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Dragon Breath

  • casting timeInstant
  • range30ft line

  • components N/A
  • duration1 Round

You shoot a Flame of fire out from your mouth,in a straight line.
Targets in the area must make a DEX save VS

8 + your CON modifier + your Proficiency bonus.

Those that fail take 2d6 fire damage. Those that pass take half that. You may use this once per short rest

Dragonborn,, Race Ability

Dragon Ancestry

  • components
  • durationConstant

You have inherited the resistances of you forefathers - You have resistance against Fire attacks.
You take Half the damage from Fire based attacks.

Dragonborn Race Ability


  • casting time Varied
  • range Varied

  • components Varied
  • duration Varied

You can tap into the raw power of your Ancestors to cast spells. To hit a target you add

D20 + your Proficiency Bonus + you CHA Modifier

To resist a spell cast by you they need to roll higher than

8 + your Proficiency Bonus + Your CHA Modifier

You can use one spell per Spell Slot you have to cast a spell of its level or lower, but you cannot cast spells of a higher level than you have slots.

Sorcerer,, Sorcerer Ability

Sorcery Points

You have untapped power enabling you to cast more spells or make them more powerful. You have 3 Sorcery Points that recharge after a short rest,which you can use in the following ways:

Twinned Spell: Cast the same spell again at a second target for 1 point per level of the spell.

Subtle Magic: Cast a spell without Verbal or Physical requirements for 1 point.

Swap Spells: You can swap one slot level for the same amount of sorcery points
You can also swap Sorcery points for spell slots, at a cost of the level of the slot +1.

Sorcerer,, Sorcerer Ability


You can harness your Ki into various enhancments. You have 3 Ki Points to use that regenerate each rest,which you can use in the following ways:

Flurry of Blows: You can spend 1 Ki to make 2 Bonus Unarmed attacks as a bonus action

Patient Defense: You can spend 1 Ki point to take a Dodge action as a bonus action instead of a main action,which allows you to have every attack against you be at a disadvantage.

Step of the Wind: You can disengage or dash as a bnus action for 1 Ki point. You double your jump distance for one turn.

Deflect missiles: You can reduce missile damage by

1d10 + DEX Modifier + Monk Level

If you reduce this to 0,you can also throw it back at your attacker for 1 Ki point with Profficiency

Monk Monk Ability

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0