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Kazimir Female Elf, Acarnist, Chaotic Neutral 8 3,900 xp

  • Armor class 13 ((Mage Armor)
  • Hit points 91 ((14d8+28))
  • Speed 30ft
  • STR 10 (0)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 19 (+4)
  • WIS 12 (+1)
  • CHA 16 (+3)

Save Throws: Intelligence +9 Charisma +8

Skills: Perception +6 Arcana +9 History +9 Investigation +9 Persuasion +8

Senses: Darkvision: 60ft (18m / 12sqr)

Languages: Common, Elvish and Draconic

Challenge: 8 (3,900 xp)

Disguised Herself as a Male Human

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Trance: meditate for 4 hours instead of sleep.
Elf Weapon Training: proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. (not considered for template)


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 3 (1d6 +0 ) bludgeoning damage. Versatile (1d8).
Spellcasting. the Arcanist is an 14th-level wizard. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, to hit with spell attacks +9)
Cantrips (at will): Ray of Frost, True Strike, Mending, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights,
1st level (4 slots): Feather Fall, Detect Magic, Mage Armor,
2nd level (3 slots): Rope Trick, Blindness/Deafness,
3rd level (3 slots): Fly, Haste, Fireball, Counterspell,
4th level (3 slots): Dimension Door , Conjure Minor Elementals, Control Water,
5th level (2 slots): Conjure Elementals, Dominate Person,
6th level (1 slots): Chain Lightning,
7th level (1 slots): Finger of Death, Reverse Gravity,