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Fold Space [rare]

  • casting time Bonus, Action, Full
  • range Touch

  • components Somatic
  • duration Instantaneous

As with many truths that we cling on to, distance is more subjective than we expect, and is thus malleable to a skilled user of the Force.

Move an Object within Range from their current space to a space within 90 ft, without traveling through the spaces between.

Size of Object is determined by Casting Time.

Bonus Up to Small

Action Up to Medium

Full Up to Large

Special If trying to ”plant” an Object on a Creature and they are unwilling, the Creature can make a Reflex Saving Throw to prevent the Power from having any effect.

Aing-Tii Force Power Tier 1 - Alter

Flight [rare]

  • casting time Action
  • range Self

  • components Somatic
  • duration 1 minute

Aided by the elements, by ancestral spirits or by your insights into the properties of our crude matter, you are able to take to the air in short intervalls.

Caster gains Fly Speed equal to their highest Movement Speed for Duration.


Nightsister Force Power Tier 2 - Alter, Control

Teleport [rare]

  • casting time Bonus, Full
  • range Self

  • components Somatic
  • duration Instantaneous

By reaching into the World Between Worlds, the Plane of Spirits or Hyperspace, you are able to traverse large distances in Realspace instantaneously.

Effects depend on Casting TIme.

Bonus Move to space within 30 ft, without traveling through the spaces between. Requires Line of Sight.

Full Move to space within 500 ft, without traveling through the spaces between. Does not require Line of Sight.

Nightsister Force Power Tier 2 - Alter, Control

Reanimate Corpses [dark, rare] (pt.1)

  • casting time Action
  • range 30 ft

  • components Somatic, Material
  • duration 10 Minutes

Though in death the Force leaves us behind as empty husks, these vessels can be filled anew with the will of a sufficiently strong Force wielder, such as a Great Mother of the Nightsisters, creating creatures under the sway of their new master in undeath.

Caster chooses up to five (5) Dead Creatures within Range. These Creatures replace their statistics with those of a Zombie (see Chapter 14) and gain the Minion Trait, being under the Casters control. At the end of the Duration, or whenever they reach 0 HP, the Creatures become inanimate again and regains their original statistics. (cont’d)

Nightsister Force Power Tier 3 - Alter, Control, Sense

Reanimate Corpses [dark, rare] (pt.2)

  • casting time Action
  • range 30 ft

  • components Somatic, Material
  • duration 10 Minutes


Bonus Mentally issue a command to one or more of the Targets of this Power.

Ritual When cast as a Ritual, this Power Targets one (1) Dead Creature, takes 8 hours to cast and has a Duration of Indefinite. You may only have one (1) Zombie under you control in this way, and if you Create a second one then the previous one becomes inanimate. You may still use this Power in its non-Ritual way to create more Zombies.

Nightsister Force Power Tier 3 - Alter, Control, Sense

Nightsister Force Power

1 1
2 2
2 2
3 3
3 3