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Amulet of Reflection

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Once per day, the wearer may reflect one spell of up to 4th level targeting the wearer back at the caster as a free action. If the spell deals damage, deal half of the damage the wearer would take to the caster.

Special Ability: Spell Shield
Grants the wearer advantage on saving throws against spells.

Tome of Secrets

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  • duration -

This enchanted book allows the user to learn one additional spell per spell level they can cast.

Special Ability: Hidden Knowledge
Once per day, after a long rest, the tome reveals a vision to the holder. This vision will reveal a hidden piece of lore or information relevant to the current quest.

Gauntlets of Concentrated Power

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These gauntlets provide a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks and saving throws.

Special Ability: Force Blast
Once per day, the gauntlets can unleash a blast of force in a 15-foot cone. Creatures within the blast's area of effect must make a Constitution saving throw. Targets take 6d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Signet of the Sea

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This cloak provides resistance to cold damage and advantage on saving throws against spells or effects related to water.

Special Ability: Ocean’s Embrace
Once per day, the wearer can cast Control Water without using a spell slot.

Boots of Elvenkind

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These boots grant advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Special Ability: Silent Step
Once per day, the wearer can move without provoking attacks of opportunity for one minute.

Belt of Giant Strength

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This belt increases the wearer’s Strength score to 21. If the user’s strength is 21 or higher, it increases by 1.

Special Ability: Giant's Endurance
Once per day, the wearer can gain resistance to any one type of damage for 10 minutes.

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