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  • range1 action
  • s Touch

  • ap V, S
  • type24 hours

You ward a device that you touch from digital interlopers. For the duration, this device can't be disabled by magical effects, such as the technical difficulties or logical bomb spell, and it can't be infected by the N-Virus.
Additionally, creatures have disadvantage on Intelligence (Data) checks made to hack this device.

Paladin 1st-level abjuration (ritual)

Repulsor Ring

  • range1 action
  • s5 feet

  • ap V, S, M
  • typeConcentration, up to 1 minute

A piece of chalk

You outline a 5-foot diameter circle on the ground, which is warded against intruders. Only creatures you choose can step within the circle. Any ranged attack roll made against a target within the circle has disadvantage. If a hostile creature makes a melee attack against a target within the circle, the attacker is pushed back 10 feet immediately after the attack.

Warlock 2nd-level abjuration

Dark Anchor

  • range1 action
  • s5,000 feet

  • ap V, S
  • typeConcentration, up to 10 minutes

Choose a spaceship you can see within range. The target's engineer must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target ship can't initiate a void jump for the duration. If the ship has already initiated a void jump, the jump can't commence until this spell is ended. If the target's engineer is at their station and not incapacitated, they can attempt the saving throw again at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.

Warlock 2nd-level abjuration (mega)


  • range1 action
  • s Self

  • ap V, S, M
  • typeConcentration, up to 1 hour

A spyglass

This spell reveals the path to the nearest planet to you. For the duration, you know the direction and the distance to the nearest planet, planetoid, or moon. If you cast this spell while you're on a planet, planetoid, or moon, the spell fails.

Paladin 1st-level divination (ritual)


  • range1 action
  • sSelf (60- foot radius)

  • ap V, S, M
  • type1 hour

A mushroom

For a moment, the colors around you shift in a rainbow swirl, before coming to rest far from their original hues. The colors of all creatures and objects you choose within range change randomly and remain brightly and unnaturally colored for the duration. Additionally, each affected creature you choose must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Sorcerer 1st-level illusion

Disruption Field

  • range1 action
  • s5,000 feet

  • ap V, S, M
  • typeConcentration, up to 1 minute

A crystal tuning fork

You disrupt the flows of energy around one ship you can see within range. The target's engineer must make a Wisdom saving throw. If there is no creature on that role, that save automatically fails. On a failed save, the target's shield generator is disabled for the duration. If there is a creature in the engineer role that is not incapacitated, it can attempt the saving throw again at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.

Sorcerer 2nd-level abjuration (mega)

Arcane Anomaly

  • range1 action
  • sSelf (30-foot radius)

  • ap V, S, M
  • typeConcentration, up to 1 minute

A broken mirror

You spread cracks in the magical energy that suffuses the multiverse. For the duration, whenever a spell is cast within range, roll a d6. On a 1, the spell casting fails, expanding a spell slot as normal, but not consuming expensive material components.

Sorcerer 1st-level abjuration

Hardlight Blaster

  • range1 action
  • s10 ft.

  • ap V, S, M
  • type Instantaneous

An emerald ring worth 30 gp

You wave your hand and conjure a sophisticated arcane weapon, constructed of brilliant light, which hovers in the air in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The weapon fires a crackling beam of energy at a target you choose within 60 feet of it, making a ranged spell attack using your spell attack bonus. The weapon is the point of origin for this attack, therefore, the attack can target a creature that is not within your line of sight, as long as it is within the weapon's line of sight. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 force damage. After this attack, this weapon dissipates.

Sorcerer 1st-level conjuration

1 1
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1 1
1 1
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1 1
1 1


  • range1 action
  • s60 ft.

  • ap S
  • type Instantaneous

With a complex input gesture, you can manipulate a technological device you can see within range. You can use this ability to perform any basic operation on the device.
You can't disconnect or reconnect wires, or perform an unauthorized operation, such as crashing a device or changing its password without knowing the original.

Sorcerer Transmutation cantrip

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