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Machine Telepathy

  • casting time Standard
  • range

  • components None
  • duration Concentration

The character can communicate telepathically with one machine at a time, and they must have met or seen the machine before. The communication can be verbal, visual, or even more complex, such as imparting location information. There is no limit to the distance of the communication as long as the character and the machine are in the same dimension.
Simple machines do not have much to offer in the way of conversation, but they are also generally compliant with requests. Complex machines, like computers, smartphones, and other electronics, are also often compliant, but if they are secured in any way, they usually refuse to communicate with strangers. A Logic check can get the character past such security, and the Narrator should set the target number according to the strength of the security.


Mind Interrogation

  • casting time Standard
  • range Same Plane

  • components 5 Focus
  • duration 1 Round

The character can delve into the mind of a single person with whom they have established a telepathic link. This requires a Logic check against the target's Logic defense. On success, the character can ask a single simple question and get the answer from the target's mind. On a Fantastic success, the character can get more complex information.

Mind Reading, Rank 2 Telepathy

Mental Shelter

  • casting time Standard
  • range 5 Spaces * Rank

  • components 10 Focus
  • duration Concentration

The character extends their mental defense to protect any chosen people within up to 5 spaces times their rank. The protected targets are granted Focus Damage Reduction equal to the character's Uncanny power.

Uncanny, Rank 3 Telepathy

Mind Reading

  • casting time Standard
  • range Same Plane

  • components None
  • duration 1 Round

The character can read the thoughts of a single person with whom they have established a Telepathic Link. This requires a Logic check against the target's Logic defense. On a success, the character can read the target's surface thoughts. On a Fantastic success, the character can ask a single simple question and get the answer from the target's mind.

Telepathic Link Telepathy


  • casting time Standard
  • range 100 Spaces Per Rank

  • components None
  • duration Concentration

The character can reach out with their mind to sense the presence of others within 100 spaces per rank. This tells them the person's location and general status. It can also identify if they have super-powers or not.
If a target or targets wish to remain undetected, the character must make a Logic check and compare it against each target's Vigilance defense. If they succeed, they send the target. On a Fantastic success, they can also identify the source of any powers the target has.


Borrow Senses

  • casting time Standard
  • range Same Plane

  • components 5 Focus
  • duration Concentration

The character can use the full senses of someone or something with whom they have established a telepathic link or bond. While they do, they retain the use of their own senses too.

Telepathic Link, Rank 2 Telepathy

Telepathic Blast

  • casting time Standard
  • range Line of Sight

  • components 5 Focus
  • duration Instantaneous

The character makes a Logic attack against a target in line of sight. If the attack is a success, if inflicts regular Focus damage. On a Fantastic success, the target takes double damage instead and is stunned for one round.

Telepathic Link, Rank 2 Telepathy

Telepathic Network

  • casting time Standard
  • range Same Plane

  • components 5 Focus
  • duration Concentration

The character can communicate telepathically with a group of willing, linked people, each of whom they have met or seen before. The communication can be verbal, visual, or even more complex, such as imparting location information. The group can number up to five people per rank. There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as everyone involved is in the same dimension.

Telepathic Link, Rank 2 Telepathy

Telepathic Link

  • casting time Standard
  • range Same Plane

  • components None
  • duration Concentration

The character can communicate telepathically with one person at a time, and they must have met or seen the other person before. The communication can be verbal, visual, or even more complex, such as imparting location information. There is no limit to the distance of the communication, as long as the character and the target are in the same dimension.
If the other person doesn't wish to speak with the character, the target can automatically tune them out. To force a telepathic link, the character can make a Logic check against the target's Vigilance defense. On a failure, the character cannot attempt to communicate with the target in this way for the rest of the day. On a success, the character can communicate with the target for one round. On a Fantastic success, the target cannot shut the character out for the rest of the day.


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