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Control Water[1/4]

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 300 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a drop of water and a pinch of dust

Until the spell ends, you control any freestanding water inside an area you choose that is a cube up to 100 feet on a side. You can choose from any of the following effects when you cast this spell. As an action on your turn, you can repeat the same effect or choose a different one.

Flood. You cause the water level of all standing water in the area to rise by as much as 20 feet. If the area includes a shore, the flooding water spills over onto dry land. If you choose an area in a large body of water, you instead create a 20-foot tall wave that travels from one side of the area to the other and then crashes down. Any Huge or smaller vehicles in the wave’s path are carried with it to the other side. Any Huge or smaller vehicles struck by the wave have a 25 percent chance of capsizing. The water level remains elevated until the spell ends or you choose a different effect. If this effect produced a wave, the wave repeats on the start of your next turn while the flood effect lasts.

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th-level transmutation

Control Water[2/4]

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 300 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a drop of water and a pinch of dust

Part Water. You cause water in the area to move apart and create a trench. The trench extends across the spell’s area, and the separated water forms a wall to either side. The trench remains until the spell ends or you choose a different effect. The water then slowly fills in the trench over the course of the next round until the normal water level is restored.

Redirect Flow. You cause flowing water in the area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water has to flow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it, but once it moves beyond the spell’s area, it resumes its flow based on the terrain conditions. The water continues to move in the direction you chose until the spell ends or you choose a different effect.

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th-level transmutation

Control Water[4/4]

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 300 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a drop of water and a pinch of dust

The first time each turn that an object enters the vortex, the object takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, this damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th-level transmutation

Control Water[3/4] [1/2]

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 300 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a drop of water and a pinch of dust

Whirlpool. This effect requires a body of water at least 50 feet square and 25 feet deep. You cause a whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 50 feet wide at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any creature or object in the water and within 25 feet of the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it. A creature can swim away from the vortex by making a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC.

When a creature enters the vortex for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is caught in the vortex until the spell ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim away from the vortex as described above, but has disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check to do so.

The first time each turn that an object enters the vortex, the object

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th-level transmutation

Control Water[3/4] [2/2]

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 300 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a drop of water and a pinch of dust

takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage, this damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th-level transmutation

Freedom of the Winds

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Self

  • components V,S,M
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

a scrap of sailcloth

Wind wraps around your body, tugging at your hair and clothing as your feet lift off the ground. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet. Additionally, you have advantage on ability checks to avoid being grappled, and on saving throws against being restrained or paralyzed.

When you are targeted by a spell or attack while this spell is in effect, you can use a reaction to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. If this movement takes you out of range of the triggering spell or attack, you are unaffected by it. This spell then ends when you reappear.

Paladin(Open Sea) 5th-level abjuration

Freedom of the Waves

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 120 feet

  • components V,S,M
  • duration Instantaneous

a strand of wet hair

You conjure a deluge of seawater in a 15-foot-radius, 10-foot-tall cylinder centered on a point within range. This water takes the form of a tidal wave, a whirlpool, a waterspout, or another form of your choice. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. You can choose a number of creatures equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum of 1) to automatically succeed on this saving throw.

If you are within the spell’s area, as part of the action you use to cast the spell, you can vanish into the deluge and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within the spell’s area.

Paladin(Open Sea) 3rd-level conjuration


  • casting time 1 minute
  • range Self

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Instantaneous

specially marked sticks, bones, or similar tokens worth at least 25 gp

By casting gem-inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, laying out ornate cards, or employing some other divining tool, you receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about the results of a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses from the following possible omens:

Weal, for good results
Woe, for bad results
Weal and woe, for both good and bad results
Nothing, for results that aren’t especially good or bad.
The spell doesn’t take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion. If you cast the spell two or more times before completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The DM makes this roll in secret.

Paladin(Open Sea) 2nd-level divination

Expeditious Retreat

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range Self

  • components V, S
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

(This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell, and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Dash action.)

Paladin(Open Sea) 1st-level transmutation

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Commune with Nature (ritual)

  • casting time 1 minute
  • range Self

  • components V, S
  • duration Instantaneous

You briefly become one with nature and gain knowledge of the surrounding territory. In the outdoors, the spell gives you knowledge of the land within 3 miles of you. In caves and other natural underground settings, the radius is limited to 300 feet. The spell doesn't function where nature has been replaced by construction, such as in dungeons and towns.
You instantly gain knowledge of up to three facts of your choice about any of the following subjects as they relate to the area:
• terrain and bodies of water
• prevalent plants, minerals, animals, or peoples
• powerful celestials, fey, fiends, elementals, or undead
• influence from other planes of existence
• buildings.
For example, you could determine the location of powerful undead in the area, the location of major sources of safe drinking water, and the location of any nearby towns.

Paladin(Open Sea) 5th level Divination

Freedom of Movement

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Touch

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 hour

a leather strap, bound around the arm or a similar appendage

You touch a willing creature. For the duration, the target's movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can neither reduce the target's speed nor cause the target to be paralyzed or restrained.
The target can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on the target's movement or attacks.

Paladin(Open Sea) 4th level Abjuration

Call Lightning

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 120 feet

  • components V, S
  • duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes

A storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall with a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you can see 100 feet directly above you. The spell fails if you can't see a point in the air where the storm cloud could appear (for example, if you are in a room that can't accommodate the cloud).
When you cast the spell, choose a point you can see within range. A bolt of lightning flashes down from the cloud to that point. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one.
If you are outdoors in stormy conditions when you cast this spell, the spell gives you control over the existing storm instead of creating a new one. Under such conditions, the spell's damage increases by 1d10.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher level, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.

Paladin(Open Sea) 3rd level Conjuration

Misty Step

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range Self

  • components V
  • duration Instantaneous

Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Paladin(Open Sea) 2nd level Conjuration

Create or Destroy Water

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 30 feet

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Instantaneous

a drop of water if creating water or a few grains of sand if destroying it

You either create or destroy water.
Create Water: You create up to 10 gallons of clean water within range in an open container. Alternatively, the water falls as rain in a 30-foot cube within range, extinguishing exposed flames in the area.
Destroy Water: You destroy up to 10 gallons of water in an open container within range. Alternatively, you destroy fog in a 30-foot cube within range.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you create or destroy 10 additional gallons of water, or the size of the cube increases by 5 feet, for each slot level above 1st.

Paladin(Open Sea) 1st level Transmutation

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