(Cursed Crystal) Target one large or smaller creature to suffocate them with a psychic grip and takes 1D6 force damage.
A creature that starts its turn restrained by this effect takes 1D6 force damage. The target creature must make a CON saving throw at the end of each of its turns until it succeeds or until the end of the duration.
The effects of this curse end early if you lose sight of the target creature.
(Cursed Crystal) When a creature you can see within range is forced to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to warn them of the danger and giving them advantage for the saving throw.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose a target creature that you can see within range. The target creature must succeed on a WIS saving throw or believe one of the following:
Chasm. The target creature believes that the ground is opening up beneath them, causing them to fall prone as they scramble to save themselves. The creatures speed becomes 0 and the creature falls prone.
Disaster. The target believes that a large-scale natural disaster is occurring, and they do everything they can to save themselves from it.
Enemies. The target believes that an ally is an enemy of theirs, moving toward them aggressively and making an attack against them. If the target cannot make it to an ally with their movement, they do nothing this turn.
(Cursed Crystal) Target one creature that you can see within range. You create a sound and/or an image that only you and the target creature can perceive. The volume of noises can range from a whisper to a scream and images can be up to large in size.
The image disappears if the target creature touches it or if the target creature is affected by another curse before the end of the duration.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose a target creature that you can touch to send them into an intense state of focus. For the duration the target has advantage on any ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws.
(Cursed Crystal) You slam an invisible force field onto a creature you can see within range and any creatures within 5 feet of it take 1D6 psychic damage and must succeed a CON saving throw (DC equals your DEX score) or be knocked prone.
(Cursed Crystal) Make a Perception check with advantage to detect hidden creatures or objects out to a range of 60 feet.
(Cursed Crystal) You touch a willing creature and give them one of the following senses for the duration:
The target gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
The target can sense the presence of psionics within 30 feet of them and can see a faint aura around each visible creature or object within 30 feet of them that has psionic power.
This effect is ended early if the target creature is affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target creature that you can see within range, that isn't grappled or restrained. The target creature must succeed on a CON saving throw (DC equals your WIS score). On a failed saving throw, the target creature's weight becomes 0 and it begins to rise into the air 5 feet every turn. A creature with a flying speed automatically succeeds on their saving throw.
This effect is ended early if the target creature is affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) You target up to three creatures you can see within range. Target creatures must make a CHA saving throw. On a failed saving throw, you know when target creatures speak, write or otherwise communicate a lie for the duration. You know whether each creature succeeds or fails the saving throw.
This effect is ended early if you or the target creature are affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) You alter the surface of an object you can touch. For the duration, the object is transformed into an object of the same size and weight.
This effect is ended early if you or the target object are affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) You choose one humanoid creature you can see within range. The target must make a WIS saving throw and does so with advantage if the creature is hostile to you. If the target fails the saving throw, the target is charmed by you for the duration or until the creature is harmed by your or one of your allies. A charmed creature is not controlled and still has autonomy but will help you if it is possible. When the effect ends, the creature remembers everything that occurred.
This effect is ended early if you or the target creature are affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose a creature that you can see within range. For the duration you learn what their surface thoughts of that creature - what is most on their mind in that moment. While reading a target creatures thoughts, you have advantage on Deception, Insight, Intimidation or Persuasion checks made to assess or influence the target creature.
This effect is ended early if you or the target creature are affected by another curse.
(Cursed Crystal) You create a focused cone of bright light in front of you for 30 feet. You can change the colour of the light and turn it on or off as a Free Action until the end of the duration or until you are affected by another curse effect..
(Cursed Crystal) You send a ripple of energy through a willing creature you can touch. The target creature is invisible until the end of the duration or until the target creature is affected by another curse effect.
(Cursed Crystral) Choose up to 3 target creatures within range. The target creatures must make a DEX saving throw of being violently teleported from their location to a random location within range and takes 1D6 bludgeoning damage. On a failed save, the target creature is moved to another location 30 feet from its original location, its speed is dropped to 0 until the end of its next turn and it is prone. On a successful save the target creature is moved to another location 10 feet from its original location and the target is prone.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one creature, object or curse effect within range and end effects on that target.
(Cursed Crystal) You alter the surface of your body, transforming you into another creature with the same size and weight for the duration. These changes are not an illusion and will hold up to physical inspection, altering your voice too if desired.
While transformed into another creature, you have advantage on checks to discern your identity.
Clothing and objects you wear, and carry do not transform with you.
(Cursed Crystal) You bend space around you and teleport you and another creature or humanoid sized object to another space within 40 feet of your current location that you can see.
(Cursed Crystal) You can touch a willing creature to cause their speed to increase by 15 feet until the end of that creatures next turn.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target creature that you can see within range, that isn't grappled or restrained and call out to that creature. The target creature must succeed on a WIS saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or be teleported to your location. When a creature is successfully teleported to your location, you are teleported to the location the target creature just left.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target creature that you can see within range, that isn't grappled or restrained. The target creature must succeed on a STR saving throw (DC equals your WIS score). On a failed saving throw, the target creature's speed is decreased by 20 (to a minimum of 0 feet). If a creature's movement is reduced to 0 by this curse, it is knocked prone.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target object that you can see within range and manipulate it using one of the following effects.
Manipulate Object. You can adjust of change the moveable parts of a complex object within range.
Move Object. Move a large or smaller object within range up to 30 feet in any direction. Objects moved by this effect will fall when the duration ends.
Throw Object. Pick up and throw large or smaller object within range at a target creature or object that is also within range. When a target is hit (D20 + DEX + INT) it takes 1D6 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet the object travels to hit the target.
(Cursed Crystal) You grow purple blades your of your arms. You gain an additional attack action for the duration of the curse.
Whenever you hit a creature (D20 + STR + WIS) with the purple blades they take 1D4 slashing damage and 1D10 psychic damage. On a critical hit, you may choose to decapitate the target creature, instantly killing them.
(Cursed Crystal) Your skin turns into hard, dark metal and grants you the following benefits for the duration:
You gain 15 temporary hit points. If any of these temporary hit points remain when the duration ends, they are lost.
Your AC increases by 4.
You may use your Action to make 2 melee attacks with your metal hands. Each strike (D20 + STR + WIS to hit) deals 1D6 magical bludgeoning damage and 1D6 psychic damage.
The cursed crystal is consumed when the duration ends.
(Cursed Crystal) One creature you can see within range must make an INT saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or take 1D10 force damage and is knocked prone. Target creature takes no damage on a successful save.
(Cursed Crystal) One creature you can see within range must make an INT saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or take 1D10 psychic damage. Target creature takes no damage on a successful save.
(Cursed Crystal) Waves of force emanate from you, hindering the movement of nearby creatures. Each creature treats the area within 15 feet of you as difficult terrain for the duration.
As a Free Action, you can attempt to trip any creatures within 15 feet of you, knocking it prone. Target creatures must succeed on a STR saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or fall prone. Creatures who are tripped this turn cannot make attacks of opportunity against you.
(Cursed Crystal) You may choose a creature that you can see within range and send them a short telepathic message, 25 words or a single visual image.
The target creature does not need to see you to respond with a short telepathic message, 25 words or a single visual image back.
(Cursed Crystal) Once a day, you can unleash an explosion of force from your body. Each creature within a 20 foot radius sphere (including you) must succeed on a DEX saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 6D6 force damage and are pushed 10 feet away from you. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and is pushed 5 feet from you.
You are not pushed from the explosion.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target creature that you can see within range, that isn't grappled or restrained. The target creature must succeed on a STR saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or be restrained. The restrained creature's movement is 0.
(Cursed Crystal) Choose one target creature that you can see within range, that isn't grappled or restrained. The target creature must succeed on a STR saving throw (DC equals your WIS score) or be moved 15 feet in any direction.
(Cursed Crystal) When you take damage may use your reaction to psionically reach out toward a target creature, letting them share your pain. Half of the damage you received (rounded down) is transferred to the target creature.