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Spell-Refueling Ring

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components ring
  • duration Indefnite

(6th-level artificer (requires attunement)) While wearing this ring, the creature can recover one expended spell slot as an action. The recovered slot can be of 3rd level or lower. Once used, the ring can't be used again until the next dawn.

Artificer Infusion

Returning Weapon

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components weapon that can be thrown
  • duration Indefinite

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it returns to the wielder’s hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.

Artificer Infusion

Resistant Armor

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components armor
  • duration Indefinite

(6th-level artificer (requires attunement)) While wearing this armor, a creature has resistance to one of the following damage types, which you choose when you infuse the item: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.

Artificer Infusion

Repulsion Shield

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components Shield
  • duration

( 6th-level artificer (requires attunement)) A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wielding this shield.

The shield has 4 charges. While holding it, the wielder can use a reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack to expend 1 of the shield's charges and push the attacker up to 15 feet away. The shield regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Artificer Infusion

Replicate Magic Item

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components Appropriate Item
  • duration Indefnite

(Attunement Variable) Using this infusion, vou replicate a particular magic item. You can learn this infusion multiple times, each time you do so, choose a magic item that you can make with it, picking from the Replicable Items tables (Tasha's pg.23). A table's title tells you the level you must be in the class to choose an item from the table. Alternatively, you can choose the magic item from among the common magic items in the game, not including potions or scrolls.

In the tables, an item's entry tells you whether the item requires attunement. See the item's description in the Dungeon Master's Guide for more information about it, including the type of object required for its making.

If you have Xanathar's Guide to Everything, you can choose from among the common magic items in that book when you pick a magic item you can replicate with this infusion.

Artificer Infusion

Repeating Shot

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components weapon that uses ammunition
  • duration Indefinite

(Requires Attunement) This magic weapon grants a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it when it's used to make a ranged attack, and it ignores the loading property if it has it.

If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically creating one piece of magic ammunition when you make a ranged attack with it. The ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.

Artificer Infusion

Radiant Weapon

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components simple or martial weapon
  • duration Indefinite

(6th Level Artificer (Requires Attunement)) This magic weapon grants a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, the wielder can take a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.

The weapon has 4 charges. As a reaction immediately after being hit by an attack, the wielder can expend 1 charge and cause the attacker to be blinded until the end of the attacker's next turn, unless the attacker succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The weapon regains ld4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Artificer Infusion

Mind Sharpener

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components suit of armor or robes
  • duration Indefinite

The infused item can send a jolt to the wearer to refocus their mind. The item has 4 charges. When the wearer fails a constitution saving throw to maintain their concentration on a spell, the wearer can use its reaction to expand 1 of the item's charges to succeed instead. The item regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Artificer Infusion

Homunculus Servant

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components gem worth 100gp
  • duration Indefinite

Tiny Size. You determine appearance.

In combat it shares your initiative, but takes it's turn immediately after yours.

It regains 2d6 hit points if the mending spell is cast on it. If it dies it's heart (the gem) falls to the ground.

(See stat block)

Artificer Infusion

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Helm of awareness

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components helmet
  • duration Indefinite

(10th level Artificer (Requires Attunement)) While wearing this helmet, a creature has advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, the wearer can't be surprised, provided it isn't incapacitated.

Artificer Infusion

Armor of Magical Strength

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components A Suit of Armor
  • duration Indefinite

(Requires Attunement) The Armor has 6 charges. The wearer can expend the armor's charges in the following ways:

-When the wearer makes a Strength check or a Strength Saving Throw, they can expend 1 charge to add a bonus to the roll equal to their intelligence modifier.
-If the creature would be knocked prone, they can use their reaction to expend 1 charge to avoid being knocked prone.

The armor regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn.

Artificer Infusion

Arcane Propulsion Armor

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components Suit of Armor
  • duration Idefinite

(14th Level Artificer (Requires Attunement)) -The wearer's walking speed increases by 5 feet.
-The armor includes gauntlets, each of which is a magic melee weapon that can be wielded only when the hand is holding nothing. The wearer is proficient with the gauntlets, and each one deals 1d8 force damage on a hit and has the thrown property, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When thrown the gauntlet detaches and flies at the attack's target, then immediately returns to the wearer and reattaches.
-The armor can't be removed against the wearer's will.
-Is the wearer is missing any limbs, the armor replaces those limbs. (hands, arms, feet, legs, or other appendages.) The replacement functions identically to the body parts they replace.

Artificer Infusion

Boots of the winding path

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components A pair of boots
  • duration Indefinite

(6th Level Artificer (Requires Attunement)) While wearing these boots, a creature can teleport up to 15 feet as a bonus action to an unoccupied space the creature can see. The creature must have occupied that space at some point during the current turn.

Artificer Infusion

Enhanced Weapon

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components simple or martial weapon
  • duration Idefinite

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage roll made with it.

This bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Artificer Infusion

Enhanced Defense

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components suit of armor or shield
  • duration Indefinite

A creature gains a +1 to Armor Class while wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item.

The bonus increases to a +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Artificer Infusion

Enhanced Arcane Focus

  • casting time Instant
  • range Touch

  • components A rod, staff, or wand
  • duration Indefinite

(Requires Attunement) While holding this item, a creature gains a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, the creature ignores half cover when making a spell attack.

This bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Artificer Infusion

Purify Food and Drink

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 10 Feet

  • components V/S
  • duration Instantaneous

All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range is purified and rendered free of poison and disease.

Artificer 1st-level

Faerie Fire

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 60 Feet

  • components V
  • duration 1 Minute

(Concentration) Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can't benefit from being invisible.

Artificier 1st-level

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Expeditious Retreat

  • casting time 1 Bonus Action
  • range Self

  • components V/S
  • duration 10 Minutes

(Concentration) This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell, and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Dash action.

Artificer 1st-level

Disguise self

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range Self

  • components V/S
  • duration 1 Hour

You make yourself--including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person--look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.

The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.

To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.

Artificer 1st-level

Ray of Frost

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 60 Feet

  • components V/S
  • duration Instantaneous

A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, it takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.

The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Artificer Cantrip


  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 10 feet

  • components V/S
  • duration 1 hour

This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range:

You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

Artificer Cantrip

Magical Tinkering

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range Touch

  • components Tools
  • duration Indefinite

(Tiny Object) -The object sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
-Whenever tapped by a creature, the object emits a recorded message that can be heard up to 10 feet away. You utter the message when you bestow this property on the object, and the recording can be no more than 6 seconds long.
-The object continuously emits your choice of an odor or a nonverbal sound (wind, waves, chirping, or the like). The chosen phenomenon is perceivable up to 10 feet away.
-A static visual effect appears on one of the object’s surfaces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, as you like.

You can bestow magic on multiple objects, touching one object each time you use this feature, though a single object can only bear one property at a time.

Artificer Feature

Infuse Item

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range Touich

  • components Non-Magical Item
  • duration Indefinitely

-Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a non-magical object and imbue it with one of your artificer infusions, turning it into a magic item. An infusion works on only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the infusion’s description. If the item requires attunement, you can attune yourself to it the instant you infuse the item. If you decide to attune to the item later, you must do so using the normal process for attunement.
-The infusion vanishes if you give up your knowledge of the infusion for another one.
-2 at level 2, 3 at level 6, 8 at level 10, 10 at level 1, 12 at level 18.

Artificer Feature

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