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as the barbarian accepts a spirit animal as guide

  • casting time and inspiration. In battle
  • range your totem spirit fills you with supernatural might

  • components adding magical fuel to your barbarian rage.

    Most barbarian tribes consider a totem animal to be kin to a particular clan. In such cases
  • duration it is unusual for an individual to have more than one totem animal spirit

though exceptions exist.; Barbarian;

Ranger protector

you emanate a stormy

  • casting time but not through total cover.

    Your aura has an effect that activates when you enter your rage
  • range and you can activate the effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action. Choose desert

  • components sea
  • duration or tundra. Your aura's effect depends on that chosen environment

as detailed below. You can change your environment choice whenever you gain a level in this class.

If your aura's effects require a saving throw

Ranger magical aura while you rage. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction


  • casting time which swirls around them. When in a fury
  • range a barbarian of this path taps into the forces of nature to create powerful magical effects.

    Storm heralds are typically elite champions who train alongside druids

  • components rangers
  • duration and others sworn to protect nature. Other storm heralds hone their craft in lodges in regions wracked by storms

in the frozen reaches at the world's end

Ranger and speed. Barbarians who follow the Path of the Storm Herald learn to transform that rage into a mantle of primal magic

you harness your fury to anchor your feet to the ground

  • casting time you can't be knocked prone or moved along the ground against your will.; Barbarian;
  • range

Ranger becoming a bulwark of strength. While you are raging

your rage instills you with the strength to shove and smash your way through your foes

  • casting time you can push that creature up to 5 feet away from you in a direction of your choice. A creature that is Huge or larger makes a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a success
  • range the creature is not pushed.; Barbarian;

Ranger making any battlefield your domain. When you hit a creature with a melee attack while you're raging

and they swing their weapons with such force that all who stand against them are flung aside. In might and in spirit

  • casting time and are common among the goliath warriors of the Rivermaw herd that wanders the Dividing Plains. Some dwarves and humanoid survivalists of the Cliffkeep Mountains adopt this fighting style as an extension of their rugged determinism. And a number of stalwart juggernauts hail from the jungles of the Rifenmist Peninsula
  • range having cast off the oppressive yoke of the Iron Authority.; Barbarian;

Ranger juggernauts are immovable object and unstoppable force all at once.

Juggernaut barbarians can be found all over Tal'Dorei

transforming you into a hulking force of destruction. While raging

  • casting time you can add your Rage Damage bonus to the attack's damage roll.

    Giant Stature. Your reach increases by 5 feet
  • range and if you are smaller than Large

  • components you become Large
  • duration along with anything you are wearing. If there isn't enough room for you to increase your size

your size doesn't change.; Barbarian;

Ranger you gain the following benefits:

Crushing Throw. When you make a successful ranged attack with a thrown weapon using Strength

you learn to speak

  • casting time and write Giant or one other language of your choice if you already know Giant. Additionally
  • range you learn a cantrip of your choice: either druidcraft or thaumaturgy. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.; Barbarian;

Ranger read

these barbarians surge with elemental power and grow in size

  • casting time perhaps with a hint of elemental energy flaring in their eyes and around their weapons. Others transform more dramatically
  • range taking on the appearance of an actual giant or a form similar to an Elemental

  • components wreathed in fire
  • duration frost

or lightning.; Barbarian;

Ranger taking on forms that evoke the glory of giants. Some barbarians look like oversized versions of themselves

3; Path of the Totem Warrior; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; The Path of the Totem Warrior is a spiritual journey 3; Path of the Totem Warrior; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; The Path of the Totem Warrior is a spiritual journey
3; Storm Aura (1/4); Lvl 3 (Path of the Storm Herald);;;;; Starting at 3rd level 3; Storm Aura (1/4); Lvl 3 (Path of the Storm Herald);;;;; Starting at 3rd level
3; Path of the Storm Herald; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; All barbarians harbor a fury within. Their rage grants them superior strength 3; Path of the Storm Herald; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; All barbarians harbor a fury within. Their rage grants them superior strength
3; Spirit of the Mountain; Lvl 3 (Path of the Juggernaut);;;;; At 3rd level 3; Spirit of the Mountain; Lvl 3 (Path of the Juggernaut);;;;; At 3rd level
3; Thunderous Blows; Lvl 3 (Path of the Juggernaut);;;;; Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level 3; Thunderous Blows; Lvl 3 (Path of the Juggernaut);;;;; Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level
3; Path of the Juggernaut; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; Barbarians who follow the Path of the Juggernaut stand so resolutely that none can deter them 3; Path of the Juggernaut; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; Barbarians who follow the Path of the Juggernaut stand so resolutely that none can deter them
3; Giant's Havoc; Lvl 3 (Path of the Giant);;;;; Your rages pull strength from the primal might of giants 3; Giant's Havoc; Lvl 3 (Path of the Giant);;;;; Your rages pull strength from the primal might of giants
3; Giant Power; Lvl 3 (Path of the Giant);;;;; When you choose this path 3; Giant Power; Lvl 3 (Path of the Giant);;;;; When you choose this path
3; Path of the Giant; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; Barbarians who walk the Path of the Giant draw strength from the same primal forces as giants. As they rage 3; Path of the Giant; Lvl 3 (Primal Path);;;;; Barbarians who walk the Path of the Giant draw strength from the same primal forces as giants. As they rage