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Dragon Breath

  • casting timeInstant
  • range30ft line

  • components N/A
  • duration1 Round

You shoot a Flame of fire out from your mouth,in a straight line.
Targets in the area must make a DEX save VS

8 + your CON modifier + your Proficiency bonus.

Those that fail take 2d6 fire damage. Those that pass take half that. You may use this once per short rest

Dragonborn,, Race Ability

Dragon Ancestry


Dragonborn,, Race Ability


  • casting time Varied
  • range Varied

  • components Varied
  • duration Varied

You can tap into the raw power of your Ancestors to cast spells. To hit a target you add

D20 + your Proficiency Bonus + you CHA Modifier

To resist a spell cast by you they need to roll higher than

8 + your Proficiency Bonus + Your CHA Modifier

You can use one spell per Spell Slot you have to cast a spell of its level or lower, but you cannot cast spells of a higher level than you have slots.

Sorcerer,, Sorcerer Ability

Sorcery Points

You have untapped power enabling you to cast more spells or make them more powerful. You have 3 Sorcery Points that recharge after a short rest,which you can use in the following ways:

Twinned Spell: Cast the same spell again at a second target for 1 point per level of the spell.

Subtle Magic: Cast a spell without Verbal or Physical requirements for 1 point.

Swap Spells: You can swap one slot level for the same amount of sorcery points
You can also swap Sorcery points for spell slots, at a cost of the level of the slot +1.

Sorcerer,, Sorcerer Ability


You can harness your Ki into various enhancments. You have 3 Ki Points to use that regenerate each rest,which you can use in the following ways:

Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Ki to make 2 Bonus Unarmed attacks as a bonus action

Patient Defense: You can spend 1 Ki point to take a Dodge action as a bonus action instead of a main action,which allows you to have every attack against you be at a disadvantage.

Step of the Wind: You can disengage or dash as a bnus action for 1 Ki point. You double your jump distance for one turn.

Deflect missiles: You can reduce missile damage by

1d10 + DEX Modifier + Monk Level

If you reduce this to 0,you can also throw it back at your attacker for 1 Ki point with Profficiency

Monk Monk Ability

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0