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Grove Guardian (Fox)

Grove Guardian (Fox) Large Fey, Neutral 5 1 xp

  • Armor class 15 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 121 (11d10+11)
  • Speed 50 ft.
  • STR 16 (+3)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 12 (+1)
  • INT 12 (+1)
  • WIS 18 (+4)
  • CHA 15 (+2)

Save Throws: Dex +6, Wis +7

Skills: Perception +10, Stealth +6

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 20

Languages: Sylvan

Challenge: 5 (1 xp)

Innate Spellcasting: The guardian's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell DC 15, +7 to hit will spell attacks). The guardian can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: Druidcraft, Thorn whip (11th Level)
3/day each: Spike Growth, Silence
1/day each: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth

Keen Hearing and Smell: The guardian has Advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing and smell.

Speak with Beasts and Plants: The guardian can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.

Tree Stride: Once on its turn, the guardian can use 10 ft. of its movement to step magically into one living tree within its reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 ft of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the second tree. Both trees must be large or bigger.


The guardian makes two BITE attacks.

Melee Weapon Attack:

+6 to Hit, reach 5 ft., one creature

Hit: (2d6 + 3) 10 avg. piercing damage.

If the target is a creature, it must succeed in a
DC 13 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone.