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Hunters Reaction

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationInstant

Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, impose disadvantage on it before knowing the outcome.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Passive

Hunters Reaction

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationInstant

Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, impose disadvantage on it before knowing the outcome.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Passive

Hunters Reaction

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationInstant

Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, impose disadvantage on it before knowing the outcome.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Passive

Hunters Reaction

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationInstant

Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, impose disadvantage on it before knowing the outcome.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Passive

Hunters Reaction

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationInstant

Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you, impose disadvantage on it before knowing the outcome.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Passive

Rain of Arrows

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and others within 5 feet of you.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Active

Rain of Arrows

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and others within 5 feet of you.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Active

Rain of Arrows

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and others within 5 feet of you.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Active

Rain of Arrows

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and others within 5 feet of you.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Active

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Rain of Arrows

  • casting timeReaction
  • range

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack, allies have advantage on ranged attacks against that creature and others within 5 feet of you.

Middle Earth 5E 1st Level Active

Master Ambusher

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

At the start of your first turn in combat, gain 10 feet of speed and make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action. This attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Passive

Master Ambusher

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

At the start of your first turn in combat, gain 10 feet of speed and make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action. This attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Passive

Master Ambusher

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • durationUntil Start of Next Turn

At the start of your first turn in combat, gain 10 feet of speed and make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action. This attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Passive

Dagger Throw

  • casting timeReaction
  • range20 feet

  • components
  • durationInstant

When moving towards an enemy for a melee attack, use a reaction to throw a dagger with +4 to hit, dealing 1d6+dex damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Active

Dagger Throw

  • casting timeReaction
  • range20 feet

  • components
  • durationInstant

When moving towards an enemy for a melee attack, use a reaction to throw a dagger with +4 to hit, dealing 1d6+dex damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Active

Dagger Throw

  • casting timeReaction
  • range20 feet

  • components
  • durationInstant

When moving towards an enemy for a melee attack, use a reaction to throw a dagger with +4 to hit, dealing 1d6+dex damage.

Middle Earth 5E 3rd Level Active

Undying Dúnedain

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration3 Turns

If an attack would reduce you to 0 HP, you are reduced to 1 HP instead. On the 3rd turn, gain 30 temporary hitpoints. These temporary hitpoints last for up to a minute.

Middle Earth 5E 5th Level Passive

Dúnedain Ambusher

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration3 Turns

Must be activated on the first round of combat. On each turn, gain a second action that you can use to attack. You have advantage on all attacks for 3 turns. Deal an extra 2d6 sneak attack damage with each hit.

Middle Earth 5E 5th Level Active

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3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
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5 5