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Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 3, Chaotic Neutral CR 1/4 50 xp

  • Armor class 13 (Natural)
  • Hit points 5 (1d6+1)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX12 (+1)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT12 (+1)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +3, Religion +5, Insight +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 10
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 2gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.


Challenge:CR 1/4 (50 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L1 spellcaster, and has prepared 2 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 11 and their Spell Attack mod is +3
Spell Points. 4
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OO


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +3 to hit, Thrown Range 15ft.
Hit. 4 (1d4+1) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 10ft cone must make a DC 11 DEX save or take 5 (1d4+2) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 3 (1d4) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 0ft diameter area that deals 5 (2d4) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 10ft cube within 25ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 11 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 11 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 0hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 11 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +3 to hit, Range 20ft.
Hit. 5 (1d4+2) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 5, Chaotic Neutral CR 1/2 100 xp

  • Armor class 13 (Natural)
  • Hit points 9 (2d6+2)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX12 (+1)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT12 (+1)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +3, Religion +5, Insight +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 10
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 3gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.


Challenge:CR 1/2 (100 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L1 spellcaster, and has prepared 2 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 11 and their Spell Attack mod is +3
Spell Points. 4
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OO


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +3 to hit, Thrown Range 15ft.
Hit. 4 (1d4+1) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 10ft cone must make a DC 11 DEX save or take 5 (1d4+2) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 3 (1d4) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 0ft diameter area that deals 5 (2d4) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 10ft cube within 25ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 11 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 11 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 0hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 11 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +3 to hit, Range 20ft.
Hit. 5 (1d4+2) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 6, Chaotic Neutral CR 1 200 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Natural)
  • Hit points 14 (3d6+3)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX15 (+2)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT16 (+3)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +5, Religion +7, Insight +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 10
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 4gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 2

Challenge:CR 1 (200 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L2 spellcaster, and has prepared 5 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 13 and their Spell Attack mod is +5
Spell Points. 6
===Spell Slots.===


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +4 to hit, Thrown Range 25ft.
Hit. 5 (1d4+2) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 20ft cone must make a DC 13 DEX save or take 8 (1d4+5) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 3 (1d4) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 10 (4d4) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 20ft cube within 35ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 13 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 13 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 13 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +4 to hit, Range 35ft.
Hit. 8 (1d4+5) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 7, Chaotic Neutral CR 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Natural)
  • Hit points 18 (4d6+4)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON13 (+1)
  • INT17 (+3)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +5, Religion +7, Insight +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 10
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 4gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 2

Challenge:CR 2 (450 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L2 spellcaster, and has prepared 5 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 13 and their Spell Attack mod is +5
Spell Points. 6
===Spell Slots.===


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +5 to hit, Thrown Range 25ft.
Hit. 6 (1d4+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 20ft cone must make a DC 13 DEX save or take 9 (1d4+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 3 (1d4) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 10 (4d4) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 20ft cube within 35ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 13 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 13 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 13 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +5 to hit, Range 40ft.
Hit. 9 (1d4+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 8, Chaotic Neutral CR 3 700 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Natural)
  • Hit points 27 (6d6+6)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON13 (+1)
  • INT17 (+3)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +5, History +5, Religion +7, Insight +2, Percep. +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 12
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 5gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 2

Challenge:CR 3 (700 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L3 spellcaster, and has prepared 6 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 13 and their Spell Attack mod is +5
Spell Points. 14
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOO, L2: OOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +5 to hit, Thrown Range 25ft.
Hit. 10 (2d6+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 20ft cone must make a DC 13 DEX save or take 13 (2d6+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 7 (2d6) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 18 (5d6) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 20ft cube within 35ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 13 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 13 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 13 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +5 to hit, Range 40ft.
Hit. 13 (2d6+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 10, Chaotic Neutral CR 4 1,100 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Natural)
  • Hit points 32 (7d6+7)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON13 (+1)
  • INT17 (+3)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Skills:Arcana +5, History +5, Religion +7, Insight +2, Percep. +2,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 12
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 6gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 2

Challenge:CR 4 (1,100 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L4 spellcaster, and has prepared 7 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 13 and their Spell Attack mod is +5
Spell Points. 17
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 1x Weapon attacks, cast 1 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

1x Scorpion on a Stick. +5 to hit, Thrown Range 25ft.
Hit. 14 (3d6+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 20ft cone must make a DC 13 DEX save or take 17 (3d6+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 11 (3d6) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 21 (6d6) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 20ft cube within 35ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 13 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 13 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 13 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +5 to hit, Range 40ft.
Hit. 17 (3d6+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 25, Chaotic Neutral CR 5 1,800 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Natural+1)
  • Hit points 45 (10d6+10)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON13 (+1)
  • INT17 (+3)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:INT +6,

Skills:Arcana +6, History +6, Religion +9, Insight +3, Percep. +3,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 13
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 14, 15gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 2

Challenge:CR 5 (1,800 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L5 spellcaster, and has prepared 8 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 14 and their Spell Attack mod is +6
Spell Points. 27
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 2x Weapon attacks, cast 2 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

2x Scorpion on a Stick. +6 to hit, Thrown Range 30ft.
Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 20ft cone must make a DC 14 DEX save or take 24 (4d8+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 18 (4d8) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 23 (5d8) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 20ft cube within 40ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 14 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 14 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 14 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +6 to hit, Range 45ft.
Hit. 24 (4d8+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 45, Chaotic Neutral CR 6 2,300 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Natural+1)
  • Hit points 61 (11d6+22)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:INT +7,

Skills:Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Religion +10, Insight +3, Percep. +3,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 13
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 14, 25gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 6 (2,300 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L6 spellcaster, and has prepared 10 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 15 and their Spell Attack mod is +7
Spell Points. 32
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 2x Weapon attacks, cast 2 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

2x Scorpion on a Stick. +6 to hit, Thrown Range 35ft.
Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 15 DEX save or take 25 (4d8+7) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 18 (4d8) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 15ft diameter area that deals 27 (6d8) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 45ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 15 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 15 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 15hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 15 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +6 to hit, Range 50ft.
Hit. 25 (4d8+7) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 70, Chaotic Neutral CR 7 2,900 xp

  • Armor class 19 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 72 (13d6+26)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX17 (+3)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +7, INT +8,

Skills:Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 40gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 7 (2,900 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L7 spellcaster, and has prepared 11 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 38
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 2x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

2x Scorpion on a Stick. +7 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 14 (2d10+3) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 29 (4d10+7) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 22 (4d10) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 27 (6d8) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +7 to hit, Range 55ft.
Hit. 29 (4d10+7) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 100, Chaotic Neutral CR 9 5,000 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 72 (13d6+26)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX14 (+2)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +6, INT +8,

Skills:Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 60gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 9 (5,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L7 spellcaster, and has prepared 11 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 38
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 2x Weapon attacks, cast 2 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

2x Scorpion on a Stick. +6 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 19 (3d10+2) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 16 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 39 (6d10+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 33 (6d10) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 32 (7d8) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +6 to hit, Range 50ft.
Hit. 39 (6d10+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Small Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 90, Chaotic Neutral CR 8 3,900 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Natural+1)
  • Hit points 77 (14d6+28)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX14 (+2)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:INT +7,

Skills:Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Religion +10, Insight +3, Percep. +3,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 13
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 14, 55gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 8 (3,900 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L7 spellcaster, and has prepared 11 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 15 and their Spell Attack mod is +7
Spell Points. 38
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 2x Weapon attacks, cast 2 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

2x Scorpion on a Stick. +5 to hit, Thrown Range 35ft.
Hit. 19 (3d10+2) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 15 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 15 DEX save or take 39 (6d10+6) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 33 (6d10) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 15ft diameter area that deals 32 (7d8) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 45ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 15 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 15 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 15hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 15 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +5 to hit, Range 45ft.
Hit. 39 (6d10+6) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 550, Chaotic Neutral CR 12 8,400 xp

  • Armor class 19 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 135 (18d8+54)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX17 (+3)
  • CON16 (+3)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +7, INT +8,

Skills:Stealth +7, Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 350gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 12 (8,400 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L9 spellcaster, and has prepared 13 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 57
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 3x Weapon attacks, cast 3 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

3x Scorpion on a Stick. +7 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 29 (4d12+3) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 16 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 85 (12d12+7) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 78 (12d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 44 (8d10) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +7 to hit, Range 55ft.
Hit. 85 (12d12+7) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 150, Chaotic Neutral CR 10 5,900 xp

  • Armor class 19 (Natural+1)
  • Hit points 120 (16d8+48)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON16 (+3)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:INT +7,

Skills:Stealth +7, Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Religion +10, Insight +3, Percep. +3,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 13
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 14, 90gp
Utility: Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 10 (5,900 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L8 spellcaster, and has prepared 12 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 15 and their Spell Attack mod is +7
Spell Points. 44
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 3x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

3x Scorpion on a Stick. +7 to hit, Thrown Range 35ft.
Hit. 21 (3d10+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 15 DEX save or take 58 (9d10+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 50 (9d10) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 15ft diameter area that deals 39 (7d10) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 45ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 15 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 15 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 15hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 15 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +7 to hit, Range 55ft.
Hit. 58 (9d10+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 250, Chaotic Neutral CR 11 7,200 xp

  • Armor class 20 (Natural+3)
  • Hit points 150 (20d8+60)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON16 (+3)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +9, CON +8, INT +9,

Skills:Stealth +9, Arcana +9, History +9, Investigation +9, Religion +14, Insight +5, Percep. +5,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 15
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 18, 150gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 11 (7,200 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L10 spellcaster, and has prepared 14 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 17 and their Spell Attack mod is +9
Spell Points. 64
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO


The Kobold may make 3x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

3x Scorpion on a Stick. +9 to hit, Thrown Range 45ft.
Hit. 17 (2d12+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 17 DEX save or take 47 (6d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 39 (6d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 39 (6d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 55ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 17 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 17 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 17 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +9 to hit, Range 65ft.
Hit. 47 (6d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 800, Chaotic Neutral CR 13 10,000 xp

  • Armor class 20 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 150 (20d8+60)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON16 (+3)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +8, INT +8,

Skills:Stealth +8, Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 500gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 13 (10,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L10 spellcaster, and has prepared 14 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 64
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks, cast 4 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +8 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 24 (3d12+4) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 16 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 86 (12d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 78 (12d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 46 (7d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +8 to hit, Range 60ft.
Hit. 86 (12d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 1,000, Chaotic Neutral CR 14 11,500 xp

  • Armor class 20 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 170 (20d8+80)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +8, INT +8,

Skills:Stealth +8, Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 650gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 14 (11,500 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L10 spellcaster, and has prepared 14 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 64
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OOReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 3x Weapon attacks, cast 3 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

3x Scorpion on a Stick. +8 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 30 (4d12+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 86 (12d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 78 (12d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 52 (8d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +8 to hit, Range 60ft.
Hit. 86 (12d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 1,500, Chaotic Neutral CR 15 13,000 xp

  • Armor class 20 (Natural+3)
  • Hit points 187 (22d8+88)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +9, CON +9, INT +9,

Skills:Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Arcana +9, History +9, Investigation +9, Religion +14, Insight +5, Percep. +5,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 15
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 18, 950gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 15 (13,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L11 spellcaster, and has prepared 15 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 17 and their Spell Attack mod is +9
Spell Points. 73
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 3x Weapon attacks, cast 3 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

3x Scorpion on a Stick. +9 to hit, Thrown Range 45ft.
Hit. 37 (5d12+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 17 DEX save or take 106 (15d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 98 (15d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 52 (8d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 55ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 17 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 17 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 17 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +9 to hit, Range 65ft.
Hit. 106 (15d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 1,500, Chaotic Neutral CR 16 15,000 xp

  • Armor class 22 (Natural+2)
  • Hit points 179 (21d8+84)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT18 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +8, INT +8,

Skills:Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8, Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Religion +12, Insight +4, Percep. +4,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 16, 900gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 16 (15,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L11 spellcaster, and has prepared 15 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 16 and their Spell Attack mod is +8
Spell Points. 73
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks, cast 4 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +8 to hit, Thrown Range 40ft.
Hit. 30 (4d12+4) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 16 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 16 DEX save or take 112 (16d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 104 (16d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 46 (7d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 50ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 16 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 16 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 16 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +8 to hit, Range 60ft.
Hit. 112 (16d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 2,500, Chaotic Neutral CR 17 18,000 xp

  • Armor class 24 (Natural+4)
  • Hit points 204 (24d8+96)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +10, CON +10, INT +10, WIS +6,

Skills:Acrobatics +10, Stealth +10, Arcana +10, History +10, Investigation +10, Religion +16, Insight +6, Percep. +6,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 16
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 20, 1,500gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 17 (18,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L12 spellcaster, and has prepared 16 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 18 and their Spell Attack mod is +10
Spell Points. 73
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +10 to hit, Thrown Range 50ft.
Hit. 30 (4d12+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 18 DEX save or take 112 (16d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 104 (16d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 5ft diameter area that deals 46 (7d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 60ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 18 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 18 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 5hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 18 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +10 to hit, Range 70ft.
Hit. 112 (16d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 4,500, Chaotic Neutral CR 18 20,000 xp

  • Armor class 23 (Natural+3)
  • Hit points 196 (23d8+92)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +9, CON +9, INT +9,

Skills:Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Arcana +9, History +9, Investigation +9, Religion +14, Insight +5, Percep. +5,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 15
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 18, 3kgp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 18 (20,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L12 spellcaster, and has prepared 16 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 17 and their Spell Attack mod is +9
Spell Points. 73
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks, cast 4 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +9 to hit, Thrown Range 45ft.
Hit. 37 (5d12+4) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 17 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 17 DEX save or take 138 (20d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 130 (20d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 52 (8d12) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 55ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 17 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 17 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 17 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +9 to hit, Range 65ft.
Hit. 138 (20d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 7,000, Chaotic Neutral CR 19 22,000 xp

  • Armor class 23 (Natural+3)
  • Hit points 221 (26d8+104)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA6 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +9, CON +9, INT +9,

Skills:Athletics +4, Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Arcana +9, History +9, Investigation +9, Religion +14, Insight +5, Percep. +5,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 15
Social: Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 18, 4,500gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 19 (22,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L13 spellcaster, and has prepared 17 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 17 and their Spell Attack mod is +9
Spell Points. 83
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: O, L7: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks, cast 4 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +9 to hit, Thrown Range 45ft.
Hit. 43 (6d12+4) Piercing damage. The Kobold may apply a Poison as a Bonus Action.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 17 DEX save or take 164 (24d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 156 (24d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 60 (8d14) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 55ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 17 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 17 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 17 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +9 to hit, Range 65ft.
Hit. 164 (24d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.

Kobold Inventor

Kobold Inventor Medium Humanoid (Kobold), Loot Value 10,000, Chaotic Neutral CR 21 33,000 xp

  • Armor class 23 (Natural+3)
  • Hit points 247 (29d8+116)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT19 (+4)
  • WIS12 (+1)
  • CHA7 (-2)

Save Throws:DEX +9, CON +9, INT +9,

Skills:Athletics +4, Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Arcana +9, History +9, Investigation +9, Religion +14, Insight +6, Percep. +6,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft, Psv Per 16
Social: Bluff DC 9, Bribe DC 19, 6,500gp
Utility: Carry 60lbs., Push 120lbs.

Languages:, Any 3

Challenge:CR 21 (33,000 xp)

Pack Tactics. The Kobold has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Spellcasting. The Kobold Inventor is a L15 spellcaster, and has prepared 19 Spells through INT. Their Spell Save DC is 17 and their Spell Attack mod is +9
Spell Points. 94
===Spell Slots.===
L1: OOOO, L2: OOO, L3: OOO, L4: OOO,
L5: OO, L6: O, L7: O, L8: OReactive Armor. Upon taking damage, the Kobold gains resistance against that damage type until it takes damage from another type.


The Kobold may make 4x Weapon attacks, cast 4 spells, or use one of it's abilities that Recharge on the given number.

4x Scorpion on a Stick. +9 to hit, Thrown Range 45ft.
Hit. 50 (7d12+4) Piercing damage. They must then make a DC 17 CON save vs the Poisoned condition. While Poisoned, creatures are Frightened of the Kobold.

1. Flamethrower. All creatures in a 25ft cone must make a DC 17 DEX save or take 190 (28d12+8) Fire damage. Save for half. Failing by 5 or more ignites the creature, taking 182 (28d12) at the start of each turn until extinguished as an action.

2. Centipedes. Creates a 10ft diameter area that deals 68 (9d14) Poison damage to all creatures that enter or start their turn there within the next minute.

3. Green Slime Pot. The Kobold conuures a thick, sticky slime in a 25ft cube within 55ft. Creatures that enter or start their turn in the web must make a DC 17 DEX save to not be restrianed. Creatures that start their turn restrained must make a DC 17 STR save or become Paralyzed. The slime is highly flammable, any creatures in the slime area are vulnerable to fire damage.

4. Skunk in a Cage. Release a Skunk Familar with 10hp. Any creature that threatens the Skunk scares it, causing it to spray them as a reaction. Once sprayed, creatures must make a DC 17 CON save vs Posisoned condition. Failure by 5 or more Paralyzes the creature.

5. Sling. +9 to hit, Range 65ft.
Hit. 190 (28d12+8) Acid damage.

6. Experimental Elixir. The Kobold rolls on the Wild Magic Table. They may decide to take on the effect, or make a Sling attack, applying the effect to the target creature on hit.