now within 5ft of you.
This spells damage increase when you reach 5th level to 2d8, 11th level to 3d8 and 17th level to 4d8.
Using a long vine like whip covered in thorns you lash at a creature in range, make a melee spell attack, if the attack hits the target takes 1d6 piercing damage and if they are large or smaller they are pulled 10ft towards you.
This spells damage increase when you reach 5th level to 2d6, 11th level to 3d6 and 17th level to 4d6.
Hurl a mote of ire at a creature or object of your choice, make a ranged spell attack against the target, on a hit they take 1d10 fire damage. Flammable objects hit by this spell start to burn aslong as they aren't worn or carried.
This spells damage increase when you reach 5th level to 2d10, 11th level to 3d10 and 17th level to 4d10.
A spectral floating hand appears at a location of your choice. The hand dissapears if you cast this spell again or when it moves more than 30ft from you and you can dismiss it as an action.
As an action you can control the hand to move it up to 30ft and to interact with an object, open an unlocked door or container, stor or retrieve an item from a container.
The hand can't attack, activate a magic item or carry more than 10 pounds.
You conjure a magical weapon made of ice in your hand taking a form of your choice. You can dismiss, reform or change its form as a bonus action.
You can have upto 3 ice weapons formed using this spell at a time.
You can choose from the following forms:
Spear 1d6 cold Thrown(30/90)
Sword 1d6 cold Vers(1d8)
Lance 1d8 cold Twohanded, Reach
Hammer 1d10 cold Twohanded, Heavy
Dagger 1d4 cold Finesse, Thrown(30/90)