You touch 1 object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends,the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.
If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature,that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within 15 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet in a straight line toward you and then take 1d8 lightning damage if it is within 5 feet of you.
At Higher Levels: This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
A spectral,floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object,open an unlocked door or container,stow or retrieve an item from an open container,or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
The hand can't attack,activate magical items,or carry more than 10 pounds.
You create a burst of thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away. Each creature within range,other than you,must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage.
The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6),11th level (3d6),and 17th level (4d6).
You whisper a discordant melody that only 1 creature of your choice within range can hear,wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction,if available,to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn't move into obviously dangerous ground,such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save,the target takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
You choose 1 object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object,you learn its properties and how to use them,whether it requires attunement to use,and how many charges it has,if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell,you learn which spell created it.
If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting,you learn what spells,if any,are currently affecting it.
You magically distract the triggering creature and turn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement for another creature. The triggering creature must reroll the d20 and use the lower roll.
You can then choose a different creature you can see within range (you can choose yourself). The chosen creature has advantage on the next attack rollability check,or saving throw it makes within 1 minute. A creature can be empowered by only one use of this spell at a time.
Choose an object that you can see within range. The object can be a door,a box,a chest,a set of manacles,a padlock,or another object that contains a mundane or magical means that prevents access.
A target that is held shut by a mundane lock or that is stuck or barred becomes unlocked,unstuck,or unbarred. If the object has multiple locks,only 1 of them is unlocked.
If you choose a target that is held shut with arcane lock,that spell is suppressed for 10 minutes,during which time the target can be opened and shut normally.
When you cast the spell,a loud knock,audible from as far away as 300 feet,emanates from the target object.
A sudden loud ringing noise,painfully intense,erupts from a point of your choice within range. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save,or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone,crystal,or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw.
A nonmagical object that isn't being worn or carried also takes the damage if it's in the spell's area.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of or higher,the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns,the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success,the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
For the duration,you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible,and you can see into the Ethereal Plane. Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly and translucent.
You touch a creature,and that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this spell,choose the nature of the curse from the following options.
• Choose 1 ability score. While cursed,the target has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made with that ability score.
• While cursed,the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
• While cursed,the target must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails,it wastes its action that turn doing nothing.
• While the target is cursed,your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target.
A remove curse spell ends this effect. At the DM's option,you may choose an alternative curse effect,but it should be no more powerful than those described above. The DM has final say on such a curse's effect.
At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,the duration is concentration,up to 10 minutes. If you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher,the duration is 8 hours. -
If you use a spell slot of 7th level or higher,the duration If you use a
spell slot of 7th level or higher,the duration is 24 hours. If you use a 9th level spell slot,the spell lasts until it is dispelled. Using a spell slot of 5th level or higher grants a duration that doesn't require concentration.
A 10-foot-radius immobile dome of force springs into existence around and above you and remains stationary for the duration. The spell ends if you leave its area.
9 creatures of Medium size or smaller can fit inside the dome with you. The spell fails if its area includes a larger creature or more than 9 creatures. Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely. All other creatures and objects are barred from passing through it. Spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it. The atmosphere inside the space is comfortable and dry,regardless of the weather outside.
Until the spell ends,you can command the interior to become dimly lit or dark. The dome is opaque from the outside,of any color you choose,but it is transparent from the inside.
You alter time around up to six creatures of your choice in a 40-foot cube within range. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by this spell for the duration.
An affected target's speed is halved,it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws,and it can't use reactions. On its turn,it can use either an action or a bonus action,not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items,it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn.
If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action,roll a d20. On an 11 or higher,the spell doesn't take effect until the creature's next turn,and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it can't,the spell is wasted.
A creature affected by this spell makes another Wisdom saving throw at the end of its turn. On a successful save,the effect ends for it.
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower,its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher,make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success,the creature's spell fails and has no effect.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,the interrupted spell has no effect if its level is less than or equal to the level of the spell slot you used.
otherwise, the creature is left behind.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.
You teleport yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You arrive at exactly the spot desired. It can be a place you can see,one you can visualize,or one you can describe by stating distance and direction,such as 200 feet straight downward or upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle,300 feet.
You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also bring 1 willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet of you when you cast this spell.
If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature,you and any creature traveling with you each take 4d6 force damage,and the spell fails to teleport you.
This spell transforms a creature with at least 1 hit point that you can see within range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. A shapechanger automatically succeeds on this saving throw.
The transformation lasts for the duration,or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's (or the target's level,if it doesn't have a challenge rating). The target's game statistics,including mental ability scores,are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality.
The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it reverts to its normal form,the creature returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points,any excess damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce the creature's normal form to 0 hit points,it isn't knocked unconscious.
creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form,and it can't speak,cast spells,or take any other action that requires hands or speech.
The target's gear melds into the new form. The creature can't activate,use,wield,or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
Objects come to life at your command. Choose up to 10 nonmagical objects within range that are not being worn or carried. Medium targets count as 2 objects,Large targets count as 4 objects,Huge targets count as 8 objects. You can't animate any object larger than Huge. Each target animates and becomes a creature under your control until the spell ends or until reduced to 0 hit points.
As a bonus action,you can mentally command any animated object if it is within 500 feet of you (if you control multiple,you can command any or all of them at the same time,issuing the same command to each.) You decide what action ti takes and where it moves during its next turn,or you can issue a general command,such as to guard an area. If you issue no command,the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order,the creature continues to follow it until the task is complete.
An animated object is a construct with AC,hit points,attacks,Strength,and Dexterity determined by its size. Its Cons is 10 and its Int and Wis are 3,and its Char is 1. Speed is 30 ft,if the objects lack legs or other appendages it instead has a flying speed of 30 feet and can hover. If the object is securely attached to a
surface or larger object,such as a chain on a wall,its speed is 0. It has blindsight with a radius of 30 ft and is blind beyond that. When the animated object drops to 0 hit points,it reverts to its original object form,and any remaining damage carries over to its original object form.
If you command an object to attack,it can make a single melee attack within 5 ft of it. It makes a slam attack with an attack bonus and bludgeoning damage is determined by its size. The DM might rule that a specific object inflicts slashing or piercing damage based on its form.
Animated Object Statistics
Size. .,HP,AC,Hit,Damage,Str,Dex
Tiny. .,20,18,+8,1d4 + 4.,4,18
Small,25,16,+6,1d8 + 2.,6,14
Med. .,40,13,+5,2d6 + 1,10,12
Large,50,10,+6,2d10 +2,14,10
Huge.,80,10,+8,2d12 +4,18,6
At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher,you can animate 2 additional objects for each slot level above 5th.
You choose a point within range and cause psychic energy to explode there. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make an Intelligence saving throw. A creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower can't be affected by this spell. A target takes 8d6 psychic damage on a failed save,or half as much damage on a successful one.
After a failed save,a target has muddled thoughts for 1 minute. During that time,it rolls a d6 and subtracts the number rolled from all its attack rolls and ability checks,as well as its Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. The target can make an Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of its turns,ending the effect on itself on a success.
As you cast the spell,you draw a 10-foot-diameter circle on the ground inscribed with sigils that link your location to a permanent teleportation circle of your choice whose sigil sequence you know and that is on the same plane of existence as you. A shimmering portal opens within the circle you drew and remains open until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the portal instantly appears within 5 feet of the destination circle or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Many major temples,guilds,and other important places have permanent teleportation circles inscribed somewhere within their confines. Each such circle includes a unique sigil sequence - a string of magical runes arranged in a particular pattern. When you first gain the ability to cast this spell,you learn the sigil sequences for 2 destinations on the Material Plane,determined by the DM. You can learn additional sigil sequences during your adventures. You can commit a new sigil sequence to memory after studying it for 1 minute.
You can create a permanent teleportation circle by casting this spell in the same location every day for 1 year. You need not use the circle to teleport when you cast the spell in this way.
You strike the ground,creating a burst of divine energy that ripples outward from you. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 thunder damage,as well as 5d6 radiant or necrotic damage (your choice),and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone.