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Adult Black Dragon

Adult Black Dragon Huge Dragon, Chaotic Evil 0 xp

  • Armor class 19 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 195 (17d12+85)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
  • STR 23 (+6)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 21 (+5)
  • INT 14 (+2)
  • WIS 13 (+1)
  • CHA 17 (+3)

Save Throws: Dex +7, Con +10, Wis +6, Cha +8

Skills: Perception +11, Stealth +7

Damage Immunities: Acid

Senses: Blindsight 60 Ft., Darkvision 120 Ft.

Languages: Common, Draconic

Challenge: (0 xp)

Amphibious: The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack: The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence: Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales acid in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Legendary Actions

Can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Spent legendary actions are regained at the start of each turn.
Detect: The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Tail Attack: The dragon makes a tail Attack.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions): The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 ft. of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

Bugbear Chief

Bugbear Chief Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil 3 700 xp

  • Armor class 17 (chain shirt, shield)
  • Hit points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 17 (+3)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 11 (0)
  • WIS 12 (+1)
  • CHA 11 (0)

Skills: Intimidation +2, Stealth +6, Survival +3

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages: Common, Goblin

Challenge: 3 (700 xp)

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the bugbear hits with it (included in the attack).
Heart of Hruggek. The bugbear has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, or put to sleep.
Surprise Attack. If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.


Multiattack. The bugbear makes two melee attacks.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one creature.
melee Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage in melee or ranged Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage at range.


Bugbear Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil 1 200 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Hide Armor, Shield)
  • Hit points 27 (5d8+5)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 15 (+2)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • INT 8 (-1)
  • WIS 11 (0)
  • CHA 9 (-1)

Skills: Stealth +6, Survival +2

Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft., PP 10

Languages: Common, Goblin

Challenge: 1 (200 xp)

Brute: A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the bugbear hits with it (included in the attack).
Surprise Attack: If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an Attack during the first round of Combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the Attack.


Morningstar: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Javelin: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage in melee or 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage at range.

Evil Mage

Evil Mage Medium Humanoid (human), Lawful Evil 1 200 xp

  • Armor class 12
  • Hit points 22 (5d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 9 (-1)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 11 (0)
  • INT 17 (+3)
  • WIS 12 (+1)
  • CHA 11 (0)

Save Throws: Int +5, Wis +3

Skills: Arcana +5, History +5

Senses: Passive Perception 11

Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish

Challenge: 1 (200 xp)

Spellcasting. The mage is a 4th·level spellcaster that uses Intelligence as its spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The mage knows the following spells from the wizard's spell list:
Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, shocking grasp l st Level (4 slots): charm person, magic missile
2nd Level (3 slots): hold person, misty step


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (ld8 - 1) bludgeoning


Flameskull Tiny Undead, Neutral Evil 4 1 xp

  • Armor class 13
  • Hit points 40 (9d8+18)
  • Speed 0, 40 ft. flying
  • STR 1 (-5)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 16 (+3)
  • WIS 10 (0)
  • CHA 11 (0)

Skills: Arcana +5, Perception +2

Damage Resistances: Lightning, Necrotic, Piercing

Damage Immunities: Cold, Fire, Poison

Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12

Languages: Common

Challenge: 4 (1 xp)

Illumination: The flameskull sheds either dim light in a 15-foot radius, or bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. It can switch between the options as an action.Magic Resistance: The flameskull has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Rejuvenation: If the flameskull is destroyed, it regains all its hit points in 1 hour unless holy water is sprinkled on its remains or a dispel magic or remove curse spell is cast on them. (Int based spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). Cantrip (at will): mage hand•1st level (3 slots): magic missile, shield•2nd level (2 slots): blur,flaming sphere•3rd level (1 slot):fireball


Multiattack. The flarneskull makes two attacks with its Fire Ray.

Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.


Grick Medium Monstrosity, Neutral 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 14 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 27 (6d8)
  • Speed 30 ft., 30 ft climb
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 11 (0)
  • INT 3 (-4)
  • WIS 14 (+2)
  • CHA 5 (-3)

Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12

Languages: none

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Stone Camouflage. The grick has advantage on its Dexterity (Stealth) check when it attempts to hide in rocky terrain.


Multiattack. The grick makes one attack with its tentacles. If that attack hits, the grick can make one beak attack against the same target.
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage.

Mormesk The Wraith

Mormesk The Wraith Medium Undead, Neutral Evil 3 700 xp

  • Armor class 13
  • Hit points 45 (6d8+18)
  • Speed 0, 60 ft. flying
  • STR 6 (-2)
  • DEX 16 (+3)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 12 (+1)
  • WIS 14 (+2)
  • CHA 15 (+2)

Damage Resistances: Acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren't silvered

Damage Immunities: necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities: charmed, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages: Common, Infernal

Challenge: 3 (700 xp)

Incorporeal Movement. The wraith can move through an object or another creature, but can't stop there.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wraith has disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks that rely on sight.


Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 16 (3dS + 3) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. If this attack reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies. This reduction to the target's hit point maximum lasts until the target finishes a long rest.

Nezznar The Black Spider

Nezznar The Black Spider Medium Humanoid (elf), Neutral Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 11 (14 with mage armor)
  • Hit points 27 (6d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 9 (-1)
  • DEX 13 (+1)
  • CON 10 (0)
  • INT 16 (+3)
  • WIS 14 (+2)
  • CHA 13 (+1)

Save Throws: Int +5, Wis +4

Skills: Arcana +5, Perception +4, Stealth +3

Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 14

Languages: Elvish, Undercommon

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Special Equipment. Nezznar has a spider staff.
Fey Ancestry: Nezznar has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put him to sleep.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Nezznar has disadvantage on attack rolls when he or his target is in sunlight.
• At will: dancing lights • 1/day each: darkness, faeriefire (save DC 12) (Int spell save DC 13, +5 to hit) • Cantrips (at will): mage hand, ray offrost, shocking grasp • 1st Level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield• 2nd Level (3 slots): invisihility, suggestion


Spider Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 2 (1d6 -1) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.


Nothic Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 15 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 45 (6d8+18)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 16 (+3)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 10 (0)
  • CHA 8 (-1)

Skills: Arcana +3, Insight +4, Perception +2, Stealth +5

Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages: Undercommon

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Keen Sight. The Nothic has advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The nothic makes two attacks with its claws. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage.

Rotting Gaze. The nothic chooses one creature within 30 feet of it that it can see. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against this magic or take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.

Weird Insight. The nothic chooses one creature within 30 feet of it that it can see. The target must contest its Charisma (Deception) check against the nothic's Wisdom (Insight) check. If the nothic wins, it magically learns one fact or secret about the creature.

Ochre Jelly

Ochre Jelly Large Ooze, Unaligned 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 8
  • Hit points 45 (6d10+12)
  • Speed 10 ft., 10 ft. Climb
  • STR 15 (+2)
  • DEX 6 (-2)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 2 (-4)
  • WIS 6 (-2)
  • CHA 1 (-5)

Damage Resistances: Acid

Damage Immunities: Lightning, Slashing

Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, prone

Senses: blind sight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8

Languages: none

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Amorphous. The jelly can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Spider Climb. The jelly can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.


Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage.

Reaction: Split. When a jelly that is Medium or larger is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two new jellies if it has at least 10 hit points. Each new jelly has hit points equal to half the original jelly's, rounded down. New jellies are one size smaller than the original jelly.

Redbrand Ruffian

Redbrand Ruffian Medium Human, Neutral Evil 1/2 100 xp

  • Armor class 14 (Studded Leather)
  • Hit points 16 (3d8+3)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR 11 (0)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 12 (+1)
  • INT 9 (-1)
  • WIS 9 (-1)
  • CHA 11 (0)

Skills: Intimidation +2

Senses: Passive Perception 9

Languages: Common

Challenge: 1/2 (100 xp)


Multiattack. The ruffian makes two melee attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Twig Blight

Twig Blight Small Plant, Neutral Evil 1/8 25 xp

  • Armor class 13 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 4 (1d6+1)
  • Speed 20 ft.
  • STR 6 (-2)
  • DEX 13 (+1)
  • CON 12 (+1)
  • INT 4 (-3)
  • WIS 8 (-1)
  • CHA 3 (-4)

Skills: Stealth +3

Condition Immunities: Blinded, Deafened

Senses: blindsight 60 ft. (blind be rond : is radius), passive Perception 9

Languages: understands Common

Challenge: 1/8 (25 xp)

Vulnerable to fire
False Appearance. The blight resev o es a ead shrub. While it remains motionless among vegetation, it can hide without being out of sight.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Young Green Dragon

Young Green Dragon Large Dragon, Lawful Evil 8 3 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 136 (16d10+48)
  • Speed 40 ft., 60 ft. fly, 40 ft. swim
  • STR 19 (+4)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 17 (+3)
  • INT 16 (+3)
  • WIS 13 (+1)
  • CHA 15 (+2)

Save Throws: Dex +4, Con +6, Wis +4, Cha +5

Damage Immunities: Poison

Condition Immunities: Poisoned

Senses: blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17

Languages: Common, Draconic

Challenge: 8 (3 xp)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks, one with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2dl0 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon breathes poisonous
gas in a 30·foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a DC
16 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one


Zombie Undead, Neutral Evil 1/4 50 xp

  • Armor class 8
  • Hit points 22 (3d8+9)
  • Speed 20 ft.
  • STR 13 (+1)
  • DEX 6 (-2)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 3 (-4)
  • WIS 6 (-2)
  • CHA 5 (-3)

Save Throws: Wis +0

Condition Immunities: poinsoned

Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft.

Languages: Understands All Languages It Spoke In Life But Can't Speak

Challenge: 1/4 (50 xp)

Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.


Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.