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  • casting time 1 Reaction
  • range Touch

  • components V
  • duration Instantaneous

When you are damaged by a melee attack, a spiritual beast rises from the wound to sink its teeth into the creature that harmed you. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save it takes 2d8 piercing damage, and is restrained until the end of your next turn if it is no larger than one size bigger than you. On a successful save, it takes half damage and is not restrained.

Druid 1st level Conjuration


  • casting time 1 Bonus Action
  • range Self

  • components V, S
  • duration 1 Minute

You reach out and summon a weapon from the environment around you. Raw materials uproot themselves and form in your hands into a magical simple weapon of your choice with which you have proficiency. The style of weapon reflects the materials in the environment, creating a bone sword in a graveyard or a grass sling in an open field, for example. You can only have one weapon formed by this spell at a time. When the spell ends, the weapon falls apart.

Druid Conjuration cantrip

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