For the duration, you can read the thoughts of certain creatures. When you cast the spell and as your action on each turn until the spell ends, you can focus your mind on any one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature you choose has an Intelligence of 3 or lower or doesn't speak any language, the creature is unaffected.
You initially learn the surface thoughts of the creature - what is most on its mind in that moment. As an action, you can either shift your attention to another creature's thoughts or attempt to probe deeper into the same creature's mind. If you probe deeper, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). If it succeeds, the spell ends. Either way, the target knows that you are probing into its mind, and unless you shift your attention to another creature's thoughts, the creature can use its action on its turn to
make an Intelligence check contested by your Intelligence check if it succeeds, the spell ends.
Questions verbally directed at the target creature naturally shape the course of its thoughts, so this spell is particularly effective as part of an interrogation.
You can also use this spell to detect the presence of thinking creatures you can't see. When you cast the spell or as your action during the duration, you can search for thoughts within 30 feet of you. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead blocks you. You can't detect a creature with an Intelligence of 3 or lower or one that doesn't speak any language.
Once you detect the presence of a creature in this way, you can read its thoughts for the rest of the duration as described above, even if you can't see it, but it must still be within range.
You and up to five other creatures make a toast and drink to the lords and ladies of the fey. When you cast the spell,choose one of the following toasts, the targets of which must be within 10 feet of you throughout the casting.
Commiseration: Spellcasting participants can form or join a hag coven. While in the coven,each of the participants can share spell slots among themselves. Spells known by one member of the coven are known by all members of the coven for the duration and can be cast using any of the shared spell slots.
Friendship: For the duration,each of the participants in the toast becomes Fey,in place of its original type,and it has advantage on the first Charisma check it makes against a Fey each minute.
Husbandry: For the duration,each of the participants can communicate with Beasts as though they shared a language (though they gain no magical ability to influence the creatures).
Nightmares: For the duration,the first time a creature comes within 30 feet of one of the
participants,that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of all the participants for 1 minute.
Playfulness: For the duration,each of the participants grows gossamer wings,and it can use a bonus action to flutter the wings and gain a flying speed equal to its walking speed. The participant must start and end its movement on a solid surface,such as a roof or the ground. If it is flying at the end of its turn,it falls to the ground and takes falling damage. If the participant flutters the wings again,the effect ends. When the wings have been used for a total of 1 minute,they disappear and this spell ends for that creature.
Restfulness: For the duration,each of the participants gains advantage on saving throws against being charmed and cant be put to sleep by a spell or other magical effect for the duration.