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  • casting time 1 reaction, which you take whenever you see a creature make a ranged weapon attack
  • range 120 feet

  • components S
  • duration Instantaneous

You freeze a projectile that you can see within range mid-flight in attempt to alter its trajectory. If the projectile would otherwise hit, it instead becomes suspended in midair 5 feet from its original target. If it would otherwise miss, the DM determines the location of the now frozen projectile. Within the same reaction, you can reposition the frozen projectile to hit a target of your choice, provided they are within the weapon or spell’s range from the projectile’s new location.

Alternatively, you can cause the projectile to drop to the ground harmlessly, fizzling, if it’s a magical effect.

Wizard 3rd level Enchantment

Fast-Forward/Reverse (2/2)

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 10 feet

  • components V, S
  • duration Concentration, up to 1 hour

As a bonus action, you can switch between the Fast-Forward and Reverse effects within a single casting of this spell.

Wizard Transmutation cantrip

Fast-Forward/Reverse (1/2)

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 10 feet

  • components V, S
  • duration Concentration, up to 1 hour

You manipulate the flow of time in a small area, rapidly altering the age of objects in the area as you choose. Select any number of non-magical objects of size Small or smaller in a 5 foot cube within range. Choose fast-forward/reverse as the area’s effect.

Fast-Forward: Ink dries, water boils, and candles burn down to stubs. You speed up time for the objects, causing them to experience 10 minutes for every minute spent casting the spell.

Reverse: Rotting apples freshen, torn documents are mended, and shattered vases become whole. You reverse the aging process for the objects, causing them to appear as they did 10 minutes ago for every minute spent casting the spell.

In either case, this spell does not affect any object’s physical location in space, and nothing outside of this area is affected. For example, a page torn from a book is not transported back to its binding if the page is outside the spell's area.

Wizard Transmutation cantrip


  • casting time 1 action
  • range 30 feet

  • components S, M
  • duration Instantaneous

chamomile petals

You quicken the pace of a target’s recovery, causing a malady afflicting it to pass faster that it would otherwise. Choose a creature that you can see within range. A target can immediately make a saving throw against an effect that allows it to make saving throws on each of its turns.

Alternatively, the creature can make a saving throw against a disease that is afflicting it. Any creature that makes a saving throw against a disease in this way is unaffected by further castings of this spell until they finish a long rest.

Wizard Evocation cantrip

Undo Harm

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Touch

  • components V,S,M
  • duration Instantaneous

ginger root and kale leaves

You reverse time around a fresh wound, healing some of the damage. A creature you touch regains up to 1d4 hit points, but no higher than the amount of damage that they took since their last turn.

The spell’s healing increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

Wizard Evocation cantrip


  • casting time 1 action
  • range touch

  • components V, S
  • duration Instantaneous

You touch a nonmagical object, which must be contained entirely within a 5-foot cube, and revert it into its raw materials. For example, an iron sword with a wooden handle targeted by this spell may transform into chunks of iron ore and chips of wood. The exact composition of the converted material is determined by the DM.

If you target an object being held or carried by an unwilling creature, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the spell fails.

Wizard 2nd level Transmutation


  • casting time 1 action
  • range 30 feet

  • components V, S
  • duration Instantaneous

You briefly speed up or slow time for a creature (other than you) of your choice that you can see within range. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell has no effect. Otherwise, choose one of the following effects:

Hurry: The creature is moved to an initiative slot of your choice that more closely follows your current turn and has advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.

Delay: The creature is moved to an initiative slot of your choice that more distantly follows your current turn and has disadvantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.

Wizard 2nd level Enchantment


  • casting time 1 reaction (when you take when you see a creature within range move willingly)
  • range 30ft

  • components V,S
  • duration Instantaneous

A moderate magical force slows time around a Medium or smaller creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of the turn.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect creatures of one size larger than Medium for each slot above 1st.

Wizard 1st level Illusion


  • casting time 1 action
  • range 60 feet

  • components V,S,M
  • duration Instantaneous

a small silver mirror

You briefly rewind the thoughts a creature of your choice that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or, on their next turn, be forced to use its action to take the same action it took on its previous turn. If the target is unable to take that action again, it instead takes no action.

For example, if a creature under the effects of this spell made a weapon attack with a maul on their last turn, they must do so again this turn, though they may choose a different target. If the creature used their action to cast a spell, they must cast the same spell.


You can twist the time around an enemy to make it experience a painful event twice. The target must succeed a WIS saving throw or take the same amount and kind of damage it took, up to 30 of damage.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st

Wizard 1st level Illusion

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